It's not like storing your coins in Gox. Read the whitepaper please.
Your harddrive is more likely to fail than the entire MaidSafe network. It's safer to keep your data on MaidSafe than to store it locally. Additionally it could solve the blockchain bloat problem as well.
More opinions stated as fact by luckybit. Are you done hyping blackcoin and have moved on to safecoins?
Statistics, probability, if you replicate your drive onto several drives then they'd all have to fail for you to lose your information. It reduces the risk of you losing your information to store it offsite. But if you'd rather think I'm making it up, don't listen to me.
Blackcoin when I mentioned the marketing plan was less than 5000 satoshi and now it's 30,000 satoshi weeks later. Now everyone is copying their innovation with multipools. What they were first to do is make Proof of Stake into something which can be mined and that solved the main problem holding back Proof of Stake from replacing Proof of Work coins like Litecoin.
Storing your coins on gox means using a service that if it goes away/breaks you lose your only out. Same thing with storing everything on this network.
Gox is a centralized service. Your computer is centralized because it's all in one location.
So if your computer is compromised or if your hard drive fails then all of your Bitcoins are lost.
There is no way for you to know in advance when your hard drive will fail. It could fail today and your Bitcoins will be lost. You could also get hacked at any time. So there are benefits to storing your wallet in the cloud.
I never suggested I'd store all my data on "a harddrive". That is not how dropbox works.
What if Dropbox the company decides not to let you access your data? Human beings decide access control with Dropbox. MaidSafe is a decentralized autonomous network which does not have human beings determining who can access their files.
Why would anyone prefer to use Dropbox? Why depend on Dropbox to secure your data when you can depend on a decentralized autonomous network?
No one really has any clue how robust SAFE will be, including you.
Saying no one knows how robust it will be is just FUD.
Sure it's possible that no one will farm it, but that is like saying Bitcoin miners could decide they don't want to get paid anymore. It's goes against game theory and while it is possible it's highly unlikely.
If people follow their greed as they usually do, MaidSafe will be robust. If you don't think so then you can earn a lot of Safecoins yourself.
There is a good chance it'll run smoothly and never break. However, we don't know that and I'm not going to be the guinea. If it lets me mirror my data locally across machines, then perhap I will use it.
It can have bugs, it's a risk, you don't have to put your most important private data on there while it's in the test phase. From what I've seen of the code and the design I don't see any possibility of data leakage. So the worst that could happen is somehow your key doesn't work and no one, (not even you) can access the data. It's all self encrypted so it's probably more secure than Dropbox actually.
IMO Maidensafe has been great at hyping.
Just because it's hyped it doesn't mean it's not justified. Bitshares was hyped when people were buying Protoshares and Angelshares. Just because a technology is hyped it doesn't mean it's not real. Now it's time to test it out over the next month and if it does what we hope it does then it's extremely important.
Their whitepaper... talk of datacenters consuming too much power. So... what is their solution ? People leave their desktop/laptops on to pick up pennies serving files over the network ?
Neat stuff, but seems overly hyped to me.
I don't think most people will be doing that but you never know.
I'm more interested in a TOR like network with a higher capacity than TOR. Give our Chinese friends more solutions to a free internet !
I don't think you understand how MaidSafe works. There are no IP addresses so what would Tor be needed for? If you have MaidSafe there would be no reason to require Tor. A decentralized application could provide a VPN service which would be better than Tor.
If costs of resources go down, it doesn't follow that value of safecoin will go up "because you can buy more resources". You'll be able to buy more resources with any currency. So I guess the value of every currency will go up ?
Buying power is what matters. If you can get more with less then whatever you have is somehow more valuable. So if 1 Safecoin can get you more resources over time which grows exponentially, then 1 Safecoin is worth more than it was when you couldn't get as much resources for it. The dollar used to be backed by gold, and fiat currencies could be redeemed for silver. 1 Safecoin is backed by computing resources and the amount of computing resources that 1 Safecoin can buy should increase, also it's capped, which means it's deflationary once the 4.3 billion coins are distributed.
I'm not an economist, so if I'm wrong maybe CWEvans can correct any misconceptions I have on it. I do not deliberately present my opinions as facts.
I have no clue how Maidensafe can be more disruptive than Bitcoin. Bitcoin brought capabilities we didn't have. Maidensafe just gives me another way to store files and use the internet anonymously. Sorry man, but that stuff already exists.
I suggest you read the whitepaper again. Study it a bit more.
Because right now you don't even know what MaidSafe is and you're going to be embarrassed about this post once you figure it out.