I don't see what bitshares has to gain from an association with blackcoin. The projects aren't even comparable.
Blackcoin is Proof of Stake, promotes Proof of Stake, and captures the profitability from Proof of Work altcoins and feeds it into Proof of Stake through their multipool innovation.
The benefit to the Bitshares community is that Bitshares could benefit from their multipool technology, but also from their marketing capability. The Bitshares community sucks at marketing and Blackcoin is the best at it. If you don't believe me look at the charts and see for yourself.
It's nice that BlackCoin is POS and they had a good idea with their mining pool (we could copy this idea), but overall it doesn't seem that interesting to me and is cloned code.
I think a mining pool getting paid via POS BlackCoin was a good idea, but I can't see any value in joining them.
There may be some value though in creating a template/service to help non crypto based groups create something similar & list it, in exchange for shares in that new crypto-equity. I've tried to outline my basic thoughts here... https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=4249.0
If it's a good idea and successful, why not join/merge with them? Or do you believe the Bitshares community can market itself as well as Blackcoin because I don't think Bitshares can do it without joining forces with a community which is good at it. Corporations often merge with or buy out other corporations when they realize that their competitor has some expertise or novel technology that they cannot recreate in-house.
I'm convinced that the Bitshares community cannot do the kind of grass roots marketing Blackcoin is doing in-house just as the Blackcoin community doesn't have a technical wizard like Bytemaster who can do DPOS in house.
Whether or not you view Blackcoin as a pump and dump, they have perfected the process of pumping. Pumping is all about marketing, and if you want to see a lot of people acquire and use Bitshares then you will have to form alliances with the communities that are good at marketing to the demographics you want.
Blackcoin is the best at marketing to savers, investors, miners, they are so good at it in fact that they are in my opinion second only to Litecoin. They will eventually challenge Litecoin because their technology is superior to Litecoin.
Blackcoin is a great introduction to the merit of Proof of Stake and it's the first coin to actually market Proof of Stake to the Bitcoin community which traditionally only backs Proof of Work coins. For this reason the Blackcoin community has made history, and while the Bitshares community can simply copy the Blackcoin multipool idea and give them nothing in exchange for it, this will only create animosity between the two communities and make them into competitors rather than allies.
Without allies there will be no reason for anyone to notice Bitshares and Blackcoin could end up becoming the default Proof of Stake coin.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed to me that Blackcoin is just a clone of peercoin/novacoin with a short time before all POW coins were fully mined. It doesn't seem that innovative to me, it seems like just another clone. I would think we are better to work on our own vision (which to me is much more compelling) than spend time forging alliances with junk/clone coins. I definitely don't think it should be a priority of bytemaster. It's nice that BlackCoin is POS and they had a good idea with their mining pool (we could copy this idea), but overall it doesn't seem that interesting to me and is cloned code.
The community is more important than the code. If you're trying to do marketing having the best code is irrelevant. Anyone can fork Bitshares, give to a better community and we all lose.
For this reason Bitshares community has to form alliances with the best altcoin communities. Blackcoin is the best Proof of Stake community when it comes to marketing and it's charts don't lie.
Take a look at their charts. The last time something happened like this was with Dogecoin and Litecoin.
If what you say is true, that their code is cloned, not special, etc, but the Bitshares code is special, novel, etc, why isn't Bitshares as popular as Blackcoin? It's because the Bitshares community isn't as talented as the Blackcoin community at marketing (pumping).
I don't tihnk Blackcoin is a pump and dump either. If you look at the long trend of the chart it's been going up continuously and the multipool idea creates buy support which provides dump resistance. That dump resistance is a technical breakthrough because we haven't seen that happen before.
I think its a good idea to work with a community rather than compete against when you both have the same goal in mind. The goal of the Blackcoin community is to become a coin for investors, savers, miners, and to promote Proof of Stake. It's ultimate goal is to replace Litecoin and they are putting in place all the right incentives to do it.
1. Miners are attracted to it by incentives.
2. Savers are attracted to it by incentives.
3. Pool operators are attracted to it by incentives.
4. Virtual mining (which their community invented) is the best form of marketing for a Proof of Stake coin to date, and it solves the distribution and centralization problems as a side effect.
The case you can make is that why bother when the Bitshares community can just take their code and ideas and copy it. I would say the Bitcoin community could just take the code and ideas from the Bitshares community via forks. So it's all about the community and not the code as the code can be replicated via fork.
For this reason the merger or alliance between two communities is about aligning the incentives in such a way that they mutually benefit from the success of each other.
The point is to build a symbiosis between the two communities because competition with the Blackcoin community has a negative impact on Proof of Stake communities as a whole.