Also fresh link to yvg1900's optimized m7c miners: https://mega.co.nz/#F!h0tkXSxZ!f62uoUXogkxQmP2xO8Ib-g
I have tried this miner (jhprotominer-yvg1900-M7c-win64-corei7avx) and I see no active connections in my pool account (I see them instantly when I use "default" miner).
I can even put in a fake password and it get's connected without complaining and then it mines hapily.
jhProtoMiner.exe -o
http://ypool.net:8081 -u myAccount.myWorker -p myPassword -t 8 -m1024
I am afraid this does not work for me, but for someone else.
Any thoughts on this?
EDIT: ok, my mistake. It is stated in readme:
Removed -m512,-m256,-m128 etc. command line switches - you shall remove them in order to make your miner running
So this works:
jhProtoMiner.exe -o
http://ypool.net:8081 -u username.workername -p workerpassword -t 8