Aren't BitAssets technically a financial smart contract?
Smart contract is an overloaded term, but to me it means that anyone can negotiate the terms and write their own rules in some script. e.g. Ethereum, Eris would satisfy that. So far BitAssets have not only been in full control of the devs, but aside from being hard coded and not customizable, the rules have been constantly changing. One minute you can short indefinitely, the next there is a 30 day window to cover, then there is interest rate, then there isn't, etc.
So until they have a proposal with clearly defined protocol, and an implementation that follows it and works flawlessly, I'm going to call this a wishful thinking.
Don't get me wrong BitAssets are better in my mind than NuBits, but could have been so much better.
The issue is BitMeister wants to invent everything and control everything. I would've liked to see BitAssets be freely defined by users in a way that people can compete as to which formula tracks an asset the best. All of these discussions could've been competing smart contracts, instead of the whole community waiting on one man to come up with the holy grail.
Just my 2 bits.