It seems that if you don't dilute then you just have to allocate the creator of the DAC a larger share upfront. Isn't that how this is supposed to work ? That has its own problem in that the DAC creator could just dump their shares and walk away. Unlike currencies etc the DAC could still have existing value as it continues to run. This continuation of the DAC network somewhat mitigates the effect of a dump, but if the DAC was worth dumping then it likely won't recover.
Alternatively you constantly dilute shares via inflation and at least you mitigate a lot of the problems and types of fraud people will see. Instead I give myself .5% but then become paid chief via dilution and with a sliding scale of payment that decreases over time. I can't just walk away and or I lose out on what I am being paid and I can't just dump and run for a big bag of loot. (Most likely scam outcome). I think for a healthy DAC you need dilution to pay salaries/marketing costs, or an alternative that is worse. I think a DAC structured like this SHOULD give investors/users confidence.
You don't need dilution at all. Pay salaries in a BitAsset like BitUSD. Do you have to create new Bitshares to create BitUSD? No you do not. So why would you have to create new Bitshares to pay salaries in BitUSD?
If it's really valuable to people then people will not need dilution/inflation to pay for it. If it's trash then of course you need inflation to pay for that because no one in their right mind would want to pay for it otherwise.
Bitcoin security was an exception because at the time there was no other known way to do it. In this case there are others ways to do it so you have to show that doing it through inflation is somehow the best way out of all other possible ways which don't involve inflation.
Let's find all the possible ways and then create a pro/con list?
Mastercoin has developer funds without any dilution so I'm not buying the idea that you need inflation or dilution. Price all that in at the beginning.