Author Topic: [OVER] New Public XTS Test for Developers and Savvy Users  (Read 97254 times)

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Offline xeroc

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Odd, I had between 4/5 connections up until block 930 and now I can't connect anymore.
I have compiled the latest git revision, but that does not seem to want to connect either.

What method are people using to update from git and recompiling? Just running make clean doesn't seem to work for me, but deleting all contents by hand and redownloading is not particularly efficient.
I'd say the guys at 3i are working on the seed node:
944004ms       th_a           connect_to ] fatal: error connecting to peer unspecified
Connection refused
    {"message":"Connection refused"}
    asio  asio.cpp:56 error_handler
Seed node seems to be down

Offline JoeyD

Odd, I had between 4/5 connections up until block 930 and now I can't connect anymore.
I have compiled the latest git revision, but that does not seem to want to connect either.

What method are people using to update from git and recompiling? Just running make clean doesn't seem to work for me, but deleting all contents by hand and redownloading is not particularly efficient.

Offline xeroc

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I may now know a possible reason for my machine not connecting to the network.
My Maschine uses XEN for virtualizing and I set up routing for the machine like (debian network interface)
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
  address PUBLIC-IP
  gateway MY-XEN-DOMU
  pointopoint MY-NEXT-HOP
As a result:
route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         myGW         UG    0      0        0 eth0   UG    0      0        0 tun0 UH    0      0        0 tun0
myGW UH    0      0        0 eth0

Further more on the DOM-U (the host machine):
net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp = 1

See a german tutorial here:

Offline cass

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If you're also running the titan-branch client then you are running the same setup as I am. Are you running a firewall? I needed to allow access to port 8765 first before getting connections.

Also there is a log in .BitSharesXTS which might give you some more info.

yup also titan branch installed
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Offline cass

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compile  titan branch
seems like  can't connect

(wallet closed) >>> getinfo
  "blockchain_block_num": 15168,
  "network_num_connections": 0,
  "wallet_balance": 0,
  "wallet_unlocked_seconds_remaining": -1401636858,
  "blockchain_asset_reg_fee": 301988160,
  "blockchain_asset_shares_max": 1000000000000000,
  "blockchain_bips_per_share": 12.500001046877275,
  "blockchain_block_fee_min": 1,
  "blockchain_block_interval": 30,
  "blockchain_block_size_max": 209715,
  "blockchain_block_size_target": 104857,
  "blockchain_delegate_fire_votes_min": 11428571428571,
  "blockchain_delegate_num": 7,
  "blockchain_delegate_reg_fee": 43141165,
  "blockchain_delegate_reward_min": 200,
  "blockchain_id": "ed2c3dba64a343002734f782bb3bc831a99a14c80490b85bfbf33751793469cc",
  "blockchain_name_size_max": 63,
  "blockchain_name_data_size_max": 4096,
  "blockchain_random_seed": "79ced0921c17a6034571220215444d59231c5b5b",
  "blockchain_shares": 79999993299986,
  "blockchain_size_max": 107374182400,
  "blockchain_symbol": "XTS",
  "blockchain_version": 100,
  "network_num_connections_max": 12,
  "network_protocol_version": 101,
  "wallet_balance_bips": 0,
  "wallet_open": false,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "",
  "wallet_version": 100
(wallet closed) >>>


Code: [Select]
./bitshares_client --server
this solved connection issue for me.
█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline JoeyD

If you're also running the titan-branch client then you are running the same setup as I am. Are you running a firewall? I needed to allow access to port 8765 first before getting connections.

Also there is a log in .BitSharesXTS which might give you some more info.

Offline cass

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when trying to start client i get this error

Code: [Select]
  "rpc": {
    "rpc_user": "user",
    "rpc_password": "password",
    "rpc_endpoint": "",
    "httpd_endpoint": "",
    "htdocs": "./htdocs"
  "default_peers": [
  "ignore_console": false
Loading blockchain from "/home/bitshares/.BitSharesXTS/chain"
Using genesis block from file "/home/bitshares/bitshares_toolkit/programs/client/genesis.dat"
Starting json rpc server on
Starting http json rpc server on
Error starting rpc server

Listening to P2P connections on port 8765
Attempting to map UPNP port...
Attempting to connect to peer

after a few minutes i've checked connections via

Code: [Select]
(wallet closed) >>> getinfo
  "blockchain_head_block_num": 828,
  "blockchain_head_block_time": "20140601T221000",
  "network_num_connections": 0,
  "wallet_balance": 0,
  "wallet_unlocked_seconds_remaining": 0,
  "wallet_next_block_production_time": null,
  "wallet_seconds_until_next_block_production": null,
  "wallet_local_time": "20140601T230623",
  "blockchain_asset_reg_fee": 301988160,
  "blockchain_asset_shares_max": 1000000000000000,
  "blockchain_bips_per_share": 12.500000093750002,
  "blockchain_block_fee_min": 1,
  "blockchain_block_interval": 30,
  "blockchain_block_size_max": 209715,
  "blockchain_block_size_target": 104857,
  "blockchain_delegate_fire_votes_min": 11428571428571,
  "blockchain_delegate_num": 7,
  "blockchain_delegate_reg_fee": 43141165,
  "blockchain_delegate_reward_min": 200,
  "blockchain_id": "1610cd0610680c57f8e08a68eff51288cc15c50bfa11a84290eaca429b1f0e14",
  "blockchain_name_size_max": 63,
  "blockchain_name_data_size_max": 4096,
  "blockchain_random_seed": "a0e6741bfe17b6473cdc9d06b5fd353683e269ca",
  "blockchain_shares": 79999999400000,
  "blockchain_size_max": 107374182400,
  "blockchain_symbol": "XTS",
  "blockchain_version": 100,
  "network_num_connections_max": 12,
  "network_protocol_version": 101,
  "wallet_balance_bips": 0,
  "wallet_open": false,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "",
  "wallet_version": 100

Or did i miss something i had to do!?
Ubunutu 14 clean install
█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline JoeyD

You need to delete your old data dir (~/.BitSharesXTS by default). You're trying to sync an old chain.
The new testnet is up.

Oops, missed that, I've got the Titan-client running and connecting now.

I don't know how to register a name yet (did see an insufficient funds failure notice). Any chance of getting some test-funds as well? My receive address is XTS6wRNxsP7So5tx8bqP9GiuQgPpQxRYYiV3Q2QEGokvArquMJF3E

Offline toast

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It hasn't been merged, and the most recent version builds

Did a fresh git clone and I got the Titan-branch to compile, thanks. Any ETA on when the testnet is up again? I'm assuming the net is down, because I'm getting the exact same output as sudo, including "blockchain_block_num": 15168, "network_num_connections": 0.

You need to delete your old data dir (~/.BitSharesXTS by default). You're trying to sync an old chain.
The new testnet is up.
Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline JoeyD

It hasn't been merged, and the most recent version builds

Did a fresh git clone and I got the Titan-branch to compile, thanks. Any ETA on when the testnet is up again? I'm assuming the net is down, because I'm getting the exact same output as sudo, including "blockchain_block_num": 15168, "network_num_connections": 0.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 04:52:58 pm by JoeyD »

Offline toast

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On the github site I saw a notice that the titan-branch has been merged. Does this mean we no longer need to download and compile the titan-branch separately?

Will there be a notice when the new test-chain is up and the clients can be compiled and run? Currently I'm unable to compile the titan-branch on Ubuntu-14.04LTS with the topmost error being this:
[ 86%] Building CXX object libraries/api/CMakeFiles/bts_rpc_stubs.dir/__/rpc_stubs/common_api_client.cpp.o
/home/joey/bitshares_toolkit/libraries/rpc_stubs/common_api_client.cpp: In member function ‘virtual std::vector<bts::blockchain::signed_transaction> bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_transfer(int64_t, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&)’:
/home/joey/bitshares_toolkit/libraries/rpc_stubs/common_api_client.cpp:83:224: error: no matching function for call to ‘fc::rpc::json_connection::async_call(const char [16], fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant)’
   fc::variant result = get_json_connection()->async_call("wallet_transfer", fc::variant(amount_to_transfer), fc::variant(asset_symbol), fc::variant(from_account_name), fc::variant(to_account_name), fc::variant(memo_message)).wait();

It hasn't been merged, and the most recent version builds
Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline sudo

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compile  titan branch
seems like  can't connect

(wallet closed) >>> getinfo
  "blockchain_block_num": 15168,
  "network_num_connections": 0,
  "wallet_balance": 0,
  "wallet_unlocked_seconds_remaining": -1401636858,
  "blockchain_asset_reg_fee": 301988160,
  "blockchain_asset_shares_max": 1000000000000000,
  "blockchain_bips_per_share": 12.500001046877275,
  "blockchain_block_fee_min": 1,
  "blockchain_block_interval": 30,
  "blockchain_block_size_max": 209715,
  "blockchain_block_size_target": 104857,
  "blockchain_delegate_fire_votes_min": 11428571428571,
  "blockchain_delegate_num": 7,
  "blockchain_delegate_reg_fee": 43141165,
  "blockchain_delegate_reward_min": 200,
  "blockchain_id": "ed2c3dba64a343002734f782bb3bc831a99a14c80490b85bfbf33751793469cc",
  "blockchain_name_size_max": 63,
  "blockchain_name_data_size_max": 4096,
  "blockchain_random_seed": "79ced0921c17a6034571220215444d59231c5b5b",
  "blockchain_shares": 79999993299986,
  "blockchain_size_max": 107374182400,
  "blockchain_symbol": "XTS",
  "blockchain_version": 100,
  "network_num_connections_max": 12,
  "network_protocol_version": 101,
  "wallet_balance_bips": 0,
  "wallet_open": false,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "",
  "wallet_version": 100
(wallet closed) >>>

Offline JoeyD

On the github site I saw a notice that the titan-branch has been merged. Does this mean we no longer need to download and compile the titan-branch separately?

Will there be a notice when the new test-chain is up and the clients can be compiled and run? Currently I'm unable to compile the titan-branch on Ubuntu-14.04LTS with the topmost error being this:
[ 86%] Building CXX object libraries/api/CMakeFiles/bts_rpc_stubs.dir/__/rpc_stubs/common_api_client.cpp.o
/home/joey/bitshares_toolkit/libraries/rpc_stubs/common_api_client.cpp: In member function ‘virtual std::vector<bts::blockchain::signed_transaction> bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_transfer(int64_t, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&)’:
/home/joey/bitshares_toolkit/libraries/rpc_stubs/common_api_client.cpp:83:224: error: no matching function for call to ‘fc::rpc::json_connection::async_call(const char [16], fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant, fc::variant)’
   fc::variant result = get_json_connection()->async_call("wallet_transfer", fc::variant(amount_to_transfer), fc::variant(asset_symbol), fc::variant(from_account_name), fc::variant(to_account_name), fc::variant(memo_message)).wait();

Offline HackFisher

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Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.