Main > Stakeholder Proposals

Can a delegate gets a list of all shareholder who voted for



--- Quote from: Troglodactyl on June 14, 2014, 07:12:26 am ---I think you'd just have to crawl the chain and find all unspent outputs of transactions that voted for you.  You could filter out recent transactions depending on your vote duration requirement, and the voters can verify their loyalty by signing with the same keys that signed the voting transactions.

--- End quote ---
Thank you! I was thinking about this but as I'm not familiar with the design/code I wasnt sure if it is suitable.
I might be able to implement this provided I find enough spare time.

I think you'd just have to crawl the chain and find all unspent outputs of transactions that voted for you.  You could filter out recent transactions depending on your vote duration requirement, and the voters can verify their loyalty by signing with the same keys that signed the voting transactions.

Relying only on 2 would allow someone just to vote for the delegate, get the benefit and then vote for another delegate.
Thats why I would like to make sure that the shareholder upvoted ONLY this particular delegate for certain amount of time.
If there is another way of implementing similar behavior I'll be happy to hear that.

Both are possible. #2 is easy if you have a signing tool of some kind, 1 hour task to build into the client. #1 is a bit harder but we plan to build it in eventually.

I would like to create delegate that enables everyone who upvoted that delegate to vote on how the taxes should be spent.

Is it possible to obtain a list of all shareholders who voted for a particular delegate?
Is it possible for a shareholder to prove he voted for a particular delegate?

* possible is defined as "takes maximum a few days to implement by someone with technical background"


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