would you mind to describe a little bit more about the wallet data structure, i can not sort out the data structure diagram base on the program,since there are many table mapping there, know you are quite busy on the development, just let go if it need too much time to make it clear

, don't want to spend too much of your time.
fc::optional<wallet_master_key_record> wallet_master_key;
unordered_map< address, wallet_key_record > keys;
unordered_map< address, address > btc_to_bts_address;
unordered_map< address, int32_t > address_to_account_wallet_record_index;
unordered_map< account_id_type, int32_t > account_id_to_wallet_record_index;
map< string, int32_t > name_to_account_wallet_record_index;
unordered_map<address,wallet_market_order_status_record> market_orders;
/** maps wallet_record_index to accounts */
unordered_map< int32_t,wallet_account_record > accounts;
unordered_map< transaction_id_type, wallet_transaction_record > transactions;
unordered_map< balance_id_type,wallet_balance_record > balances;
map<string,wallet_asset_record> assets;
map<property_enum, wallet_property_record> properties;
map< string, wallet_setting_record > settings;
i found there are many mapping in the wallet db,would you please describe a bit more about the wallet data structure?
same question here.... anyone knows the answer
i have registered account "crazybit" and "james", when tried to export the private key of "james" and import to the account "crazybit" , it can be done without error, is that expected? if yes, will the balance of account "james" combined to the account "crazybit"?
suppose there is something wrong , how can a name map to 2 different private keys?
Every account has the 'account key' and under the account key are any number of 'balance keys' that are generated when someone sends you a titan transaction or you import keys into the account from an external source.
In theory no funds should be sent directly to an 'account key', but only to a key derived from the account key.
Importing the key into two places will probably confuse the wallet right now.