股权文化的核心内容是股东主权理念。所谓股东主权就是彻底确认股东在公司治理中的主人翁地位,全面尊重股东所享有的各项权利和利益。这与林肯的人民主权思想,即民有(from the people)、民享(for the people)、民治(by the people)的政治民主观点一脉相承。
二、合成一条心 拧成一股绳
My wife was impressed with your quotes from Lincoln.

We recognize the value of size, market depth, network effect and "critical mass".
We also recognize the value of decentralization to mitigate attacks and corruption due to seduction or coercion.
We note that consistency and innovation are often at odds.
We note that regulatory constraints often create the need to do things in convoluted ways.
We are dealing with truly a challenging mix of often conflicting requirements.
But we will be focusing on BTS-X until it obtains a dominant position as the market leader.
The nice thing about the protoDAC approach is that we can do both: support one flagship product in the sector and encourage others to experiment and innovate - because our community will have a stake in each of them.