Author Topic: Breaking down voting - Don't vote for happyshares / "pay back delegates"  (Read 19834 times)

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Offline vikram

I think, I will stick with the buggy 0.2.0 for now.

 Too many break-through ideas for my likings:
-I should take good care of my public keys (instead of just the private ones);

- I will send to names not accounts;

- I would not always be able to find/see my transaction history (but my received amount will be fine) – this is the most troubling though –what if I expect 100 BTSX from 50 people at one and the same time, how do I figure out who paid and who did not?

Receiving shouldn't be a problem, the receivers account should pick up all transactions and report them in the ledger just fine.   We will get most of these bugs worked out in the next week.

I hope you know that this not always the case now, right!

I am working on this. Please pm me any threads of people having this problem so that I won't miss them.

Offline Simeon II

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I think, I will stick with the buggy 0.2.0 for now.

 Too many break-through ideas for my likings:
-I should take good care of my public keys (instead of just the private ones);

- I will send to names not accounts;

- I would not always be able to find/see my transaction history (but my received amount will be fine) – this is the most troubling though –what if I expect 100 BTSX from 50 people at one and the same time, how do I figure out who paid and who did not?

Receiving shouldn't be a problem, the receivers account should pick up all transactions and report them in the ledger just fine.   We will get most of these bugs worked out in the next week.

I hope you know that this not always the case now, right!

Offline bytemaster

I think, I will stick with the buggy 0.2.0 for now.

 Too many break-through ideas for my likings:
-I should take good care of my public keys (instead of just the private ones);

- I will send to names not accounts;

- I would not always be able to find/see my transaction history (but my received amount will be fine) – this is the most troubling though –what if I expect 100 BTSX from 50 people at one and the same time, how do I figure out who paid and who did not?

Receiving shouldn't be a problem, the receivers account should pick up all transactions and report them in the ledger just fine.   We will get most of these bugs worked out in the next week.   
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline Simeon II

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I think, I will stick with the buggy 0.2.0 for now.

 Too many break-through ideas for my likings:
-I should take good care of my public keys (instead of just the private ones);

- I will send to names not accounts;

- I would not always be able to find/see my transaction history (but my received amount will be fine) – this is the most troubling though –what if I expect 100 BTSX from 50 people at one and the same time, how do I figure out who paid and who did not?

Offline Riverhead

May be worth copying out your %AppData%\Bitshares X\wallets directory and re-installing the client.  Version 2.1 is out now....

The whole directory or just the wallet file?

I'd do the whole "wallets" directory.  I only say that because I'm not sure of the architecture.  There doesn't seem to be a wallets.dat type single file.  Check out this thread:  BM seems to agree with this method.

Offline Simeon II

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May be worth copying out your %AppData%\Bitshares X\wallets directory and re-installing the client.  Version 2.1 is out now....

The whole directory or just the wallet file?

Offline Riverhead

May be worth copying out your %AppData%\Bitshares X\wallets directory and re-installing the client.  Version 2.1 is out now....

Offline Simeon II

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yeeh right... I think I can theoretically find a compiler (if they are still called compilers), learn to use it and build it myself... but the last time I did so was 10 years ago... As you see I did not know I had such a cool ‘snappy tool’ on my laptop... so I just clicked on the exe....

[edit] Please do not tell me they are no longer called ‘compilers’ and/or they come free and easy with my windows…
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 02:27:52 am by Simeon II »

Offline Riverhead

Thank you both.

WTF?  How is that possible?  Did you build from source or use the .exe?

Offline Riverhead

Newbie question - how do you guys take those snapshots of your screens?

In Windows 7 hit the winKey and S and it activates the snipping tool. Then just save it and upload to You don't even need an account or to be logged into imgur and it gives you all the links on the right side.

Actually once you snip it you can just cntr-v it into imgur.  No need to save :).


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Newbie question - how do you guys take those snapshots of your screens?

In Windows 7 hit the winKey and S and it activates the snipping tool. Then just save it and upload to You don't even need an account or to be logged into imgur and it gives you all the links on the right side.

Offline Riverhead

Newbie question - how do you guys take those snapshots of your screens?

I use Snipping Tool in Windows, then go to and click the "Upload image" button then cntr-v, upload button, then click on the picture after it loads to see the full size and then right-click copy image url and then use the image button on the forum.

Example from my last post:

Offline Simeon II

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Newbie question - how do you guys take those snapshots of your screens?

Offline Simeon II

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0.2.0.... of course the client does not have 'help' button...

... yes installed from 'BitSharesX-0.2.0.exe'