Well done!
Is it possible when you make a donation to let them know that this is from BitsharesX in order to get some publicity? In any case this is awesome since the chosen organisation definitely needs money and will make good use of them! 
Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Just like the above author, I wonder if it is possible to make known to the beneficiary that they are getting the donation as part of the Bitsharex community's effort.
I will try to get our bitshares logo here:
http://www.hamogelo.gr/23.2/Our-Sponsorsand here:
I will get in touch as a first step with Secreteriat ΝΙΚΟLΕΤΑ ΚΑΜPΥLI and as a second step if possible with
the president Yannopoulos Konstantinos as said before....
How about creating an account fund only for this organization so more delegates can sent a percentage there, and every month the account will send them the funds that represents all
delegates? This account could be controlled from somebody we trust all (like bytemaster) and it would increase the chances to let them integrate bitshares as an officialy donation gate/method because of the signically amount of donations every month... let me know what you think of this or give me ideas how to negotiate with them better...
PS thanks for your kind words guys