Main > Stakeholder Proposals

Explanation of the voting system

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A payrate of 80% means the delegate keeps 80% of his pay, while the remaining 20% get burned and can be seen as dividends for all BTSX holders.

Besides reliability and payrate, you could consider contributions on the forums, services offered such as escrow, websites, wiki content updates and other things.

Those things are harder to obtain information on though, there's a website which will aim to provide this kind of information eventually I believe.

Between the two wikis below I understood a little more how to actually vote:

But I'm still unclear on how the payrates work and what the percentages in the GUI mean for each delegate, besides being reliable, why should I choose one or another delegate?

I'll also like to see a wiki explaining how the system actually works.
I read the theory but in practice it has a lot more tiny implementation details that I'm missing.
I can't find in the forums a post or wiki page that explains how the participation in the voting works, what do I contribute as a Stake holder when voting, how long does a vote last, etc...

I have found
But this is a technical guide to install and configure both client and server, no explanation of what they do or how they work.

We desperately need some good information on all this.
What, exactly, do you need to do to vote, and what are the mechanics?
Is there a wiki page yet?

I was under the impression that votes were directly tied to the size of the transfer, that's what it looks like anyway.

I was also under the impression that votes stack, but I might be completely wrong on that one. If they don't it invalidates my poll started earlier today..

Update: Seems I was mistaken on the second point, not sure where I had that idea from. From looking at delegates totals on my site, it seems votes do not stack. I removed my poll as a result, as it was based on an incorrect assumption about votes.


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