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PTS wallet directory

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Nice  +5% . Forums are awesome for that :).

carpet ride:
Ok, resolved.  Some of Riverhead's posts from about a year ago really walked me thru the process. Thanks!


--- Quote from: bed on August 11, 2014, 02:41:38 am ---I typed in wallet.dat but no serach results came back. Any other way to find this wallet.dat file?

--- End quote ---

If you used Windows Explorer and it didn't find wallet.dat, I would assume it doesn't exist, but perhaps Windows Explorer does not search your whole user directory.

Do you still have the original Bitcoin wallet software installed ?

carpet ride:
Also, how can I find the correct multi bit wallet directory?

carpet ride:
I typed in wallet.dat but no serach results came back. Any other way to find this wallet.dat file?


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