Author Topic: Beyond Bitcoin X: DAC Proposals  (Read 1919 times)

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Offline fuzzy'll likely never know. :D
WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
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Offline G1ng3rBr34dM4n

ahhh - Fuz was this related to the PM you sent me?  ;D

Offline Riverhead

I think this will gain more traction as the number of DAC's increase. With each new DAC that is something other than what people typically think is possible it opens the door for even more creative DACs. Also, while a picture is worth a thousand words a voice conversation is worth a thousand keystrokes. A lot more ideas can be bandied about on Mumble than would ordinarily get discussed in text on the forum.

Looking forward to hearing people's ideas for future DAC's :).

Offline fuzzy

I would like to set aside an hour each week after the Dev Hangout for potential DAC developers/dreamers/delegates to log in and participate in a community brainstorm session.  Anyone in attendance can record the content produced and use it free of charge. 

It is my hope this will help people to network with others who are interested in helping them build a better world.  If you are interested in being heard, participating or volunteering for the Beyond Bitcoinx initiative, please feel free to PM myself, Gamey or JabbaJabba!

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