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[RESOLVED] Delegate votes not adding up


Think I got it sorted out, turns out I wasn't correctly registering votes from blocks with multiple transactions.

maybe your own delegate_pay is added automatically . ? have you checked that amount?

I'm trying to add delegate votes history to my website, but I can't make the net votes add up to the total listed for each delegate. As an example with not too many voting transactions, take the delegate aptly named "delegate":

If you copy all those votes into a spreadsheet and add them up, you'll see that the total is 336605.78, not 396733 as reported by "blockchain_list_delegates". The votes listed on my website come from all the transactions that voted for that delegate. Toast told me that the unspent delegate pay also automatically votes for it's owner, but the delegate from my example never produced any blocks so I'm missing something else.

Does anyone know what I could be missing? Anyone able to verify the voting history for that delegate to see if there are transactions missing from my count?



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