The development team requests that all delegates that have upgraded to 0.4.25 should revert to 0.4.25-RC2: that have not upgraded should stay on their current version and not upgrade anything.
0.4.25 included a bad fix to block validation which has forked the network. All 0.4.25 users are on the majority fork, while all users of 0.4.25-RC2 and earlier are on the minority fork. Only delegates were told to upgrade to 0.4.25, and GUI builds were not made--so regular shareholders are still operating on the minority fork. To minimize damage to the maximum amount of shareholders, we request that upgraded delegates throw out the majority chain by downgrading and rejoin the rest of the shareholders on the minority fork.
Reverting will require a full resync using the --resync-blockchain command line argument.
Delegates that are on 0.4.25 must downgrade to 0.4.25-RC2 due to the LevelDB upgrade that occurred which would prevent opening the wallet on an older version. Alternatively, delegates can attempt to export a wallet backup, and import it into a client--note that this is untested.
A new upgrade 0.4.26 for delegates will be released ASAP, but it will be faster to revert in the meantime.
I and the rest of the development team apologize for the problems caused by this bad update.