Call me if you want to talk to somebody. Toast have my Skype ID just put the request as 'merockstar'.(or just PM me).
I really appreciate it. I'm gonna go through all the links in this thread, and tomorrow try to get into some kind of mental health professional.
normally I can control this shit, but that just lets me procrastinate something I really do need to go do.
I am really sorry to dump this on you guys.
Come on man. You gonna be rich soon... with all the perks that come with it women, buzz ... etc.
honestly, I do have my doubts about that. rich for me would mean a market cap many times higher than bitcoin's current market cap.
certainly possible, but I doubt that will be soon. (and thank god. I need this to take time before shooting upwards in price)
I am curious to see what comes of this project though. definitely something Im looking forward to.