Other > BitShares AGS

AGS Explorer snapshot info


It is also not BitShares Play (formaly known as BitShares Lotto)

Keep in mind that LTS are a third party DAC (well, I guess they all are, now, in a sense) built on scrypt hashing with some lotto features built in to the blockchain and wallet.

It is not BitShares Charity the re-branded games effort from the primary team.


--- Quote from: thisisausername on August 23, 2014, 07:51:45 pm ---LTS are LottoShares, I suspect.

--- End quote ---

Oh wow, I didn't know there was already a snapshot and it was released!

LTS are LottoShares, I suspect.

I was checking the explorer (http://www1.agsexplorer.com/) and noticed my balance now includes "LTS".  Is "LTS" the test shares for DNS? 


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