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Hello, I am researching possible options to invest in PTS at competitive exchange rates and thought I would share my progress with the community, ask a question (or two . Unfortunately all the exchanges I have identified that handle PTS leave a lot to be desired. In some cases there are some very serious issues currently being reported en-mass. Please note that I did this research on Friday January 10, 2014 so if you have used any of the below exchanges before this date without problems, any "it worked for me" replies should take the date into account. Exchanges that have had been working before look like they are currently in trouble so your past experience may not be valid anymore. In order of PTS volumes traded since November: bter.com : Serious issues being alleged upto today Jan 10 2014: failed, frozen and missing deposit and withdrawals allegedly stretching back to early December being reported on various forums/threads. No support being widely reported people appear to be very worried about their holdings at this exchange. https://startpage.com/do/search?q=site%3Abitcointalk.org+bter.com&lui=english http://www.reddit.com/domain/bter.com/ cryptsy.com : Alleged fraud investigation pending in Florida threatens whole site being imminently frozen. Also failed, frozen and missing deposit and withdrawals. Cryptsy support is reporting that it is currently overwhelmed. https://startpage.com/do/search?q=site%3Abitcointalk.org+cryptsy&lui=english https://startpage.com/do/search?q=cryptsy+site%3Areddit.com&lui=english coins-e : Very illiquid almost rules this exchange out. Volume compared to bter almost non-existent. Not very many other problems being reported compared to the above two exchanges (maybe because no significant numbers of people really use it?). https://startpage.com/do/search?q=site%3Abitcointalk.org+coins-e&lui=english Alternatives: btc38.com : Chinese only rules this out for me. BuyPTS.com : Appears to have a 3-4x premium or more (today 0.055 BTC/PTS vs 0.0178 BTC/PTS) Ripple Interchange xrpio.com : Can´t check volume/bids/asks (at least without a funded ripple account - Not sure never used Ripple?). Other notes: Interesting website for exchange comparisons might be of use to others: http://www.bitcompare.tk/Question(s): Are there any competitive/liquid exchanges or trading methods for PTS?
Quote from: sktvlink on December 02, 2013, 05:49:26 amBuypts.comvia tapatalk3.3 LTC per PTS? Can you sell my PTS for me please!!!WTS PTS @ 3.2 LTC
Buypts.comvia tapatalk
On English page, it need 0.07BTC/PTS, but on Chinese language page, it need 0.11BTC/PTS, hmm.... fill not good, I don't know it have such advantage to learn English.BTW, the design and page are beautiful, nice work.To Chinese here: 国人真的是人傻钱多吗 ?
Lulz,这算是价格歧视吧…via tapatalk
Quote from: sktvlink on December 02, 2013, 05:49:26 amBuypts.comvia tapatalkFantastic looking site!I wish you well and hope your protoshare valuation holds! That would put the PTS market cap at over $100 million! At this rate i'm not ruling it out!
https://bter.comhttp://www.btc38.com/trade.html?btc38_trade_coin_name=ptshttps://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/119If you know of others let us know.