Don't be too sure... the Fed has pretty much quintupled (5x) the US monetary base since 2008. What happens when velocity picks up?
I think history repeats itself all the time and we never learn..
'History never repeats itself but it rhymes'
- Mark Twain
Now when everyone gets excited about bitAssets paying interest, I would like to point out to macro-economical perspective---
Why is that bank deposit used to pay positive nominal (and sometimes even positive real) interest throughout the most of the recent history?
- well, this is primarily because banks were lending money, received from savers, to businesses, property buyers etc. at somewhat higher interest rates than they paid out to the savers on deposits.
And why were most businesses and property buyers were able to pay those higher interest rates on their borrowings?
- well, that's primarily because there was some positive real growth in the economy, meaning nominal growth rates exceeded inflation rate, and corporate profits and household income growth exceeded the higher interest rate which was due to the banking sector. E.g. fiat USD from savings were put into productive use by extending credit for investment within the economy.
So, here my questions:
- how would credit business work with regards to BitsharesX?
- how can bitUSD be lent out to businesses or property buyers?
- how would credit risk in such system be managed?
Any thougts from the community? I will try to formulate some ideas on the topic in the near future.