Open bazaar is great but a small userbase that even if we grab 100% it would be insignificant in the next few years.
Walk before you run...
A successful bitUSD implementation will expose Bitshares to a crucial (though perhaps not large) demographic of crypto-enthusiasts, investors and end users.
And let's not forget that OB, if successful, may quickly become one of the largest pools of crypto-users in the world.
I think bytemaster is saying that when BTSX takes off, even a successful OpenBazaar will pale in comparison. Perhaps we're thinking too small 
For BTSX to take off, BitUSD needs to gain network effect. To gain network effect, you need a viral insertion point. Once a successful insertion point has been found and seeded, network effect takes on a life of its own, spreading virally to other areas. Snowballing.
Source: I do this for a living.
Yes, exactly this.
Perhaps I3 is going after a larger demographic and expecting the crypto crowd to follow.
This strategy has a lot of merit given the push-back from the Bitcoin crowd on 2.0 platforms.
Marketing funds may very well produce more value if spent on engaging large demographics of non-Bitcoin zealots.
However, a situation like OB is unique because they are open to 2.0 tech... and interested.
There is no wall to break down, and the input costs are very low (some dev time).
Low risk, high reward.
I think the community should give I3 a few days to get the hookers and blow through their systems.
If they are still not interested/willing, let's set up an escrow (I nominate MeTHoDx) and find a dev.
Anyone have thoughts on what this would cost?
Are there any forum readers that have the necessary skill set? Toast?