Hi guys, I have a few questions about price feeds that I was hoping to get help with...
I'm using a wallet with some funds (not the delegate wallet) to try to post feeds for the 'bitspace-clains' delegate.
I'm using xeroc's bitshares-pytools, and think I managed to get the dependencies right. At first run, I would always get the message 'no update required' and -1% change on all assets in the table, so I edited 'main.py' to remove the required update test (is that ok for first time running feed script?). Now it runs, and I get the following output:
Update required! Forcing now!
Unlocking wallet
publishing feeds for delegate: bitspace-clains
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 473, in <module>
File "main.py", line 273, in update_feed
result = rpc.wallet_publish_feeds(delegate, assets)
File "/home/manuel/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/bitsharesrpc/client.py", line 135, in method
"id": 0
File "/home/manuel/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/bitsharesrpc/client.py", line 78, in rpcexec
raise RPCError(ret['error']['detail'])
bitsharesrpc.client.RPCError: 20010 insufficient_funds: insufficient funds
th_a wallet.cpp:68 withdraw_to_transaction
Do I understand correctly that the script is trying to draw funds from the delegate account? I'm guessing that means that a feed must be published from the delegate account itself...?
If so, how do you avoid inserting the wallet password into 'config.py' in cleartext?
Also, how much funds is required to post the delegate feeds?