Improved UI:
It shows progress and how many blocks to get result for each dice in progress.
Improved security against delegates collusion:
The more amount you dice, the more blocks you have to wait for the jackpot. The block count calculation is roughly like below:
jackpot blocks = min(MAX_WAIT_BLOCKS,payout / delegate income)
MAX_WAIT_BLOCKS is currently set to 50.
Say, if you dice 100JDS with payout 20, and the delegate's income of the current block is 200, you'll need to wait for 10 blocks for the result.
All the dices in the same block are sorted by payout and accumulated for the calculation of packout blocks.
Say we have 3 dices:[50@10, 100@2, 500@2].
We get payouts [500, 200, 1000] and they're sorted as [200,500,1000].
For 100@2, the accumulated amount is 200 and jackpot is 2 blocks.
For 50@10, the accumulated amount is 200+500=700 and jackpot is 4 blocks.
For 500@2, the accumulated amount is 200+500+1000=1700 and jackpot is 9 blocks.
The plan is to shuffle delegates after each block to improve security.
Original dry run info.: