Author Topic: Announcing DigitalGaia delegates  (Read 9102 times)

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Offline wackou

Sure, go ahead, take anything you like from the web, I plan to put it under Creative Commons and release the source code for the site on github too, as soon as I find the time (this weekend hopefully)
Please vote for witness wackou! More info at

Offline svk

I just looked through your website, very nicely presented. If you don't mind I might create something similar for my delegates, I also like how you've split the delegates to fund different activities, I might do that as well!

Will change my votes around for you next time I vote :)
Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks

Offline wackou

tl;dr delegate bids are described at

Hi all,

I have been a C++/Python linux developer for the last ~10 years, and more recently on OSX, which is why I started contributing to BitShares by doing the initial work for packaging Keyhotee on OSX, then fixed a few small things to be able to compile the bitshares toolkit natively using clang on OSX (instead of macports gcc), and participated in nearly all the dry runs. I am not so active on the forums (for lack of time, and knowledge about economics, although I'm learning ;) ) but I try to read and stay up-to-date as much as possible, as well as report bugs whenever I can on github.

As I started running a delegate since the launch of BitShares in July, I realized I needed some tools to be able to monitor my delegate easily, so I started to work on the bitshares_delegate_tools, which you can find here:

(there are a couple of screenshots on the github readme)
It then occurred to me that if each delegate were to be doing something more for BitShares, on top of running the delegate client, then this could become a fundamental feature of BitShares DACs as it would create an entire ecosystem of competent, dedicated and diverse set of people, all working towards the same goal of enhancing the network. I believe that creativity comes as sparks of ideas, from diverse and unexpected places in the world, when unfettered minds dream of making a better world :)

This is why I'd like to present the concept of Digital Gaia, where I propose 2 delegate bids:
- wackou.digitalgaia, which is used to fund my development of the bitshares_delegate_tools
- backbone.digitalgaia, which is used to fund specialized nodes useful for the health of the network

The website describing the delegate bids more in details can be found at

Hoping you like what I'm proposing, and thank you for reading (and voting for me!)


Please vote for witness wackou! More info at