There's a discussion about moving PTS to DPOS here:
Thanks again for the link, Rob! I didn't actually read through before my previous reply and thanks, and only just "got it" why some here may be seeing "bad intentions" where there is none.
I am new to Bitshares, and the DAC concept and don't, yet, see it behind every tree and bush in the forest!
I just read your link and realized people are discussing this with the obvious idea that PTS would be a Bitshares DAC type of Proof of Stake "coin" instead of the type I was thinking.
Anyhow, I have been in the Bitcoin world for about 3 years now, and forgive me, if I still have "the old world" ruling my mind!

Technically, it would make sense to me still that forking a 'bitcoin' PTS proof of work algo to a 'pnd' style proof of stake would be easier, though obviously in this community there is plenty technical man-power to do the extra planning, and re-engineering for the task.
Thanks again for the link.
As far as the other commenters [
do you remember being NEW to Bitshares? I am just asking questions as they come and really appreciate those who answer them
