Author Topic: User toast has moved over to the BTS MUSIC project  (Read 8298 times)

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Tuck Fheman

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For more up to the minute news, The Hindenburg has crashed!

Perhaps this will calm some (unfounded) fears (which I sense in this thread).

"If we do BitShares right, users will use it without even knowing they’re using it. BitShares will be like FDIC insured, that’s the kind of approach that will get the most adoption, because you don’t want to have just one thing. And it also encourages wider adoption if you have many different companies do it, and it’s seen as a neutral platform, versus BitShares being the company that’s trying to make all of the money and trying to compete with everyone else. We should allow everyone to come in [and] use BitShares. BitShares [would] be a neutral platform, utility if you will, that provides trust free settlement of orders and contracts.”

- Daniel Larimer

Now, go sleep soundly tonight knowing Dan has tucked you in and is watching your back while you sleep. Ready for the hard fork?

BTW, while Bitcoin wonders how to handle KYC laws for the next few years(?), BitShares will have it's Whitelist already in play, and it will be optional for jurisdictions with little/no KYC laws. (Peter Todd had no comment, lulz)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 12:27:08 pm by Tuck Fheman »

Offline xeroc

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This thread has it, but some posts were deleted I think
Thanks for the link ..
I haven't taken any pay for music yet and don't plan to until I "cleared my debts" with BTS by refusing more pay and taking what I can of the "bonus" runway to fund stuff that the current model can't fund. I would go into more details but the chinese PR group told me to shut up. They're the ones that shut off that discussion BTW, and I think it's actually a good idea.

And again, none of my decisions are because I'm not getting paid enough. I have constantly refreshing standing offers for significantly more than what I'm getting here. I'll let you know if and when I take one of them, until then I'm a bagholder/believer just like you.
I must say, I totally missed that .. but the post is from February. @toast, could you please give us an update?

Offline graffenwalder

If Toast is focusing on Music, does that also have positive benefits for BitShares as well?
I recently asked him if he works for BitSharesMUSIC or for PeerTracks, but haven't got an answer yet.
His github account went silent mid of March :(

From my point of view it does not (yet) look as if there are direct positive benefits for BitShares ..
I also never saw a post about what is really happening with the delegates pay, even though nikolai claims they are sent to other devs. Maybe someone can point me there.
It also become rather difficult to get any reply from Nikolai at all .. may be just me.  :-\

Today, I removed nikolai's delegates from my slate. I'll gladly put them up again if he published a short statement because I still trust him.,14379.msg187335.html#msg187335
This thread has it, but some posts were deleted I think


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Thanks for your insight Xeroc! And thank you for your forum leadership!

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Offline xeroc

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If Toast is focusing on Music, does that also have positive benefits for BitShares as well?
I recently asked him if he works for BitSharesMUSIC or for PeerTracks, but haven't got an answer yet.
His github account went silent mid of March :(

From my point of view it does not (yet) look as if there are direct positive benefits for BitShares ..
I also never saw a post about what is really happening with the delegates pay, even though nikolai claims they are sent to other devs. Maybe someone can point me there.
It also become rather difficult to get any reply from Nikolai at all .. may be just me.  :-\

Today, I removed nikolai's delegates from my slate. I'll gladly put them up again if he published a short statement because I still trust him.

Offline speedy

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If Toast is focusing on Music, does that also have positive benefits for BitShares as well?

Offline donkeypong

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You guys are right, I have been out of line lately, pent up frustration I guess from the falling share price and thinking about the family member who I got into bitshares transferring all his bts to the bter scam account a couple months ago. I apologize to toast and everyone else. Toast has been the most open developer with the community and has personally helped me on more than one occasion.

You are also right that it makes such a little difference in the whole scheme of things, there are much more important things to do.

Apology accepted (from my perspective, though I'm not toast). You are also doing great things for BitShares, deserving of our thanks. And you are not the only one who is frustrated. Hang in there; things are just starting to get interesting.

Offline CLains

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This whole voting system is based on reputation, and even if Toast is leaving BTS working for Music, he still has the same intact reputation. Toast is in a unique position to distribute funds appropriately. It is silly to think he would damage his reputation (which carries across all chains) by spending his earned BTS inappropriately.

Maybe a solution could have been setting up a web page clarifying this I could link to from the delegate URL

This is the solution. In the long run it is useful to have a decentralized team of unique, reputable individuals directing funds. But there has to be transparency and accountability for each one as well, as the price can go wild at any time.

Offline CalabiYau

...........That dude is an absolutely critical part of BitShares and he deserves nothing but thanks from us for the part he's played (and will continue to play).

I agree  +5%

Offline mint chocolate chip

You guys are right, I have been out of line lately, pent up frustration I guess from the falling share price and thinking about the family member who I got into bitshares transferring all his bts to the bter scam account a couple months ago. I apologize to toast and everyone else. Toast has been the most open developer with the community and has personally helped me on more than one occasion.

You are also right that it makes such a little difference in the whole scheme of things, there are much more important things to do.

Offline donkeypong

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If we are a company, we should really start acting like one. Paying employees who are working for another company is not a practice done by any Fortune 500 companies.

Look at the situation from the standpoint of new investors. It is probably not such a good thing for them to think we have full time developers being paid by the blockchain but then find out that that is not the case.

This is a highly inaccurate characterization of what happened and of this discussion so far. We're waiting for a product; how about we sit back and let them create it without us slamming them. You have a problem with Toast, then come out and say it. That dude is an absolutely critical part of BitShares and he deserves nothing but thanks from us for the part he's played (and will continue to play).
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 07:20:16 am by donkeypong »

Offline gamey

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If we are a company, we should really start acting like one. Paying employees who are working for another company is not a practice done by any Fortune 500 companies.

Look at the situation from the standpoint of new investors. It is probably not such a good thing for them to think we have full time developers being paid by the blockchain but then find out that that is not the case.

#1 Fortune 500 companies hire contractors all the time who may be working on other things.
#2 Fortune 500 companies also have PR and we saw how that went !  We did go up from like 21 to 27 million.. briefly.
#3 Toast is not keeping the pittance but redirecting it to help BTS.
#4 No new investors would even be aware of this if Ken Code wasn't making an issue out of something where there shouldn't be one.
#5 When people get desperate and try to find problems where they don't get exist... well.. not sure how to put it, except BTS seems to be going backwards.

Honestly, I don't care anymore but it just seems very short sighted.  You guys need whatever incentives you can to bring in developers.  I'd like to see a breakdown of code written by volunteers across blockchain 2.0 projects. BM once stated he is against altruism in general... lol.. I didn't know where to start on that, so I ignored it. So if developer money runs out ... well we'll see what happens.

From everything i saw, Toast was the biggest force behind trying to make Bitshares more like it should be... and you guys are worried about him giving 1k a month to other developers.  SMH

« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 05:41:20 am by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline mint chocolate chip

If we are a company, we should really start acting like one. Paying employees who are working for another company is not a practice done by any Fortune 500 companies.

Look at the situation from the standpoint of new investors. It is probably not such a good thing for them to think we have full time developers being paid by the blockchain but then find out that that is not the case.

Offline onceuponatime

This thread... So many levels.

So keeping on topic (of threads and communications, that's)... that guy that wonted 10K Wednesday. Did not he say he is gonna make his big announcement today 04/17?

That's what I thought - that he would be making his announcement today.


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This thread... So many levels.

So keeping on topic (of threads and communications, that's)... that guy that wonted 10K Wednesday. Did not he say he is gonna make his big announcement today 04/17?