Not sure why, but the friend who sent me the 1 bit€ actually shows in my Limewallet as "€ 1.0013 Received".
Known bug with unregistered accounts.
Now, I wanted to empty my Limewallet before the next upgrade, so I went to the Send screen.
I typed in 1.00 to send, filled in a valid Recipient name, it allowed me to select the proper account from a list, I typed in a short textual memo and clicked on the Send button at the bottom. The button blinked, but does not do anything.
I clicked the Send button at the bottom again, it blinked but did nothing (no error message either).
So I figured I was trying to send too much. There is nothing telling me the max amount that I can send, with fees.
I changed the 1.00 to 0.95 then clicked on the send button at the bottom again and bamm it gave me a popup confirmation, i accepted it and it then showed me the confirmation screen.
The funds showed up almost immediately in my linux client wallet. Very cool.
Known bug not telling that there is no enough balance.
Now, back at the main Limewallet screen, it still says I have a € 1.00 balance, and the transaction I just sent does not show in the list below called "THIS MONTH".
The WebSocket notifier is down, so its not automatically refreshing.
You need to manually refresh (pulling down on the transaction list) or restarting the app.
Just a few weird things, thought I should report them here too so you know what I am looking at. I LOVE this wallet and see great things here!!
Thanks for reporting Ken, now we are full steam ahead to support the bts2 backend.