Author Topic: Imagine  (Read 25021 times)

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Offline matt608

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I do have an inner conflict about using this song as it "sacred" and I would be pissed off with any company that 'tampered' with it for financial gain.  It could create a very negative knee-jerk response in anger at a company defacing a masterpiece and I have that feeling myself too, so I would prefer a different song be used!  This could stir up a lot of negativity towards bitshares, what would I tell my friends lol?  This is the kind of thing I would complain to them about, a company using dead artists gift to the world for profit.  Is the song choice open for discussion?  I would go for something more catchy and trivial.  Maybe it being controversial and highly emotive could make it very effective.  I don't know.  Still its a very risky play.

If I have no choice in the matter and this song will be used anyway, I at least want it done effectively so here is my contribution:


The song is very sombre if you listen to the original, if it's going to be used for marketing a remix should be used.  I found this remix  Perhaps the creator could be paid for his permission for us to use it.  It conveniently has no lyrics so they could simply be sung over the top. 

These lyrics are be sung melodramatically, emotionally and clearly by an individual man with a small backing choir of girls or a lone very strong black female singer giving humorously dramatic and sexy echoes of the verses as they are sung (echoes are written in brackets)

Try listening though it with the remix starting at 1 minute 30 seconds:

In Verse 1 theres a pause between the the main lyric and the echo, with the next line starting just as the echo ends.  In verse two the echoes start immediately or overlapping with the main lyric line.

Verse 1:

Imagine there's free banking --pause-- (free banking)
it's here for everyone --pause--  (for everyone)
Nobody is left outside (no no no)
Not a single one --pause--  (not even a single one!)
Imagine there's free banking (ooh ohh ohh)
All sing:  Earning you interest

You may say we are a business
And we open for you now (wow ohh)
I hope today you'll join us
and deposit to Bitshares

Verse 2:

Imagine there's no borders (imagine theres no borders)
no international fees, (no international fees no no)
hidden bills are sent to the hills (sent too the hills yeah)
And tax payers funds aren't used (yes we're actually solvent) (spoken not sung)
Imagine there's no borders
We have no remittance fees!

You may say we are a business
And we open for you now (wow ohh)
I hope today you'll join us
and deposit to Bitshares

Perhaps there could be images of "give peace a chance" shown at the start of the video and end with "Give Bitshares a Chance"  Thought I'd add that idea in there.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 01:55:56 pm by matt608 »

Offline Riverhead

somebody is paid to just put somebody in prison for every other crime.


The current system is designed to make someone pay, anyone, as long as they can convince enough people.

Speedy: Stop paying your property taxes and see how long your ownership papers have meaning.

Prison: Stop jailing people for non violent crimes. Currently we're using the prison system like trash cans on trash day. Once that truck takes your shit away you never think about it again.

Offline matt608

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It would be helpful to know, will this be used as 'background' music for a video about Bitshares, or if it will be an advert that is all about the song, where there can be visual accompaniment to the lyrics? 

I'm working on something but need to know what the options are, will multiple groups of singers be able to hired to have different groups sing different lines to keep it interesting and give the appearance of being a very large organisation in a video?  Or is it just just background music?  Thanks

« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 12:57:26 pm by matt608 »

Offline Empirical1.1

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Yeah I'm undecided. I grew up in South Africa. It has one of the highest murder rates in the world and over 80% go unsolved. I won't go into the gruesome detail of how those statistics play out when they affect some of your closest family and friends as well as many other life changing crimes such as gang rape etc.

So I actually prefer myself as well as my friends and loved ones living in the UK that has some kind of law enforcement even though it's possible I could be unfairly on the receiving end of it. Of course the system is flawed & does degenerate into an abuse of power. There is also one law for some and another for others.

Also you'll find if you ever have the unfortunate experience of living in a lawless world that basic human psychology seems to result in street/mob justice with little due process and the punishment of death for crimes as trivial as being accused of stealing a mobile phone.
Decent documentary on community justice -

If there are blockchain solutions to some of these issues I welcome them.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 01:35:53 pm by Empirical1.1 »

Offline Crossover

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Better 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man rot in jail.   

Isis gunmans okay with that,
no jokes, good concept of utopian society on separate Island, but mainland have to stay as purgatory for common folks who tend to be cruel and nasty
5-10% are pathological criminals because of their psychology
others 70% do what others do
20% do not break the law in any situation
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 12:26:44 pm by Crossover »


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Even one wrongly accused person in jail is a good enough reason for me, personally!
 And the sad fact is the number is between 30% and 75% depending on the 'crime' we are talking about. Mainly because somebody is paid to just put somebody in prison for every other crime.

I really hope this numbers are not accurate !!!

Just hope beyond hope,  your wife does not die while  you are not:
- for -4h to +4 of her death; with somebody that is not  too close to you, but still remembers being with you during this time;
because if those circumstances do not fall well for you...well, you are guilty...for 'life'

And yes, 20-30% are totally innocent, and the rest serve sentences for not exactly the  crimes they've committed (although they must serve one for other crimes)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 12:09:28 pm by tonyk2 »

Offline liondani

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Even one wrongly accused person in jail is a good enough reason for me, personally!
 And the sad fact is the number is between 30% and 75% depending on the 'crime' we are talking about. Mainly because somebody is paid to just put somebody in prison for every other crime.

I really hope this numbers are not accurate !!!


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Imagine means "be creative" and look for a solution.   In my opinion just because someone is raped they don't get a free pass on robbing someone else at gunpoint to pay to put someone in prison who has a non-0 % chance of being innocent.   A significant number of "rape" cases are fraudulent charges or they accuse the wrong man.

So its not the imprisoning you object to, just forcing tax-payers to pay for the prisons? I will gladly pay taxes to lock away rapists. The fact that a small number of innocent people are prosecuted is not a good reason for objecting to a prison itself.

I agree that if you could come up with a viable alternative, that would be very creative indeed.
Even one wrongly accused person in jail is a good enough reason for me, personally!
 And the sad fact is the number is between 30% and 75% depending on the 'crime' we are talking about. Mainly because somebody is paid to just put somebody in prison for every other crime.

I fully agree with you BM and Tony. Beyond a reasonable doubt should mean ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING DOUBT.

We have way too many people in prison, and not only that, but we punish them beyond their time served.
You do your time, then you should be rehireabe and still able to vote. How in the fuck does anybody believe that any criminal can be rehabilitated in the system as established?


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Imagine there's no drug laws
Everyone's free to get high
Imagine automation
And goods with a fair price
Minimum wage not needed
Those companies will just die
And everyone whose born here
Gets a little piece of the pie
Imagine all the people
Living in harmony

Offline oco101

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BM has given up coding and now composing songs while walking up mountain trails.

We are all doomed!! Sell everything!!

Lol lol indeed doomed !!!!

Offline BTS007

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BTS ID:bts007


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Imagine means "be creative" and look for a solution.   In my opinion just because someone is raped they don't get a free pass on robbing someone else at gunpoint to pay to put someone in prison who has a non-0 % chance of being innocent.   A significant number of "rape" cases are fraudulent charges or they accuse the wrong man.

So its not the imprisoning you object to, just forcing tax-payers to pay for the prisons? I will gladly pay taxes to lock away rapists. The fact that a small number of innocent people are prosecuted is not a good reason for objecting to a prison itself.

I agree that if you could come up with a viable alternative, that would be very creative indeed.
Even one wrongly accused person in jail is a good enough reason for me, to declare the system not working, personally!
And the sad fact is the number is between 30% and 75% depending on the 'crime' we are talking about. Mainly because somebody is paid to just put somebody in prison for every other crime.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 11:50:57 am by tonyk2 »

Offline speedy

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Imagine means "be creative" and look for a solution.   In my opinion just because someone is raped they don't get a free pass on robbing someone else at gunpoint to pay to put someone in prison who has a non-0 % chance of being innocent.   A significant number of "rape" cases are fraudulent charges or they accuse the wrong man.

So its not the imprisoning you object to, just forcing tax-payers to pay for the prisons? I will gladly pay taxes to lock away rapists. The fact that a small number of innocent people are prosecuted is not a good reason for objecting to a prison itself.

I agree that if you could come up with a viable alternative, that would be very creative indeed.