Author Topic: Help. I put the password I press unlock does not work.  (Read 10991 times)

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Offline Ermes

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The problem is solved.
I can enter BitShare.
Thanks to all.

Offline xeroc

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I start bitShares and options I have are:

   - Import Wallet
   - Export Wallet
   - Open URL
   - Check for Updates
   - Remove Updates
   - Quit

   - Go to My Accounts
   - Create Accounts
   - New Contact

I have these options.

The "Import from backup"
Where you are?
I appologize .. I don't run the GUI ... it should work fine with "Import Wallet" .. chose the *.json file with the most recent date in the filename

Offline Ermes

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I start bitShares and options I have are:

   - Import Wallet
   - Export Wallet
   - Open URL
   - Check for Updates
   - Remove Updates
   - Quit

   - Go to My Accounts
   - Create Accounts
   - New Contact

I have these options.

The "Import from backup"
Where you are?

Offline xeroc

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Offline Ermes

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In step 3.

I open the program BitShares (GUI).
Top left.
        Import Wallet

¿Import Wallet is equal to "import from backup"?

I do not know where this "import from backup"

Offline xeroc

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I do not understand step 1.

I have Windows.

     Run ...

What is the "default" folder?
What is a simple copy?
Where I have to do the simple copy?

The "default" folder in the "wallets" folder
In theorey you can use any number of different wallets .. but the default one is called "default". The subfolder "default" in the "bl.backups" folder contains the backups for the default wallet (obviously). From there you can pick the most recent file to import into the GUI client.

Alternatively to copying the default folder prior to import (step 1)
 .. you can also just rename the folder something else .. i.e. def-backup.
It just to be extra sure until you have recover ALL your funds ..

Offline xeroc

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2) Pick the oldest backup from ".backups/default"

I'm not sure if you meant this, I think you meant pick the newest backup.
Woops ... i did of course mean the most recent file .. thx for pointing it out

Offline vikram

2) Pick the oldest backup from ".backups/default"

I'm not sure if you meant this, I think you meant pick the newest backup.

Offline Ermes

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I do not understand step 1.

I have Windows.

     Run ...

What is the "default" folder?
What is a simple copy?
Where I have to do the simple copy?

Offline xeroc

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What is the problem?
A corrupted database entry .. no idea the reason

What is the sulucion?
you can import from a backup.
Backups are located in the config folder ( .. in the subfolder "wallets/.backups/" (note the dot!).
1) Make a plain copy of the "default" folder in "wallets"
2) Pick the oldest backup from ".backups/default"
3) open the GUI and select "import from backup" from the main menu
4) load the backup and enter the passphrase
5) click ok when a warning arises for "overwriting an existing wallet" (if you have made a copy in step 1) )
6) finish

Offline Ermes

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I write:

<wallet closed>  >>> open default

I see:

10001 level_map_open_failure: level_map open failure
Failure opening database: C:/Users/........
Status: Corruption: error in middle of record
   “db”:”C”/Users/........”,”msg”:”Corruption: error in middle of record”
   th_a    level_map.hpp:68 bts::db::level_map<int,struct bts::wallet::generic_wallet_record>::open
   th_a   level_map.hpp:73 bts::db::level_map<int,struct bts::wallet::generic_wallet_record>::open

   th_a cached_level_map.hpp:19 bts::db::cached_level_map<int,struct bts::wallet::generic_wallet_record,class std::map<int,struct bts::wallet::generic_wallet_record,struct std::less<int>,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<int const ,struct bts::wallet::generic_wallet_record>  >  >  >::open
Error opening wallet file C:/Users/.....
   th_a    wallet_db.cpp:183 bts::wallet::wallet_db::open
Unable to open wallet C:/Users/......
   th_a   wallet.cpp:756 bts::wallet::detail::wallet_impl::open_file

   th_a   wallet.cpp:989 bts::wallet::open

   th_a   common_api_client.cpp:2866 bts::rpc_stubs::common_api_client::wallet_open

   Th_a  cli.cpp:626 bts::cli::detail::cli_impl::execute_command
<wallet closed>  >>>

Why I see this?

What is the problem?

What is the sulucion?

Offline xeroc

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I have installed BitShares-v0.9.1
I type my password and can not enter the program.
I have this problem since March 2015.
I do not know what to do.
I want to recover my BTS.
What I can do?
Thank you.
If you use windows you can start the terminal version of the client which is also installed .. it's called 'bitshares_client.exe'
you will see a terminal popup that will directly connect to the network and start syncing ..

once you see a ">>>" .. type
open default
to open your wallet
after that type
unlock 9999999
press return and enter your passphrase ...

the wallet will certainly give you some hint about what is happending ..

my guess:
 - the client is replaying the blockchain for it's internal datastructure
 - the client is upgrading your wallet
 - something else 8)

Offline Ermes

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I have installed BitShares-v0.9.1
I type my password and can not enter the program.
I have this problem since March 2015.
I do not know what to do.
I want to recover my BTS.
What I can do?
Thank you.

Offline nicejeans

I was able to log back in after:

1. Deleting my .json wallet files (after backing up in multiple spots) in the APPDATA bitshares directory.
2. Importing the most recent backup file.
3. It took a few tries, but it worked the last time for me.
Operation Onramp

Offline liondani

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something weird!
I have the gui version 0.8.0 installed (linux mint)
and today was the first time I couldn't login to my wallet using my password !!!

nothing happens after clicking the button unlock... even not a error/warning message as a result!
And second after I tried to export the wallet, it crashed/disappeared exactly after I selected a backup name and clicked the button save....    :-[

PS going to "Go to my accounts" didn't helped either.

Same problem for me. I had the problem with 0.8.1, and nothing changed with 0.9.0.
Just for your information it solved by itself after a couple of hours... obviously it was working on the background... just type your password and wait until it login and start normally...

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D