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Messages - mich431

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BitShares PTS / Re: GPU mining on AMD hardware
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:40:41 pm »
on my notebook it says:

1 OpenCL computing platforms found
  • AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing

GPU OpenCl Devices on this platform:
  • ATI RV710, maximum memory setting 0MB

and on the mining hardware:

1 OpenCL computing platforms found
  • AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing

GPU OpenCl Devices on this platform:
  • Hawaii, maximum memory setting 2080 MB
  • [1] Hawaii, maximum memory setting 2080 MB
           [2] Hawaii, maximum memory setting 2080 MB

    but both having the same problem ... maybe send me a debug version that shows the exception output? :)

BitShares PTS / Re: Open source OpenCL GPU miner by girino
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:56:16 pm »
its cygwin64 and i used it with different parameters - all led to the same result - tryed the latest version - the amd sdk is installed (otherwise i wouldnt be able to build it) and the output is something like "segmentation fault (core dumped)" or something. Maybe catching all exceptions and priniting the stacktrace to the console could help to debug it, so that you at least know where in the code the exception occured...

BitShares PTS / GPU mining on AMD hardware
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:34:09 pm »
Hi all,

ive been trying different gpu miners now, but so far only the 1gh miner worked on the AMD hardware
and that pool seems to earn really low profits (not covering electricity costs at the moment)...

did anyone manage to use the 1gh miner on a different pool or to use a different miner on AMD hardware?

thanks alot

I have been mining on this pool for a few hours now and payouts seem to be very low as compared to where I was mining earlier. I am at around 1000 cpm but I just dont see any returns. Am I reading too much into the numbers?

also mined with around 3000 cpm but the return on this pool is really low ... like 0.2 PTS for half a day... that doesnt even cover electricity costs!! (gave up for now)

BitShares PTS / Re: Open source OpenCL GPU miner by girino
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:06:17 pm »
Soon, I am implementing this in my miner

your aropencl miner is crashing when the actual work should begun :/

i can encourage you to at least catch all exceptions and print them to the console, so that we can give you at least some kind of feedback and not just the "it crashed" feedback... just an idea

BitShares PTS / Re: Open source OpenCL GPU miner by girino
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:09:51 pm »
i get segmentation faults... any idea why?

happens with any setting .. using cygwin under win7 64bit with an ATI card (Vram 512 mb) - from what i understand at least the normal mode should work....

or is there a chance to get windows binaries maybe? :)

why should they make people use a different pool than their own... strange idea ^^

neeeeed a 512mb vram version tho :S (why not accept parameters like other miners??)

thx - got it compiled now, but when running it i get segmentation faults ... what am i doing wrong? :)

i get this no matter what pool or options im using - as long as the host is not correct and a connection can not be made there is no segmentation fault... but once it should start working it exits with this segmentation fault

any chance for a version that supports card with lower vram than 1 gb? would be great :)

thx alot

BitShares PTS / Re: arOpenCLminer - 64 bit - v0.1a
« on: January 15, 2014, 11:30:08 am »

when running this i get an error after it says "new block data"


any idea?

(win7 64 bit - ati graphics card with 512mb)

thx alot

hi again - sorry im total noob in this... now i get another error (cygwin - win 7 64 - amd sdk installed):

$ make -f makefile.cygwin
g++   -o ptsminer  obj/cpuid.o obj/sha512_avx.o obj/sha512_sse4.o obj/sha512.o obj/sph_sha2.o obj/sph_sha2big.o obj/CProtoshareProcessor.o obj/AbstractMomentum.o obj/OpenCLMomentum2.o obj/OpenCLMomentumV3.o obj/OpenCLMomentumV4.o obj/OpenCLObjects.o obj/sha_utils.o obj/fileutils.o obj/sha2.o obj/main_poolminer.o  -Wl,-Bdynamic -l boost_system-mt -l boost_filesystem-mt -l boost_program_options-mt -l boost_thread-mt -l boost_chrono-mt -Wl,-Bdynamic -l z -l dl -l pthread -L/opt/AMD_SDK/lib/x86_64 -lOpenCL
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lOpenCL
collect2: Fehler: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zurück
makefile.cygwin:156: recipe for target 'ptsminer' failed
make: *** [ptsminer] Error 1

any idea?

thanks for your time

Random Discussion / Why are you investing? What do you dream of?
« on: January 15, 2014, 09:26:26 am »

i was reading the "Is it like you don't care about PTS..."-thread and when thinking further i asked myself the question: "Why are people here? Why are they investing their time and money and their life into this project?" So i will just ask you: "Why are you investing in Cryptocurrencies and this project? What do you dream of? Is it just the money? Is it to be rich? Or is there more to it?"

Im all ears ;)

thanks for your time

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:03:45 am »
Bottom line is that what you see on the forum is the tip of the iceberg of amazing things going on.   We are betting our entire life and future on these things so I can assure you we care very much about PTS, AGS, BitShares, Keyhotee, etc.

hmm... for some reason this bottom line does not feel fine when reading...
a) giving examples for "amzing things" would really increase trust
b) if i were you i wouldnt bet my entire life and future on a startup of any kind... i know that this line is probably not said all that seriously, but theres probably still a bit of truth in it
c) your bet as a developer and the one on the receiving side of the fundings is definately a different one than on the investment side giving away money

overall i think the expectations are too high... since there does not seem to be anything similar in concept that also gives hope to people getting rich&richer... when expectations are that high its always a problem to meet them...
also investing early is always a bet on success - the earlier you invest, the higher the risk is to fail (obvious example is Bitcoin itself - investing now is alot less profiatable than months ago)
so when people realise their fear of a failure is too high it just means they invested more than they should have

in the end its pretty much more of an "as is" situation and you can take it or leave it now or later
sure you can suggest and try to help and whatnot, but i dont think the influence of most people here is really that big
(which can be both, good and bad)

just my thoughts when reading this thread....

hi, when trying to run the make command after using cmake with cygwin i get the following error:
(im using Win7 and have an ATI graphics card)

Linking CXX executable ptsminer.exe
CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o:main_poolminer.cpp:(.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]+0x3b): undefined reference to `CProtoshareProcessor::CProtoshareProcessor(SHAMODE, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o:main_poolminer.cpp:(.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]+0x3b): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `CProtoshareProcessor::CProtoshareProcessor(SHAMODE, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/ptsminer.dir/src/main_poolminer.cpp.o: bad reloc address 0x4c in section `.text$_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi[_ZN13CWorkerThread8mineloopE7SHAMODEi]'

any idea?

thx alot

P.S. you can contact me directly via

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