Author Topic: Marketing Direction - Why not How or What...  (Read 25167 times)

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Offline Method-X

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+5% Awesome post! We just need to work on conveying that message in a compelling way that gets publicity. Bitcoin spread because it let people stand FOR something. For the first time, we were able to opt-out of a system we no longer believed in. It was about opting out of an old, unfair system and joining a new, fair one. Selling the world on BitUSD is about a vision, a dream, a philosophy.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 06:05:21 am by MeTHoDx »

Offline bytemaster

I am not really certain what are you trying to say. Let's hope it is my English.

Perhaps I need to go to bed...  I am only trying to say that we need to advertise what we believe and why we do what we do.... then we can sell how... and lastly we can say what... BTS.

We believe that the free market can secure our life, liberty and property and that through transparent consensus algorithms and solid economics we can provide people the tools to control their investment choices.... these tools are embodied in BitShares.     When you Buy BitShares you are supporting the creation of a more free society.  You are supporting your children and giving them a hope.    When you save in BitGLD or BitUSD you are making a statement... you literally change the world by adopting BitUSD and convincing others to do the same.

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Offline donkeypong

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Well said. I agree. However, we need BitShares to reach some critical mass, and this will require bringing in more people. These may be people who find some utility from BitShares, not necessarily those who have the same full vision. Once BitShares reaches a critical mass, I believe we will attract far more of those real, "ideal" people who wish to join the movement. But only if we get this thing off the ground first. Suppose 1 in 3 people find BitShares really useful. Now suppose only 1 in 10 people share the full vision. If you're trying to market this to success, it will cost a ton more money to find the ideal people. But if we've already found enough of the useful people first, this thing will take off like a rocket. Virally, through visibility, and using the resources we accumulate through this success, we will be able to reach far more of the ideal people than we otherwise would have reached.

Offline tonyk

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I am not really certain what are you trying to say. Let's hope it is my English.
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline bytemaster

I would like to take a step back and help us all reflect on why we are doing what we are doing and what it is that has created this community in the first place.   

I have set out on a mission in life to find free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property and BitShares is my evolving approach to this problem.   Many people have joined us because of this vision and have become a fan because of what we believe more so than what we have built.   In the middle of our success it is easy to lose sight of what is bringing us all together and what really matters. 

Does our technology help us achieve our purpose, freedom.   Who should our technology appeal to?   It should appeal to those who want economic freedom in both trade and wealth. 

Selling BitShares as a "company" with X, Y, Z features is approaching the space like Dell and not Apple.   Lets reimagine everything, think out side the box and create a society where we can be secure and where threats of violence by the government are overwhelmed by non-violent cooperation.  We all long for freedom, it is universal.    We all long for security.   No one likes theft and violence.     

The problem we have is that most people won't choose to adopt BitUSD because of its yield or merchant adoption.   They will first choose to adopt it because it resonates with something DEEP within... they do it "just because"... to make a statement to the outside world that there is a different way.   

So lets not sell a product with features... lets let people know what we believe and stand for.   Lets let the world know that owning BitShares or buying BitUSD is about making a statement not making an investment.   Bitcoin grew because it allowed people to make a statement... but it was too volatile for more than the true believers in the vision to hold.    BitUSD gives the true believers a safe place to express themselves backed by extreme believers.    You don't accept BitUSD at your business just because it is better than a credit card, you accept it to make a point and that point is that you believe in freedom, transparency, and individual financial sovernty. 

I don't know about you, but this vision is not based upon a share price and does not depend upon any set of features.   It is something that we can build for ourselves at any scale if we can attract like minded people.

So... lets go change the world!   
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