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Messages - Stan

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General Discussion / Re: $5000 Bounty - Dividend Paying ProtoShares
« on: November 25, 2013, 02:10:29 pm »
I am not sure if I understand what this "dividend paying protoshares" means..can someone please elaborate?
is it just an experiement? or is it a new developments/ a new DAC to solve a problem/serve a purpose? or what ?
how is it related to pts and bitshares?

From time to time we offer bounties to build general purpose components for potential use in future offerings. Often we use an existing code base (Bitcoin or ProtoShares) as the starting point. Not every bounty implies a stand-alone future product.  Sometimes they are for test or training purposes.  Sometimes they constitute job interviews.   :) 

Once our own research has allowed us to understand a component well enough to spec it for someone else to build, we try to offer others a way to participate on some of the build-to-spec, integration and testing tasks.  Building up a distributed, autonomous "Steely-Eyed-Geek" developer community is just as important to defending Free Space as Keyhotee and the DACs themselves.

BitShares PTS / Re: What is ProtoShares?
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:39:33 pm »
I have purchased some ProtoShares because I believe in the ideas around a decentralized shares trading platform.
I have purchased the ProtoShares on the Cryptsy exchange and am holding them on the exchange (as I cant get the ProtoShare client to work on my PC).
But how will I be rewarded with BitShares?
Do the ProtoShares have to be in the ProtoShare client for me to get BitShares?

Thanks allot

When the time comes, they show up in your wallet automatically whenever it syncs with the network. 

Keyhotee / Re: Pre-order a Keyhotee FOUNDER ID, for only 10 PTS
« on: November 23, 2013, 08:21:51 pm »
Is there a GUI that I can see the PTS, which will be locked against the ID purchase?

No GUI.  We are processing these manually since it is a one-time promotion that can never be repeated - not worth distracting our development team.

As long as Invictus does not move the PTS to another address, one can use a block explorer such as BTSblock or Coinplorer to see the PTS amount in the receiving address.

For example, for the forum donation address:

Thanks.  I should have thought of that.  We won't move them before Genesis Day.

Keyhotee / Re: Pre-order a Keyhotee FOUNDER ID, for only 10 PTS
« on: November 23, 2013, 04:56:07 pm »
I am probably being incredibly dense - not unusual for me...
I have got together my PTS to purchase an ID and submitted my request.
I have now received an email with a PTS address to pay into.
Before I pay my questions are;

Is this address my own PTS address and where is it held?
Is there a GUI that I can see the PTS, which will be locked against the ID purchase?
If I don't get my ID or get out bid and my other choices aren't available do I get my PTS back or are they gone forever?
Will I be notified if someone else wants the same ID as me before Christmas day or not?
If there is no interface will I get some confirmation of my transaction for the ID?
I appreciate that these issues may have been covered elsewhere but I just want to be sure of the process.
I consider the idea of ID etc great - all information encrypted in one place under one ID - there are so many possibilities for this that it is very exciting.

I am quite a cautious person and wouldn't normally invest in a new idea like this, especially as I am not techie and don't understand half on what is being said ;D , however I think for a minimum investment it is worth it.

Hopefully someone won't mind answering my questions just to put my mind at rest.

Is this address my own PTS address and where is it held?

It is a receiving address generated by an ordinary BitShares wallet dedicated to your personal bid(s) for a specific Keyhotee ID.

Is there a GUI that I can see the PTS, which will be locked against the ID purchase?

No GUI.  We are processing these manually since it is a one-time promotion that can never be repeated - not worth distracting our development team.

If I don't get my ID or get out bid and my other choices aren't available do I get my PTS back or are they gone forever?

IDs are not being sold.  They are a small amenity, a thank you for people who make a significant donation to help develop the Keyhotee ecosystem. On Jan 1, 2014 anyone can get a free ID from Keyhotee on a first-come first-served basis.  The Founder ID is for reserving special names that will be recognized by Keyhotee in a number of ways.

Will I be notified if someone else wants the same ID as me before Christmas day or not?

If someone else outbids you for a popular name, we will use any alternate names in the order you provide them.  If none of these works (unlikely) then we will notify you by email a day or so after Christmas and give you a chance to pick another name.  Bids are final at midnight GMT on Christmas Eve.

If there is no interface will I get some confirmation of my transaction for the ID?

If you want me to manually check on the status of your bid, I will be happy to do so.  You can use the form or email

BitShares PTS / Re: DAC Angels - ProtoShares Stakeholders Group
« on: November 23, 2013, 02:12:19 pm »
What is PM? I just sent an email to the website. Hopefully I can get some feedback.

PM = Private Message.  See "My Messages" Tab above.

I think Lucky Mining adds a cheap thrill for certain people that helps decentralize mining while vesting requires miners or the people that hire the miners to think long-term and thus reduce the short-term volatility of hash power.

I agree, are people seeking a cheap thrill the type you are trying to reach with an equitable distribution.  Are all bodies and participants equally valuable?  I don't think they are, and just as you're not trying to appeal to your own type personality with this lotto mentality, I don't think it will appeal to the types of people whom you actually want.  You want people who are smart and can evangelize the product without falling back on the "It'll make you rich" argument. 

I liked the long term vesting idea a lot more, and I like the idea of long term predictable payouts being one end of the spectrum and low odds high payout being the other end, but allowing the balance to be selected by the individual.   If you believe in the project and want to work towards a long term development goal with it, you would very much prefer the slow but reliable payout because it means you are guaranteed to have a stake in what you are working towards as opposed to the lotto "Maybe I get a lot, maybe I get nothing" approach.  With that approach you are only invested if you are lucky.  You don't want people maybe being supporters, you want evangelists who know they are invested.

Since it's possible to test both hypotheses at the same time, why not?  If the goal is to motivate a lot of people to let us use their computer's wasted CPU cycles to get a wider distribution of nodes, what difference does it make why they decide to contribute their excess computing resources?  Why not even build miners into screen savers, routers, and toasters? Toaster owners don't need to even know their's a crypto currency involved as long as there's some benefit to owning one.   :)

General Discussion / Re: Lucky Mining Request for Proposals
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:17:29 pm »
So you plan on adding this to the existing Protoshares Block Chain?

This is a ProtoShares code base extension for potential use by derivatives of ProtoShares - future DACs that honor the ProtoShares Social Contract.

Marketplace / Re: Buy Keyhotee ID with ProtoShares 10 PTS+
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:16:41 pm »
Just a question: I signed for my ID when it was 0,25 BTC minimum, if I would like to add some PTS to bounce it up a bit how is this done? Am I bonded to the 10 PTS minimum or can I add any amount?

Just register again using the same name, desired Keyhotee ID, and email account (or tell me what old BTC account address you want to link to in the message field.)  I'll send you a PTS address and then sum the market values of the old and new account on Dec 24th in USD to add apples to apples.

If you already have a wallet address from us, you can add to it as often as you like.  One person told me they actually hooked a miner up to their address and left it running for a while.  Now that's commitment!   :)

Marketplace / Re: Buy Keyhotee ID with ProtoShares 10 PTS+
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:04:24 pm »
I finally decided to look into what this Keyhotee was and I have to say I'm very excited for this thing to take off! I was going to mine 10 PTS to sell and add to my LTC fund but I'm going to put it towards a reserved ID instead.

Just one question though, it might have been already answered but... How do you know these companies will adopt Keyotee?

As always, you must grow a large user base and then the big name companies will come to you.  We believe that concern over the exposed abuses of untrustworthy and/or tyrannical governments and the network effect of each new adopter encouraging their associates to interact with them through Keyhotee's private channels will grow the user base virally.

Also when will we be able to buy stock in the company? This is something I'd really like to get into before big names get their greedy hands on lol

We have no plans to go public at this time.  We don't want to become Too Big To Quit (TBTQ), at least until our Free Space technology and key DACs are safely released into the wild and belong to the world, not us.  If we do suddenly quit, you may assume that someone has attempted to coerce us into violating our published core principles.  Then others will have to pick up the torch.  Hence our efforts to stimulate a distributed community of independent entrepreneurs and developers with many people familiar with our open source code.

The best way to invest in the potential of Invictus right now is to own ProtoShares.   :)

Keyhotee / Re: Are there any whitepaper for Keyhotee?
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:46:22 pm »
I cannot found any detail document or paper to describe Keyhotee? What exactly Keyhotee are?

Are there any whitepaper or detail document for Keyhotee?

Besides, people in Chinese can not access youtube, so that they cannot watch the video, could some one provide video in other websites, so that may be I can share the idea of Keyhotee with people there :)

Visit the Keyhotee and Links tabs at  We'll see if we can get the videos posted there within the next 24 hours.

General Discussion / Re: BitTunes and Protoshares
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:49:24 pm »
I was reading in the religion DAC thread about bittunes. I'm just curious as to weather invictus or anyone else has approached this organisation about the idea of forking from Protoshares? If not I guess that leaves the idea available for implementation?

Also, could this and the APDAC possibly be formed from a more "primitive" DAC simply called "Media" which works on the ideas already expressed but just lays the ground work for the distribution and payment to investors/writers/artists?

Then you could form from the Media DAC a DAC for music, A DAC for news, A DAC for books etc. etc.

Sorry if none of that made sense, my brain has about a million thoughts right now haha!

You could fork ProtoMediaShares from ProtoShares which would allow people to speculate on the value of a future media DAC.   That said, simply launching a DAC is a lot of effort and there should be a team committed to developing a particular outcome.

Would it be better to use Bitshares for this perhaps? Can't Bitshares allow for the prediction market type behaviors we are thinking about?

Think of deciding where to fork a DAC the way you would think about inheriting properties in object-oriented software design. 

BitShares will have a lot of tools for implementing prediction markets built in and stakeholders who understand and appreciate it, so that would seem to be a natural choice.  However you must be careful to distinguish between inheriting code and inheriting stakeholders!

Which set of pre-invested stakeholders do you want to honor and attract first?  The whole world or specialists who understand how to use a specialized technology already? Which set of unhonored stakeholders would leave your DAC vulnerable to someone cloning it with a better social contract?  Nothing says someone can't announce a social contract that derives the initial genesis stake from multiple ancestors in some weighted way.

Experiment and let market forces teach us the error of our ways.   :)

Marketplace / Re: Buy Keyhotee ID with ProtoShares 10 PTS+
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:37:24 pm »
I finally decided to look into what this Keyhotee was and I have to say I'm very excited for this thing to take off! I was going to mine 10 PTS to sell and add to my LTC fund but I'm going to put it towards a reserved ID instead.

Just one question though, it might have been already answered but... How do you know these companies will adopt Keyotee?

As always, you must grow a large user base and then the big name companies will come to you.  We believe that concern over the exposed abuses of untrustworthy and/or tyrannical governments and the network effect of each new adopter encouraging their associates to interact with them through Keyhotee's private channels will grow the user base virally.

Marketplace / Re: Buy Keyhotee ID with ProtoShares 10 PTS+
« on: November 22, 2013, 02:13:27 pm »
There will be no round of open bidding.  You can add to your "sealed bid" at any time before Christmas Eve but we can't have an auction for several practical reasons:
Correct me if I'm getting this wrong:
you "collect" all Founder-IDs in a "secret" list only you can see - until Xmas.
The list is not public because you don't want others to steal clever name ideas.
If someone wants to be sure he gets his clever name after Christmas Eve, he should add to his "sealed bid" an unknown amount of PTS.
Looking at the "open" aspect of the whole thing: who guarantees that you don't steal the clever names yourself as you have everything you need for it (the name and the highest bid). I don't want to allege that you do - but you (and nobody else) would be able to.
Wouldn't something like first come - first served be better?

Keyhotee itself has an incorruptible block chain process built in which will autonomously issue names for free on a first-come first-served basis, just as you wish.

But until Keyhotee goes live, we have to do it manually, corruptible humans though we are.   :)

Auctions are a common way to get the best price for an item and are generally perceived as a fair, free market way to distribute limited resources to those who value them the most. Open ascending price auctions might be optimum but they could not protect a person's novel name idea from being seized by someone with more resources.  First-price sealed bid auctions are how many competitive contracts are awarded where the legitimate intellectual property of the bidders must be protected. 

From wikipedia: 
Sealed first-price auction, also known as a first-price sealed-bid auction (FPSB). In this type of auction all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant. The highest bidder pays the price they submitted.[3][16] This type of auction is distinct from the English auction, in that bidders can only submit one bid each. Furthermore, as bidders cannot see the bids of other participants they cannot adjust their own bids accordingly.[16] This kind of bid produces the same outcome as Dutch auction.[18] What are effectively sealed first-price auctions are commonly called tendering for procurement by companies and organisations, particularly for government contracts and auctions for mining leases.[16]

We decided that crypto-wallet technology allowed us to implement a sealed-bid best-and-final-offer auction where people could continue to add to their secret bid while mining remained (theoretically) lucrative and while their assessment of the value of the product continued to grow. 

It also kept our pre-Keyhotee manual workload within the realm of practical feasibility.   :)

In the end it must be remembered that this auction is layered upon a simple donation for a good cause process as a special thank-you.  The IDs are not being sold.  The credit toward your bid is a perk.

Thank you for your work.

General criticism; and please keep in mind that I have this criticism of most ~qt wallets, e.g. the Bitcoin wallet and most other cryptocurrency ~qt clients could improve this way: they could come quite a ways out of "cheat codes" (low accessibility to general users) territory.

IMO, re the protoshares-qt client, it would be best to:
1) Ask users upon first launch if they would like to either generate a wallet (if one is not found) OR load an existing wallet; and if they do the latter, remember the location of that wallet (even if that means a specific setting for that in the conf. file). Included with this (IMO) should be an option to not generate a wallet.
2) By default, warn users if a wallet is unencrypted; point them to how to encrypt it. Include an option to shut off this "nag" warning.
3) Specifically urge users to securely store (write down or keep in an encrypted file, etc.) their password upon encryption (a boogedy-boo warning about losing coins just isn't enough--too many folks probably just wouldn't think "Oh, yeah, I should write that down somewhere, in case I die and my children need to inherit my wealth," etc.)
4) (Along some of the lines you say here) Include links to the most brief/best educational resources about everything PTC possible
(and (5) have a consolidated page with said educational resources. A forum is *not* sufficient for that, IMO. Forums are too much for the people who read cheat codes; less accessible)

A possible issue with the qt client: even though I clicked "mine 3 processes" from the Settings menu, and after a wait, the infotip over the mining icon (in the lower right of the GUI) said it was mining, and gave a collision rate--even after that, when I typed getmininginfo in the console,* it said 0 collisions; but after I typed either "setgenerate true 1" (or maybe it was just "setgenerate true--" I don't know which worked), and then waited and then ran getmininginfo again, it reported a collision rate.

*Your average user is not going to want to touch a console (or even know how); a lot of useful information and functionality could be abstracted from the console (invoke the same functions), but be accessible from the user interface/buttons.

Great points.  We (and this community) have a lot of work to do in this area.  Its kind of like colonizing a new planet.  The accommodations are a bit austere for a while.   :)

General Discussion / Re: BitTunes and Protoshares
« on: November 22, 2013, 01:22:53 pm »
I was reading in the religion DAC thread about bittunes. I'm just curious as to weather invictus or anyone else has approached this organisation about the idea of forking from Protoshares? If not I guess that leaves the idea available for implementation?

Also, could this and the APDAC possibly be formed from a more "primitive" DAC simply called "Media" which works on the ideas already expressed but just lays the ground work for the distribution and payment to investors/writers/artists?

Then you could form from the Media DAC a DAC for music, A DAC for news, A DAC for books etc. etc.

Sorry if none of that made sense, my brain has about a million thoughts right now haha!

We are concentrating on delivering on our current commitments before looking around for the next batch.
We encourage entrepreneurs that believe strongly in any DAC concept to give it a shot. Read DACS that Spawn DACs at for our ideas on the steps you might want to take (although you can skip ahead to the steps in Enterprise 3 if you care to leverage what we have already done for you in Enterprises 1 and 2.)

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