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General Discussion / User Issued Assets: Legal Questions
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:55:15 pm »
This post is to crowd-source a list of pertinent questions requiring answers with respect to the legalities of user-issued assets. 

I am currently based in the USA and have some connections who might be able to answer some of these questions.  Please feel free to ask anything and everything here and I will do my best to see they are answered.  If this becomes a thread that provides great value to the community, I suggest we offer a delegate spot to this team so we can receive free guidance. 

I am located in the USA, so all advice would be directed more toward this jurisdiction and those closely tied to it. 

392  Raw and uncut. 

the edited version coming soon

Please let me know if this is still inaccessible.  It might require having a google account to listen, but not positive (I have a google account).

This Hangout is w/ Bytemaster of the BTS SuperDAC

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin

You can even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site (or at least will be able to soon!)
For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!
Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server

This Hangout is w/ Bytemaster of the BTS SuperDAC

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin

You can even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site (or at least will be able to soon!)
For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!
Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server


2:40 Guilds, Youtube (U-too-bee) and TV Channels
5:30 Bitcoin mining in Minecraft
5:56 Edilliam on ESports as a key, Betting on Matches
7:38 Difference between Esports teams and Guilds
12:15 BitShares Universe Web Site Discussion
15:18 Transitioning to BitShares PLAY’s Website
18:23 “EdiCoin”?? Whaa?  Forum-Earned Assets (CP)…WHAA?
19:46 Earning Edicoin from providing content on a forum
24:41 Decentralized 4Chan Image and message discussion
26:00 Back to Forums
27:20 Embeddable Auction House Feature to PLAY within games as an Extension
32:45 The Many Advantages of Publishing Games on the PLAY Chain
35:38 Selling community-made Game Content
40:00 The BlockChain Gaming Gold Rush
41:49 Thoughts on Ripple, Centralization and Centralization of Gateways.
47:55 Hack Goes Jedi: “I think we should focus on the protocol”.
50:45 How much cross over is there on the development of other DACs’ tools?  The Answer Is awesome.
51:35 Edilliam asks about content locations for you to visit.  Asks about the whitepaper.

Sorry it took too long, I had homework to finish! :/

This Hangout is with HackFisher of BitShares PLAY

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin

You can even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site (or at least will be able to soon!)
For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!
Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday!

General Discussion / 28 NOV 14 Hangout Cancellation (for Holiday)
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:52:01 pm »
The Hangout with Bytemaster for Friday, 28 NOV 14 has been cancelled.  We will be doing the Hackfisher Hangout on Saturday, but due to Holiday time constraints the one for Friday is out of the question--unfortunately. 

We will begin again next Friday unless otherwise stated!

General Discussion / BitShares PLAY Dota 2 Tournament. UPDATE
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:31:17 pm »
Our Dota Tournament will be postponed until Hackfisher lets me know that the BitShares PLAY forums are up and running.  From there, we will organize it. 

However, there is potentially a healthy pot of PLS donated by the marketing fund Hack set aside for grass roots initiatives to get the word out, so it would be a smart idea to start polishing your Dota 2 Skills and reaching out to Dota 2 community members to find the best of the best to join your team for a chance at the winnings. 

Remember...the better your team, the better chance you will have to win!  So it is in your best interest to reach out to top players outside the bitshares-powered community and get them to sign on!

Please ask and vote on questions for ByteMaster (of Bitshares SuperDAC) at the following link: Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!

Always remember--your voice is needed!

请在以下连接提问并投票你想要问 ByteMaster (比特股SuperDAC开发者) 的问题:
Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

或者更好的是--你可以加入我们! 请跟随以下推特: @Beyond_Bitcoin
关注我们在#BeyondBitcoin IRC的讨论

或者在此直接收听 Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

请在此观看往后的活动信息, 参加方式以及即时回报 Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!


Please ask and vote on questions for ByteMaster (of Bitshares SuperDAC) at the following link: Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!

Always remember--your voice is needed!

General Discussion / Rand Paul Coin (RPCD) (Please Follow, RT and Join)
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:46:34 pm »
Anyone interested Rand Paul Coin (RPCD), please join us for a discussion on Mumble @1:00pm (Central STD) for an hour-long discussion. Regarding this news:
This directly effects RPCD and DPOS is the only algorithm that requires people as active citizens. I'm interested in hearing opinions on this story and getting them put to audio for our Beyond Bitcoin Town-Hall Styled Hangouts. As Technology must our avenues of communication and education.

Please join me on the Beyond Bitcoin Mumble Server:
Label: BeyondBitcoin
Port: 2077
Username: "Your Forum Handle Here"
Pass: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Also, please follow @beyond_bitcoin and RT this link:

Please like and share this video if you find it helpful.  When Rand Paul Coin is released, I will send a video out to show you how to claim your RPC-D 

I have recently found some frustration directed at me for reaching out to Hackfisher to help fund Community-based Gaming Tournaments.  Players would be rewarded for reaching outside the Bitshares ecosystem to form teams of individuals interested in the game in question and would evangelize bitshares and the upcoming PLAY DAC by enabling them to help compete for a slice of a nice little prize. 

Hackfisher has an amount that is unlocked every month for ongoing advertising expenses and stated that he would give 1,000,000 shares to the cause. 

Is this more divisive than it is community-building and effective outreach?

11-15 Mumble会议语音导读– 黑鱼讲述Bitshares PLAY的新信息

0:30 介绍开发者和社区成员,感谢他们参加这次会议。
02:15 黑鱼说要完成 和 两个网站。
02:34 Bitsharesplayfoundation基金会是为了PLAY DAC而成立的。
02:42 Playshare.io网站跟Peertracks(music的前端网站)差不多,是一个给游戏开发者和市场交易的地方,里面用户可以买各种游戏里面的资产。这个就像PLAY上的BitPay或者Peertracks 。
宣布PLAY的分配,35% BTS, 10%AGS, 10%PTS, 20% 预售, 15% 长期开发资金,10%保留资金(在PLAY上线后每月解冻)。除了BTS外,其他应该得到PLAY的快照已经在11月5日结束了。
05:45 黑鱼讨论了BTS里面的抵押单也能分到PLAY的事,而且说团队认同这是个好主意。
07:30 Fuzz问这意思是否就是给BitUSD分配?黑鱼说是,具体就是通过划分开该USD对应的空头和多头持仓位来分配。Fuzz为那些不知道BTS里面的抵押品是什么的人解释了市场锚定的基本概念。黑鱼解释了为什么抵押品BTS应该按空头和多头仓位分配,而且为什么在这个问题上会有一些技术观点的不同。他提出这也是其他市场锚定资产都存在的问题。黑鱼采用了一个新办法,可以直接让那些人不需要改变仓位就可以收到快照的PLAY股份了。
16:45 提出了一个往一些特定的资产,比如BitGLD上空投股份的问题。如果那些山寨币都以比特资产的形式做进去呢?比如往夸克币空投BitQuark等等。黑鱼解释了AGS和BTS可以用比特资产的形式空投(技术上可以而已)。
18:30 Delulo问了一个关于AGS上空投PLAY股份公平性的问题,那些在228前捐赠了AGS的人既得到了BTS,而BTS这次又能快照,所以就相当于双重收益,对228后捐ags的人不公平。黑鱼解释了这些比例很难改变,因为很多持有者信息不畅通。
21:30 Delulo提议以后的DAC开发者在宣布正式分配计划之前先进行提议并让社区投票。
22:00 Delulo为PTS和AGS持有者列举了一些数字。
26:00 黑鱼和Delulo讨论了日后用投票来寻找共识的可能。Delulo说了他会去论坛更深入讨论这个问题。Ghentso也参与了讨论。
32:45 黑鱼宣布他已经改变了策略,而且不会瞄准赌博式的游戏。他们将内置的市场模式从双向改变成单向模式,用户只能用PLS买游戏币和游戏筹码但不能直接卖回去。不过,人们可以在内置市场里各自互相交易。所以如果一个人想买另一个人的游戏筹码和游戏币,这些持有者可以直接将这些东西卖给需要的人,而不是找系统或者游戏提供商购买。他希望这会带来更多种类的不同游戏。
34:10 麦可猫问了如果不做赌博游戏的话PLAY会做什么游戏。黑鱼解释了一些首批的在区块链上的游戏,将会是像象棋这样的游戏,也可以是一些简单的下注游戏(跟智能合约相似),让用户能够在一些特定的实践中下注(或者往游戏的结局上下注)。这需要依赖受托人发布喂信息的种子。传统游戏可以在平台上出售,而且他们会像提供市场交易场所用于交易他们的在游戏内的资产。Fuzz问了一些关于自定义模块(MOD)可以有经济价值便于出售的问题,黑鱼说明了这有可能。
37:10 将PLAY跟STEAM(一个游戏平台)比较。
38:30 解释了一种可能的游戏币价值增加的策略:像比特股MUSIC.
40:01 麦可猫问PLAY会不会成为游戏间交易物品的市场场所,黑鱼说有可能,如果开发者想将这事变成有可能。如果这个物品有价值,能够为玩家赚钱。Fuzz说了一些关于在游戏中做机器人的事。黑鱼说如果机器人大量使用的话游戏币价格会跌,所以最终开发者会加强反作弊等功能来控制机器人的大量使用。
43:00 Fuzz说了一些在中国游戏代练很赚钱的问题,如果个体能够在PLAY里搞代练是不是也会有很好收入。黑鱼说他更有兴趣在点对点的角度看交易,而不是一些给人们很低工资只是提供给他们房间和设备去玩简单游戏的商业模式。
43:45 Delulo 问游戏会不会需要各自的代币,或者PLS就能够玩这些游戏。黑鱼说这些代币发行时为了要在游戏中使用的,使用这些代币会销毁一部分,减少总供应量。 Delulo问BitUSD会不会在PLAY中使用,黑鱼说如果真是引入的话也只会是为了帮助消除波动性,不过他们要整合的话还是要等BitUSD更成熟。
46:25 Delulo问游戏中的代币价值怎么来的。黑鱼说价值来自网络以及网络上的经济活动。越活跃的活动会有越多手续费,这表示越多的代币被销毁。
51:15 Fuzz再次用了游乐场的比喻来解释相似性。黑鱼讨论了那些在区块链上的游戏,以及那些不在区快链上运作的游戏但会利用PLAY区块链来提供一个透明、证明公平的市场。他解释了在区快链上的游戏更像是BTS里的比特资产,而不在区块链上的游戏会更像用户自定义资产。他讨论了一些用户自定义的不在区块链上的游戏资产可能存在的欺诈问题,以及受托人去帮忙防止这种诈骗的可能。
55:20 技术白皮书和API开发接口能够提供给游戏开发者了吗?黑鱼说需要有第二版的白皮书,因为原来的设计已经改了,而API开发接口也会在PLAY发布后提供。API会随着开发的扩展而扩展。白皮书会在一两个月内完成,PLAY大约会在白皮书发布3-4月后提供。
57:10 PLAY有联系过游戏开发者吗?如果没有,你们未来有计划去接触吗?答:我们过去几个月来已经跟中国一些有经验的开发者联系过。他们已经提出了一些增强网络的要求,会让他们可以更有兴趣整合和参加到这个网络中来。



0:30  Introduction and Appreciation for Dev and Community joining in on the conversation.

02:15 Hackfisher talks about finishing and

02:34 Bitsharesplayfoundation is for playDAC. 

02:42 is similar to Peertracks for game developers and marketplace where users can buy in-game assets.  It will be like bitpay or peertracks for bitshares PLAY.

04:19 Announcement of Allocation:  35% BTS, 10%AGS, 10%PTS, 20% Presale, 15% Long Term Development and 10% Reserve fund (unlocked monthly after DAC launch). Snapshot taken on 5 NOV.

05:45 Hackfisher discusses interest in honoring BTS held in collateral for longs and states the team believes it is a good idea.

07:30 Fuzz asks if Hackfisher will honor bitUSD and Hackfisher says yes—bitshares PLAY will honor bitUSD holders, divided between shorts and longs. Fuzz explains the basics of the market peg and the problem for those who do not understand collateralization with BTS. Hack explains in long form why the long order gets part of the collateralization as well as the short and why there is some difference of opinion on this subject from a technical perspective.  He states that this is also the case with all other market assets.  The method they are using makes it unnecessary for market makers to unwind their positions to receive snapshots. 

16:45 Questions about potentially sharedropping on specific assets like bitGLD.  What if altcoins were made into bitAssets?  Shardropping on bitQuark? bitPPC? bitDoge? Hack explains that PTS and AGS could be issued as bitAssets on BTS and be used as sharedrop tokens from there.

18:30 Delulo asks question regarding fairness of distribution to AGS holders before the February snapshot as opposed to those who donated after the snapshot because those who donated before the snapshot received BTS, which will also be a sharedrop target, whereas those who donated after receive a substantially lower sharedrop percentage. Hack explains difficulty in changing percentages after the fact due to difficulty for some holders to receive information. 

21:30 Delulo proposes that future DAC devs make a proposal beforehand to make sure the community vets the percentages before official announcements occur.

22:00 Delulo breaks down some numbers for PTS and AGS holders

26:00 Hackfisher and Delulo Discuss the use of Polls to find consensus on these issues in the future.  Delulo explains he will post a poll along with a thread to the forums to talk about this topic in more depth.  Ghentso joins into the discussion.

32:45 Hackfisher announces that they have changed tactics and will no longer be targeting gambling-styled games.  They changed the internal market model from bi-directional to a one-way model, where users can only buy chips or gamecoins with PLS, but cannot sell them in reverse.  However, people will be able to exchange them on the internal exchange between each other.  So if someone wants to buy those another’s chips/gamecoins, the holder can sell them directly to other players as opposed to the house or game providers.  He hopes this will further open up the marketplace to a larger number of games of varying types.

34:10 MCAT asks what kinds of games PLAY is trying to include if not gambling games.  Hackfisher explains some of the first on-chain games will be board games like chess and perhaps some simple betting games that are similar to smart contracts where users can bet on certain events (perhaps betting on the outcome of game matches?). This relies on feeds provided by the delegates.  Traditional games will be sold using the platform, and they want to provide a marketplace for them and for their in-game assets. Fuzz asks about modded content being easily available and put up for sale by mod makers for extra game content—Hackfisher clarifies that this will be possible. 

37:10 Comparisons between PLAY and Ste@m

38:30 Explanation of 1 possible Gamecoin value increase strategy:  like BitShares Music. 

40:01 MichaelCat asks will PLAY be the marketplace for trading items between games?  Hackfisher says yes.  This is a possibility, if the developers want to make this possible.  So it will be possible, if the items are valued, for players to make money by playing these games.  Fuzz talks about making bots for in games. Hackfisher talks about how bots will make the items’ value drastically drop so game makers will have incentives to protect against overuse of bots.

43:00 Fuzz talks about Gold Farmers and the huge market for work for these individuals in China.  Hack says he is more interested in the peer-to-peer aspect of trading as opposed to businesses that pay these people small wages, provide room and board for them to simply play games. 

43:45 Delulo is interested in whether games will require their own token or the PLAYshares token to play them.  Hackfisher explains that the Game’s token is used to play the game and that using the token destroys it, reducing the supply.  Delulo asks if bitUSD will be used—Hack responds that it will only likely be used to help with volatility, but that they need to wait for bitUSD to become more mature to be integrated.

46:25 Delulo asks where the value will come from for these tokens.  Hackfisher answers that the value will come from the network and the economic activity on the network.  The more activity, the more fees.  This means the more tokens are destroyed. 

51:15 Fuzz uses the Arcade analogy again to express the similarities. Hack discusses the differences between games that are “on-chain” and those that are “off-chain” but use the bitshares PLAY Blockchain to provide a transparent, provably fair marketplace.  He explains that onchain games will be more like BTS bitAssets whereas Off-Chain will be more similar to user-issued assets. He talks about potential fraud from User-Issued (Off-Chain) game assets and the potential for Delegates to potentially help prevent this fraud.

55:20  When will the technical whitepaper and API be available for Game Developers?  Hack says there needs to be a 2nd version of the whitepaper because some of the original designs have been altered and the API will be available upon Launch of PLAY.   The API will grow as development expands.  The whitepaper should be finished in 1-2 months and the PLAY should be launched approximately 3-4 months after that.

57:10 Has BitShares PLAY had contact with game developers yet and if not, do they have any plans to do so?  We have contact with a few experienced developers in China in the past couple months. They have given many requirements and enhancements to the network so they can be more interested in integrating and joining the network. 

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