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Messages - jae208

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General Discussion / Re: Marketing Direction - Why not How or What...
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:51:30 am »
The concept of freedom is perhaps the most universal message. It's a call to individual action with moral and revolutionary undertones that work in our favor:

Most people want security over freedom. Why not talk about financial security to the masses while financial freedom to the choir?

 +5% +5%

Especially with all the breaches in Credit card security over the last year. I really don't understand the references to Apple though and personally I don't think they make sense at all. Apple is the opposite of what Bitshares and the whole crypto ecosystem stand for. Apple is proprietary, secretive, with top down centrally controlled management and they certainly aren't innovative at all. Steve Jobs was just a great salesman but his products weren't really all that great. Other hardware manufacturers had better gadgets in terms of features and specs.

The masses care more about security and ease of use. As soon as you start talking about something like life, liberty and property they'll tune you out.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing Direction - Why not How or What...
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:09:43 am »
So lets not sell a product with features... lets let people know what we believe and stand for.   Lets let the world know that owning BitShares or buying BitUSD is about making a statement not making an investment.

Hummm.... an ideological approach to marketing is problematical because it invites regulatory opposition and controversy -- a terrible PR faux pas if your intention is to invite wide adoption. Ideological controversy will taint your wonderful software invention and make it a bogie man for people who hold ideological views that conflict with yours.

Bitshares should never be tainted by ideological color. Its utility should be DISCOVERED without bias. An ideological approach will shoot the "network effect" in the foot. It would be a self-inflicted wound.

Don't do it.

I agree with your comment and I guess in my previous post I was trying to say that, I am here not because of the ideology but rather because I see this as the next logical step to organize our financial life and trade among each other.

Marc Andreesen says, that early on it is the freedom seekers that help a new technology like the world wide web or Bitcoin get started. However, after the initial phase of freedom seeker adoption you start to attract mainstream users who would care less if there freedom or privacy is being taken away, they just care that it works and that it is easy to use.

Edit: The other thing I want to mention as well is that economics isn't really a hard science like say physics, biology, or astronomy. Economic theory is based on many assumptions about what it is that motivates humans. I don't really think that people are alive and exist solely to acquire material wealth. Also, current economic theory is based on scarcity but we are rapidly moving towards a world of abundance. Just a few days ago Lockheed Martin announced that they will have a nuclear fusion prototype within 5 years and perhaps a nuclear fusion reactor that is operable within 20 years. This means abundant energy by the creation of a star here on Earth. Abundance.

General Discussion / Re: Have we passed a centralization tipping point?
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:59:58 am »

I don't think its a problem, considering that they are actually creating Bitshares, and we need them to develop it.  Without the devs, a coin is nothing.

True, but without users it doesn't matter if you have rock star developers a coin will still be nothing. I am certainly in favor of taking care of developers. I'm not too sure I can say the same about marketing though. I always like to make the comparison with Bitcoin. How is it that Bitcoin became worth several billion dollars without a marketing team and what is it that we can do to improve? In terms of spreading the message I think that with the cheap communication tools we have there is no reason why spreading the message of Bitshares should cost much.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing Direction - Why not How or What...
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:30:02 am »
Apple is not ambitious enough to really change the world. I think Google is a better candidate for world changing impact and one that is more applicable to us.

Anyways, while I agree with just about everything BM said I am here because I see this as the logical next step for humanity to organize financially. Regardless of if your motive is freedom or wealth, I think that putting more emphasis on the person using BitUSD to purchase pizza rather than the investor will benefit us most in the long run.

I don't recall the title of the Ted talk I watched several months ago, but there was a Ted talk I saw where the speaker was explaining why we have centralization and decentralization. She said that when you have scarcity you have centralization because it is the most efficient way to manage scarce resources. Then she said that when you have abundance you have decentralization. We have greater and greater computational abundance and this is why I say that what is happening here is the logical next step for humanity.

Edit: I think Bitcoin grew more so because of the abundant computational resources we have now versus a few decades ago. Also because of the solution to the Byzantine General's problem which didn't exist prior to Bitcoin. I think that if the Byzantine General's problem was solved in 1991 Tim Berners Lee might have designed the world wide web differently.

General Discussion / Re: Division of team contraproductive
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:18:37 am »
Think of it as a team of independent entrepreneurs working together toward common goals.  There is no stove-pipe any more since all benefit from contributions to a common figure of merit:  BTS price.  Thus incentive to cooperate is maximized.

We will be eliminating single points of attack because this team can now work together from anywhere in free space with no common dependencies in fiat space.

Decentralized Grand Unification.


You're all doing something remarkable here. Very exciting time to be alive!

General Discussion / Re: Do we own
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:05:35 am »

Why sell the cow when you can milk it! lol

will the SuperDAC increase its valuation faster than BTSX?

Great idea! In terms of regulation LendingClub is leading the way all we would have to do is do what they have done with the exception of the currency being used. I think that for Bitshares to grow we need more people using BitUSD for online purchases and not necessarily more investors. Without consumers using BitUSD for purchases there is no ROI.

Well couldn't you just create a lending club clone, only instead of using dollars you would use Bitshares or Bitcoin?

 +5% +5% +5%

Thanks for your posts! Somehow I tend to miss things like this until I read your posts lol

General Discussion / Re: Do we own
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:18:52 am »
No one cares about though. There is no need for when we have a distributive DNS system that will most certainly replace the status quo.

If DNS DAC is successful, we'll be forking the current ICANN centralization of all TLDs, grandfathering in all currently registered .coms. The internet will never grow out of the .com.

Say "", then say "Bitshares dot pee to pee".
He tries to hawk it on here regularly. Thusfar, I think he's up to a $13 bid from us. Which has taken him many months.

The last time I posted before today was in May.

I wonder if the guy has checked out the market cap for Bitshares. With a current market cap of nearly $50 million the Bitshares community could have offered the guy at least $1 million dollars if we really wanted it. haha

I am well aware of all the innovation that is happening here and within the BitShares technology. It is truly disruptive, and I have even purchased some myself.

I think the real offers will start rolling in when calling 'BitShares' a community makes as much sense as calling 'Forex Traders' a community.
Yeah its a possibility who knows you might even be able to get much more in the future when and if this whole thing takes off.

General Discussion / Re: Do we own
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:06:10 am »
He tries to hawk it on here regularly. Thusfar, I think he's up to a $13 bid from us. Which has taken him many months.

hahahaha wow

I wonder if the guy has checked out the market cap for Bitshares. With a current market cap of nearly $50 million the Bitshares community could have offered the guy at least $1 million dollars if we really wanted it. haha

Again, as I previously mentioned there is no need for the domain when one of the goals this community is trying to accomplish is creating a distributive DNS system. Which I am 100% certain will be achieved.

General Discussion / Re: Do we own
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:00:58 am »
No one cares about though. There is no need for when we have a distributive DNS system that will most certainly replace the status quo.

I have no doubt that Bitshares will be very successful over the long term. We tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a year and underestimate what we can accomplish over the course of many years.

If the SuperDAC can become a sort of monopoly in the crypto world much like Google is a monopoly in search perhaps we could do as Google does and buy up innovative start ups and developers.  8)


If you can't tell I admire Google and I think as of right now they are probably the only company in the US maybe in the world with such bold visions for the future.

I'm still of the opinion that a secretive division of Google (GoogleX?) is responsible for the creation of Bitcoin. I read that they were interested in creating Google Bucks sometime during the Great Recession and obviously they didn't. Perhaps they didn't create Google bucks because of the regulatory hurdles and because they might have created an open source distributive alternative to Google bucks. They also have ties to the transhumanist community and Ray Kurzweil. Plus they understand the power of open source as the Android operating system had a late start compared to apple and it has completely eclipsed Apple now. Anyways, sorry about side tracking this thread and rambling.  :P

General Discussion / Re: 1st advice for the new BTS
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:25:14 am »
What about adjusting the share supply? Does anyone know if BM has updated BTSX to adjust the share supply of a user generated asset if no shares have been issued?

I think it would be a good idea to allow some flexibility if you haven't issued any shares. I created a user generated asset to be more of a place holder assuming the fees for creating user generated assets would continue to climb.

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