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Messages - helloworld

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General Discussion / Re: BitAsset 2.0 Requirements & Implied Design
« on: May 15, 2015, 08:47:49 am »
Make a simple rules ,discard suplus part.
It is only way to resolve issues.
Don't fear liquidity not enough. don't fear BTS's price volatility,Please let BTS adjust by itself。
Most people like me just fear the complex rules, so not like trade in BTS.
Make rules simple , Will bring more people trade in it.

General Discussion / Re: Loyalty Rewards Program
« on: May 12, 2015, 04:22:00 am »
BTS price falling down,  But the problem is not the delegate voting system.

And in my opinion , the bts price falling down lead to cannot pay for delegate, It is good for BTS DAC.

It is punishment to BTS system, for the system performance not good enough.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Paid Workers Proposal for Review
« on: May 11, 2015, 03:00:19 pm »
BTS getting more complex, The more complex system made more complex issue, So the more complex system must be more complex to resolve the more complex issue. and so on, BTS will be dead.

So it must be stop to made more complex rule.

The most probable way to resolve BTS's issue is made the rule as simple as possible.
Not only the delegate voting system ,and it is same to mechanism to creating a stable digital currency.

Make the most simple rule to resolve complex issue.
This is the way to succeed.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Paid Workers Proposal for Review
« on: May 11, 2015, 02:41:04 pm »

I don't think he was proposing to change the dilution  rate, just the power stakeholders have.

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no one can change rule,  this discussing is useless, if the income cannot pay the core developer income ,we have AGS, to pay them , and if change the rule it would make bts price drop so much , delegate income would decrease much.

So you think the ags funds will last that long?   They are mostly gone and at these prices they can only cover for short time. 

The only rule left is stakeholders decide.  From what I see here delegates would be split and their income unchanged.   Going forward shareholders can vote different mixes of funding and block producers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ags fouds will spend over, and the income cannot pay the core developer,  I think it's normal status. The issue not come from BTS voting system.

Just like miner in bitcoin,if the biction' price cannot pay the miner, so the miner decide to increase amount per blockchain?

it is a joke.

stakeholders and VC have any relation?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTA3.0解决所有问题
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:38:53 am »
唯一能解决去中心化交易所锚定资产的方法是找到一个简单到变态的方法, 而这个方法能解决百分之80-90的问题,这样就已经足够了。


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Paid Workers Proposal for Review
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:35:24 am »
The delegate voting system is OK.

BTS price falling down and down, Thare must be something wrong was happened, but it could't made by the delegate voting system.

The system run well

So , think about the real reason why the price continue falling down!

Let's the free market decide something' price.
Let‘s the shareholders decide BTS where will go.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 如何使用你的反对票
« on: May 08, 2015, 07:26:09 am »
如果直接使用反对票会让系统出现问题, 有反对票话, 每个代表的得票率=赞成票-反对票, 
对于这个系统来说能投出的总反对票和总赞成票是相等的. 那么所有代表的票数总和应该等于0

那就美国总统的选举来说, 上次奥巴马的普通选票得票率为50.1%,罗姆尼的普通选票得票率为48.4%,
分析,选奥巴马的人肯定反对罗姆尼, 选罗姆尼肯定反对奥巴马.
如果是这样,我们需要101个代表, 那么很多选票为0的代表都可以出块了,  这样会让系统非常不安全.

1 BTS价格 (代表市场预期)
2 100%受托人比例 (通胀率)
3 实际100%受托人的贡献价值 (基础建设)




BTS DAC也是一样的,让shareholders手上的投票权来找这3者的平衡点。而不是BM或其他某个个人或机制(我个人非常肯定BM对BTS所做的贡献)

我相信shareholders里肯定有不理性的投票, 但BTS的价格终归会让大部分shareholders做出正确的决定。

锁定5年,5年内基本上是通缩的,但5年后呢, 这是豪赌5年后成功,还是豪赌5年后要失败?


但是,目前受托人每月所得确实维持不了开发经费, 饭都吃不饱,开发如何解决?以BTS作为结算工资,本身就有缺陷,BTS价格波动,受托人的月收入不稳定。



另外,找VC这个事情, 个人觉得完全是受托人自己的事情,你有能力,有投资潜力,可以吸引VC来投资,没有问题, 但这和shareholders没有关系,这是你delegate自己的事情,这个协议只要delegate和VC谈好条件就可以了,关shareholders什么事情呢



PS:即使有些shareholders可能做了错误的选择,但这个错误是必须允许可以犯的,所有的决定都会围绕真正的平衡点上下波动。delegate如果觉得维持不了,坚持不下去可以选择放弃,或者兼职, 即使是BM也一样,因为BTS币价这么低,肯定是哪里出来问题,除了外部原因外, 也要从自身找原因。

另外,如果1BTS=0.02cny的时候,决定每天产生25WBTS给7个core delegeta, 那当1BTS=1元,10元或100元的时候,这个决定还是正确的么。除了这7个core delegate外, 其他受托人又怎么办呢。

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Paid Workers Proposal for Review
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:59:31 am »
I understand current BTS's price can't maintain 7 core developers,my opinion is that when the price is low, Devs can create more delegate to make sure maitain their live(Vote up by shareholders), when the price up, excess delegate will be vote down by shareholders, The most important key is give the right to shareholders,

It is more simple to understand. more easy to accept.and not change the rule.

Abort VC?  I think it's delegate their own thing, shareholders need't to care. and also need't care lock 5 years or 2 years, may be don't need lock, Just the Devs and VC make deal, It is OK.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Paid Workers Proposal for Review
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:33:34 am »
My counterproposal:

* Instead of spending time on this, spend time on getting bitAssets 2.0 finalized and coded, and getting stable client released fairly soon. 

* As a result of 1.0 release and improved bitassets which ahve better convertability and don't punish shorts, BTS price hopefully rebounds.  Developer pay goes back towards what we would like it to be.  If BTS price doesnt rebound, developers create more paid delegates, and the community can vote them in to keep devs fed.

* Later on, now that the critical and immediate needs of Bitshares are completed, if we feel that separating workers from block producers is important, put time into working on this.  But even then, it is competing against other features that would be nice, such as the bond market, prediction market, voting on proposals, smart contracts, etc.

If the plan in the original post in this thread is better than my plan, or is critical right now for some reason, please explain why.  I am very open to hearing this, and am not going to claim that I am definitely right or anything like that.  After all, the core team is MUCH better informed about what is going on in bitshares than I am, and they know everything going on behind the scenes, and I don't. 

What makes it so that we NEED to prioritize work on this change right now?  Is this the biggest thing for us to work on right now?  Is it worth pivoting in this way, given the perception that we already pivot too much, and that we are also already pivoting on bitAssets (which is necessary). 

I would like to see a Bitshares that doesnt just pivot, pivot, pivot, over and over.  But sticks with working things and gives them time to work.  We learned that bitassets had a problem and we needed to fix that, which is important, and justifies the pivot there.  What requires the pivot here, at this point in the development?  If the devs need more compensaiton, which is justified imo given that the price declined so much, isnt the easy answer of 'devs create more delegates and we vote them in' a much better solution?  One which requires no development time because it doesnt change bitshares in any way?

I would really like to see a stable 1.0 release which fixes problems people are having with the client as soon as possible.  Other things should not be being prioritized over this unless they are essential.


 +5%  +5%  +5%

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于选票
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:01:49 am »

希望Music、Play、BTS不要变成敌对关系, 每个DAC偏重的领域不同,每个都有前途。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Windows版轻量级客户端下载
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:54:32 am »
Dan说的春天真的要来了?  +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%


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