Author Topic: Compuceeds and Compumatrix  (Read 43050 times)

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Offline MarsResident

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A lot of people do assume it's a scam, but we will all know in the next week or so. It seems like things are moving and during the first few BETA tests of the cashout system a few people did get some Bitcoins. So if it is going to work it will be in the next week or so.

They have been doing a massive ICO, with many hundreds of millions of coins being sold. So the funds are there for everything to go right, but as you guys said they could always just disappear with it. But if they were going to do that, I feel like they would have done it a long time ago and would have no reason to have kept it up for this long.

There have been people involved in this company for 10+ years, and I myself have been involved for about 4 years. And waiting so long does sometimes make it seem like it is never going to happen, but if it is going to happen it is going to happen sometime in the next week or two and everyone who didn't trust it enough to even try will be eating crow. But, it could go either way. I just don't see why they would have waited this long to cut and run.

Also, adding to this post, I have mentioned to the compumatrix staff that they could get rid of this sentiment by joining Bitsharestalk and Bitcointalk and explaining things more openly to everyone on those platforms, but they don't seem to be interested in doing that. But if it works I assume there will be plenty of compumatrix users joining these two websites, there are over 1,000 people that use compumatrix. So when/if all of those people get their Bitcoins cashed out, and they become regular Bitcoin users, they will most likely start posting questions and stuff on these forums, and maybe the staff will join. But right now it seems like they only want to do it on their forum.

And if other Bitshares users think it is a scam, maybe the Bitshares and OpenLedger "staff" (delegates etc) should try to contact the Compumatrix staff, because if it does turn out to be a scam, that wouldn't look good for Bitshares and OpenLedger.

A family member of mine joined and brought me in, that's the only reason I know anything about compumatrix, and I post here to help the whole thing be more transparent. But you can go on the forum and ask the staff questions, or if anyone wants them I can give you their emails so you can ask them questions.

But, if it's all going to work, it's going to work in the next week or so, and everyone saying it is a scam will be wishing they had got involved before it blew up. Just like every other Cryptocurrency that blows up, and I've been a part of a few of them, that's why I'm slow to judge. With Cryptocurrency it seems like everyone thinks everything is a scam untill they see it work. And then after people see it work they sometimes keep saying it's a scam. Look at Steemit, some people think it's dead just because they can't wait until Christmas to see it get big again or don't realize all it takes us one or two Christmases for a coin like that to blow up and go steady at a high price.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 02:26:33 pm by MarsResident »

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There was a time that I would have sounded off like some of you do almost every day.  Demanding to know just where things stood on a moment by moment issue so I was as up to date as possible.  If you have not noticed.. I have changed that in my life; not because I don't care or WANT the info but know more of what to 'look' for to understand where we are at without distracting Henry and his team, David and others from getting done what needs doing.

This last weekend Henry DID give a nice 'marker' if you will on FB when he was teasing me about 'not sounding like me' and the cat on the computer typing away.  He mentioned he wished I was there to help 'code'.  Now, if you paid attention to that it should have told you the following... the initial sync was done and they were updating the coding necessary for the programming used on the various platforms.   I know he mentioned to some it would only take a few minutes to do but as any programmer knows, it may or may not be that simple to plug in important security updates.  What I took away from that teasing post was that the updating was not as simple as he first assumed.  So it is taking just a little longer than was anticipated to update.

Ok I hear all of you ... WHY weren't we told it could do this?  Well time and time again it has been said but we tend to forget the past and hope for better results when issues arise.  In the past we know some things went smoothly while others took more time than initially thought.  These security updates are critical for everyone's accounts.  There is no shoving it off until later or we can just do the bare minimum on it.  That would be foolishness because it would put everyone and the company at risk along with the partners. 

So on the .. this is what needs to happen... the initial re-sync was finished and the updating of the codes was pushed up to put the necessary changes in place to secure areas... that means that either they are still in the midst of the last portion of coding or testing it to see if it holds up or needs tweaking.  The only variable in this that we do not have is whether the new updates to the current programming will require a 're-sync' of data.  Sometimes it automatically does it and sometimes it is not necessary but it won't be known until the programming is updated fully and integrated on the system.  (and just an FYI.. it possibly could be in progress as well)

Ok I hear you ... why bother doing this NOW? .. we just want to get moving.  Well, we had a notification that certain updates by everyone using a particular platform needed to be done.  It is for the security of EVERYONE using the system and that particular programming platform.  We KNOW how much everyone is looking to this and who needs what.  We can't miss it because we hear it day in and day out from all of you. It is being done as quickly as possible.  There is no conspiracy to hold things back, all of us on staff have needs too. (we just don't broadcast them all over the place but trust that the Lord knows our needs and He supplies according to HIS riches in glory). Regardless of whether you ascribe to Christian beliefs or not, it still remains we ARE a Christian based company.

So, when Erline or David or Henry or Gail posts we have a GREEN light and what is necessary to move forward for ALL of us we are at the stage where the programming has passed all tests, the sync is holding or redone and the testing was accomplished without a hitch.  Please refrain from bugging them day in and day out.  It will be posted as SOON as it is ready to go. 

  One last item that needs a bit of clarification because some seem to miss the nuances they are projecting when they state they are 'clients' of Compumatrix.  Compumatrix provides a platform for members to engage in their own business.  We do not have 'clients' but partnering companies, as well as partnering business owners (you) that use the platform provided.  This misnomer put out by some that you are 'clients of Compumatrix' has caused all sorts of havoc in thinking that it needs to be rectified.  Take an ATM, that is owned by some outside agency.  You USE that ATM or even terminal inside a store to either pay for or get out your local currency.  Are you a client of the company that owns the ATM and programming behind it or just a user of the platform they provide?    Just something to mull over in your mind....

I am thankful for all of you, grateful for those who have been so patient for so long and even grateful for those of you that keep us on our toes.  We all play a part in this company.  As we approach Thanksgiving time in the US I am reminded to keep an attitude of gratitude year-round.  It keeps anxiety at bay, it helps to focus on what can be done instead of what isn't there yet, and brings about more in the way of progress vs setbacks. 

Here is to walking daily in an attitude of gratitude for being in the right place at the right time.  Plus, knowing that everything is working out in the proper timing.

Offline MarsResident

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A lot of people do assume it's a scam, but we will all know in the next week or so. It seems like things are moving and during the first few BETA tests of the cashout system a few people did get some Bitcoins. So if it is going to work it will be in the next week or so.

They have been doing a massive ICO, with many hundreds of millions of coins being sold. So the funds are there for everything to go right, but as you guys said they could always just disappear with it. But if they were going to do that, I feel like they would have done it a long time ago and would have no reason to have kept it up for this long.

There have been people involved in this company for 10+ years, and I myself have been involved for about 4 years. And waiting so long does sometimes make it seem like it is never going to happen, but if it is going to happen it is going to happen sometime in the next week or two and everyone who didn't trust it enough to even try will be eating crow. But, it could go either way. I just don't see why they would have waited tjis long to cut and run.

Offline lil_jay890

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just a little more time until we exit and laugh all the way to the bank. suckers.
is what I read there

Agreed... Those X-posts just wreak of a scam

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just a little more time until we exit and laugh all the way to the bank. suckers.
is what I read there

Offline MarsResident

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WAIT!  NOT YET!  A LITTLE MORE TIME!  Phew, how many times have we had to say this over the years? Now, each time it was said it was very necessary to bring us to the fulfillment of our dreams.  Ig t still applies today!

We are very close to finishing the syncing!  Then what?  Well, first David will test the system and make sure it all works properly.  THEN?  Then, we get the funds sent back through Blockchain for those who were in the last Beta testing phase.  THEN?  Then the security system will be checked and reinforced should there be a need.  THEN?  Then the cash outs will commence.   Can I give you an exact time?  Nope.  BUT when I can I will. 

Just hang on folks it is still working and still coming along stronger and faster than ever before.

Take your time to look over the site and be ready to explain whatever is asked of you when people are calling YOU to purchase a VPC!  Know your business!  David has put out a ton of information that makes it simple to understand!  Read then re-read the info!

I will be back when more is available.

Enjoy your day!  Open many gifts as you start your morning and enjoy each one to its fullest.  We are not guaranteed tomorrows so make all your today's COUNT. 


Offline MarsResident

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Points for update:

You ask for an update so here is what we have – if you do not understand; we are not going to be bothered about that.

As always, you will get what we can share and thus you need to figure it out for yourselves then understand it or be more patient when we say there is a lot going on in the background and just trust us. This is always up to you!

- Henry's connection has improved considerably, and we are just hours away from completion of the sync.

- Several improvements have been made and are being made for the increased speed, security, and operation of our node connections throughout the network; this will also improve the ease of operations and stability of our system.

- Trading platforms are being used to stabilize our values. This will increase even more once more savvy traders come on board

- TC is very involved in augmenting our exposure and in developing a more equitable stance in our trading.

- We truly thank the majority for your patience and positive attitude! Your reward is about to blossom.
For you that are less than the above in attitude but seem to thrive on complaining, criticizing and negativity -  we hope this threshold of C/O will help your attitudes become more pleasing and pleasant Because ALL the staff would much appreciate that.


Offline MarsResident

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Good Morning,

Just a very short update.  Please note that Henry is back online BUT (there is always a but, LOL) the telecom are still working on the internet as what is up right now is only temporary.   They have to rebuild some towers that were destroyed during the typhoon.  It is slow, but quite a bit more progress has been accomplished than during the typhoon the week before this one.  Henry is planning on visiting with the services provider today to see what their predictions on having all up and running at full speed.   

In the meantime, Henry IS working off of the temporary service and is extremely optimistic about having all done quickly.  Tradeceeds is up and running!  Henry's end must be completed to integrate to the Portal.

Henry just sees work progressing and things improving daily.  Some of his services are improving, so the telecom is getting things done!

We have no timeline but felt that you all needed to know where we stood today.
If you would like to visit the Book Of Memories set up by the funeral home for Helga, please visit this link.

As more information is shared on our progress, it will be posted here no matter how small it is. 

We have had some sadness to deal with in our lives.  Many have had or are having more than their share of problems and stress.  How we deal with it is the key to making it bearable or not.   

Hope you all have a great day because you WOKE UP.  As Ron Murray would say,  "You have many gifts to open today,"  so open each one and enjoy them to the fullest.  Be thankful for all the gifts that surround you.  The sun is shining, or gentle rain, a child's smile, food on the table, a roof over your head, THESE and much more are GIFTS!   STAY POSITIVE! 


Offline MarsResident

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The Euro peg means that for every Euro on the portal you get 1 Compuceed, but you can also cashout those Euros as Bitcoins.


LOL right back at ya

You completely cut out the other half. You will also be able to put Compuceeds back into the portal and cash out the Euros that they become as Bitcoins, and just as an example, I've gotten around 60,000 Compuceeds just in the past week at .2 Bitshares each or less, because we are still in the ICO phase until BETA testing is running smoothly.

And once Compuceeds are above 1 Euro you will still get 1 Compuceed per Euro you have on the Portal. And, just as an example, it would only take 30 Bitcoins for Compuceeds to get above 140 Bitshares each. So once BETA testing is over and the 1000+ members have many Bitcoins each, it will go above a Euro pretty quickly.

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The Euro peg means that for every Euro on the portal you get 1 Compuceed, but you can also cashout those Euros as Bitcoins.

Bitcoin - Perspektive oder Risiko? ISBN 978-3-8442-6568-2

Offline MarsResident

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A lot of people probably haven't noticed this yet, but if you go to OpenLedger, and click "Account" then on the left side of the screen click "Advanced Features" (the same way you get to Permissions), then click "Assets", then click "Create Asset", you can actually create your own Currency just like Compuceeds or Crytpceeds. It costs some Bitcoins, but you can create a currency and you can distribute it, no mining needed. And you can set it to be traded against Compuceeds, which will help boost the Compuceed economy.

You just set the number of coins, and a few different rules for the coin. Then you could, for example, award people coins for every post they have on the Compumatrix forum, or award people coins for different tasks or arbitrary things.

The more people who are trading things for Compuceeds the more Compucceds will be worth, and if you create your own currency that you can get people to start buying for 1 cent each, or 10 cents each, or $1 each, or $5 each, or whatever price you can get people to buy it for, then you will have a coin that you have the power to issue that you and other people can then use to trade against Compuceeds. And the more people that do this, the more vibrant the Compuceeds economy will be and we will all have more ways to earn.

And this page explains one more way to make a Cryptocurrency

Here is a thread on Bitcoin talk that explains how to make hour own full blown currency, not attached to anything. It costs nothing, you just have to have at least 2 computers with the wallet open at all times (keeping the blockchain going) and the coin will work.

This is for people that really understand programming

Once you make a coin you go in the Altcoin section and make a post with a title that starts with [ANN], which means announcement. Then the name of your coin, like [BTC] Bitcoin, [ETH] is Ethereum, etc. People will just mine your coin for fun if you post it there.

If anyone wants to mine Cryptocurrency, there are coins called CryptoNight coins. And the point is that they are like Kryptonite to the strong expensive mining machines, those machines don't work on these coins. So if you are mining with just a computer (CPU) you can actually get a good number of coins. And if you want to mine more, you have to set up more computers.

And since a lot of people here are aquianted with using the World Community Grid, this would probably be the best way for everyone here to learn how to mine.

Here is the website

Just scroll down on that page and it will have a thing you can download, and once you download it and open it it will automatically be on the "Smart Mining" page, which means it will just automatically mine whatever coin it deems most profitable to you. But if you want you can switch to the regular "Mining" tab at the top and select whatever coin you want to mine. And there will be a drop down selection with the number 1 or 2, and you can switch that to 2, 3 or 4 to use more of the cores in your computer for mining and mine faster.

If you own servers you can use the cores in those servers for mining as well, which will get you even more coins.

Offline MarsResident

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Happy Saturday to all!

Henry's electricity AND his internet are back on!  He has resumed syncing so he will be almost ready for implementation once TradeCeeds is back online!  As of right now TradeCeeds is still inaccessible due to Haima,  The good news is that TC is in an area that should be up and running soon.   Their area is better equipped to get them online quicker than in Henry's area. 

Hang on folks as we are moving again!


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Good Day/Evening to all of our Members and Shareholders

Today I have several points that need to be addressed for the entire membership no matter how long you have been with us.  Please read this all the way through and then read it again if need be. 

I know some of you have been clamoring for a ‘daily update’ on our status.  That is not feasible nor should it be expected at this moment in time.  Why? Due to the weather we know that has hit Henry’s area in the Philippines.  Let this serve as a reminder that Henry James is our founder and his programming team is a very integral part of the company so not having them ‘online’ or having them without power does bring things to a temporary halt.  Prior to this last super typhoon Haima, Henry was in the process of re-syncing but did not quite get all the blocks finished.   Yes.. we are THAT close to resuming BETA testing so it is something to be happy about rather than post insolent demands that we give you a daily update.

As SOON as there is news it will be posted.  That has always been the protocol we follow and will remain as such.  Wait for a post and if there is not one, then there is no ‘new’ news.

Next, Townhall is now permanently closed.  Yes, there will be member meetings and further training in the future however our former open chat area for Q & A as well as some socialization has been taken down.  Please use your regional areas in the forum or members’ area to post.

This brings me to my last item to be relayed to all of you.  It deeply saddens me to inform you that our beloved Helga has taken a turn for the worse and is now unresponsive.  She has been moved to Palliative care (Hospice).  Please know that while she was still responsive, she was read the posts on the forum.  When I last spoke with her and she was very coherent, she was bound and determined to ‘get better’ and get back to doing what she loved.  Unfortunately her body has not cooperated with her brain and will.  (And we all know how strong Helga’s will is  )

She has been with us from the start.  Has been a rock and ‘go to’ person for all, whether it was a seasoned member, returning one or newbie.  She has treated us all with the same love, care and sometimes her ‘broom’ as needed.  I ask that each of you keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  She is not alone but has a long time close friend as well as some of our members with her.
Her wishes are being carried out as she has directed prior to being taken to the hospital this time. I know we are her ‘family’ and I can say she is just as much part of my family as well as most of yours.  She is not alone and sent her love to all of you, just as she knows of our love for her.   Please do not call the facility as they will be unable to convey any information to you.  They are only allowed to communicate with those Helga listed as her 'emergency contacts'.  Any further updates from them will be passed along to you as we are informed.

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It seems when we want, or need or anticipate something to the very depths of our soul time stands still.  The silence is deafening.  The seconds, minutes, and hours just drag at a snail's pace.  It boils down to how a child feels sitting in the back seat of a car heading to Disneyland with each mile seeming endless. 

That sums it up for many of us here at Compumatrix.   We have been sitting in this "car" for a LONG time and are so ready to finally arrive at our destination!   Can you imagine what the father of those children feel when asked over and over again, "Are we there yet"?  NOW, can you imagine how HENRY feels or the staff?  We all want to get to our destination and we WILL! 

It seems like Mother Nature put a kink in our plans this week, but this too shall pass.   Henry will be up and running as soon as humanly possible.  We are so thankful that he has been able to withstand these nasty storms both in the Philippines and in this company.   He has been in communications via his cell to let us know he is alive and well.  The sync will resume as quickly as possible.  So, all of us in the "backseat"  need to refrain from "kicking the seat."  Our Founder is doing all he can to get us to our destination!   Our staff and Admin are working to keep this rolling until this car can pull over to allow us to get on with a lifetime of security! 

As Roy always says, "It is what it is, we will deal with it, then go on."


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Happy Tuesday to all.  It has been a very busy but a productive day despite the weather issues Henry has had these last few days. He is having to do some re-syncing, don't panic as it will not take too long to finish. 

There is another Super Typhoon named Haima heading his way.  Guess what the name of this one mean?  International Name is Haima... Philippine name: Lawin which means Eagle... and Haima does have a soaring eagle logo...I think THAT is a great sign.  We have been waiting on that Eagle for  a long time. I am going to believe that this Eagle will usher in OUR Eagle.

A quote from David sums it all up, "The Sun Is Rising over Compumatrix bringing all the light it needs and so the bird of birth can now fly away to another destiny."

So hang on folks and wait for the action that is surely to come quickly. If you were in the last batch of beta testing please note that once Henry has finished the sync, blockchain will start reflecting the refunds on the portal BTC instruction will follow.

No I will NOT give a time line but just reassuring you that this IS HAPPENING.  Keep the faith while enjoying the ride.
