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Messages - cryptosile

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Forced cover doesn't happen until a short falls below 150% collateral.  I had an open short myself that was at 164% collateral.  60 USD short, with a BTS collateral of about 98.4 USD.  I believe the forced margin call would happen at 150% a.k.a. 66% of collateral, but I've not seen a forced cover on any of my personal transactions.
Code: [Select]
      auto call_collateral = collateral;
      call_collateral.amount *= 2;
      call_collateral.amount /= 3;

So, call collateral is when 2/3 (66%) of total collateral.  Which is the same thing as saying 150% (3/2) collateral.

I'm not 100% sure this is the correct line but it would be nice to know exactly where this is controlled.  It looks like it maybe referenced in more than one place.

I think it's important to get this right as ByteMaster and others references the 200% number fairly often.  Here is one:

DevShares / delegate.everydaycrypto 5% pay delegate
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:23:02 pm »
I'm testing the waters with a delegate in the devshares chain... (good timing for me btw.) 

I run the website and would like to eventually launch a delegate on the BTS chain to help support making bitshares videos. 

As well as I would like to be able to run extremely stable delegates using multiple nodes via a tightly coupled consensus technique like etcd or consul .   I would start with a minimum of 3 servers but I need to have an activate delegate to start testing the failover and failback process.  Once I get this developed and tested I'll be happy to share with the community and potentially ask for a little higher pay rate.

Please help me get my delegate into the 101.


DevShares / Re: Does DevShares wallet_import_private_key work?
« on: January 13, 2015, 10:22:25 pm »
I received 1:1 DVS:BTS

(unclaimed BTS) via AGS and PTS november snapshot, I have no idea... I can't correlate the amounts in the json file to amounts received.  Anyone know the expected correlation for those?

Update:  after carefully reviewing all the files I found a missing key in my calculations.   All the PTS, BTC, and BTS are accounted for in the import.

DevShares / Re: Does DevShares wallet_import_private_key work?
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:54:55 pm »
I'm also having some trouble.

I was able to import my BTS using the import_from_json
However, I also had some BTS via the november sharedrop,

in genesis_dvs.json I have
    2x BTS addresses (imported fine via import_from_json)
    1 PTS address 3 times,
    The same PTS address was used for an AGS contribution as well as holding some PTS
    (I was able to import some via the import_private_key, but I can't match up the DVS amount int he client to any of the amounts listed in genesis_dvs.json
    1 BTC address which was used for AGS donation.  I can't get this one to import.

 I've tried it several times on different accounts.  I've tried the collect_vested and collect_genesis etc

Is there a way to query a PTS or BTC address to see if it's been claimed or not?  I have no idea what's been imported successfully  from the sharedrop....   

Technical Support / Re: BitShares Balances Estimated Yield
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:41:40 pm »
There is no "yield" however, BTS does go up in value when delegates who have a < 100% pay rate burn BTS.

DevShares / Re: The Value of DevShares
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:21:27 pm »

General Discussion / Re: 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: January 01, 2015, 01:57:07 am »
I've actually got a wallet walk through I did about 4 months ago.   But with all the changes recently it could use an update.   

General Discussion / Re: Why bitshares does not make bid side a priority?
« on: December 28, 2014, 10:03:35 pm »
the bid side is weak, I would think partially from the fact that most of the holders of BTS believe in the long term value of BTS and happier holding BTS or even becoming more exposed on BTS by shorting a particular asset.  Stronger bid side depth will come when more users come on board to the platform that are interesting in just maintaing a stable value + interest.

The interest rate paid to holders is a mechanism to increase the bid side.  There is still major price discover happening around what the correct / prevailing interest rate.  So, this market is still very young and as that interest rate goes up so should the bid book.

General Discussion / Re: why I lose some assets when the deal is done
« on: December 26, 2014, 04:20:19 am »
I think the 9.684292078249 and the 9.606147934678 have the most significant bits.  So you need to start your equations with those.

round ( 91.69 CNY * 9.684292078249 ) = 887.95 BTSBOTS

round ( 966.01 CNY * 9.606147934678 ) = 18885.78 BTSBOTS

So, you can't start with the two inputs with lesser resolution and arrive at the correct higher resolution number.

General Discussion / Re: 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:01:26 pm »
It's one of the few coins where you can do real time demonstrations because the confirmations and block times are so quick.

General Discussion / Re: 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:36:45 pm »
What we should do is put that limit at 200% like bytemaster claims it is at. 

I'm not sure he's claiming that, it may just be a misunderstanding in terminology as I am assuming in the above post.  Because as you say the code is currently written to allow 151% backing based on (collateral/bitUSD).  What is so confusing is the same numbers pop up depending on which value your are referring to, 2x , 150% , etc.

I updated my other post to clarify a little further around those terms:

Old Way  2x Collateral     
Collateral   100 BTS   
Collateral %   200%   
Actual Call Price   75 BTS   
Actual Min Collateral    % 133   (or 75% , 1.33*value = collateral, or .75* collateral = value , same thing)
150% of orignal price   75 BTS   
%75 of Collarteral   75 BTS   
Collateral drops to 150% of short requirement a.k.a requires 66% of collateral to cover   67%   (Wrong)
New Way 3x Collateral     
Collateral   150 BTS   
Collateral %   300%   
Actual Call Price   100 BTS   
Actual Min Collateral   150%   (or 66% , 1.5*value = collateral, or .66 * collateral = value , same thing)
150% of orignal price   75 BTS   (Wrong)
%75 of Collarteral   75 BTS   (Wrong)
Collateral drops to 150% of short requirement a.k.a requires 66% of collateral to cover   100 BTS 

General Discussion / Re: 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:23:09 pm »

Thank you for blog post!

There is definitely confusion around this topic so I want to walk through the first two of your clarifications:

1. Initial Margin is 3x the value of the BitAsset created
Here margin is used as in margin = collateral,  3x Collateral.  Check. no problems here.

2. Minimal Margin is 2x the value of the BitAsset created

When you used the word value I first read it as:
Collateral = 3 * short_price * short_qty   (good)
Margin call if  Collateral / price < 2 * short_qty , which would be, call_price = 1.5x * short_price (this is wrong)

Your language is correct if you read it as:
collateral = 3 * short_price * short_qty .
call price = 2 *short_price.  ( Margin call if  Collateral / price < 1.5x * short_qty)  ( this is correct)

However, I think the language could be improved a bit to clearly indicate what the word "margin" is referring to, specifically the collateral or the price.

If other people read it the way I read I think the minimum value is 1.5x the value.  Initially the collateral represents 300% the asset value, when that backing collateral drops to 150% of the asset value it will be a margin call.  This is the most natural way to explain it as it compares directly to fractional reserve banking which has 5% backing or something like that.

On the other hand, i've been looking at this so long I may be going cross eyed....  %-)

General Discussion / Re: 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: December 24, 2014, 05:35:17 pm »
See this discussion:

It was changed from 2x -> 3x backed.

General Discussion / 2 new video's on bitAssets and shorts
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:22:30 am »
I just published two new videos around bitAssets and how they work.  The first video is a whiteboard where I talk about shorting and the mechanics behind everything.  The second video I run through the process of shorting an asset using the bitshares client.


General Discussion / Re: are bitAssets 2x or 3x backed by BTS?
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:57:09 pm »
So, I took all these terms around the % of this and that and applied them to both the old and new ways of 2x and then 3x collateral.  Some of the confusion is that 150% number pops up in two different language ways to describe the call price.  So, i was getting those two confused thinking the 150% couldn't be correct for both 2x and 3x collateral. So, typed it all out as follows.

Price/Feed = 50 BTS = 1bitUSD
Short 1 bitUSD

Old Way  2x Collateral      
Collateral   100 BTS   
Collateral %   200%   
Actual Call Price   75 BTS   
Actual Min Collateral    % 133   (or 75% , 1.33*value = collateral, or .75* collateral = value , same thing)
150% of orignal price   75 BTS   
%75 of Collarteral   75 BTS   
Collateral drops to 150% of short requirement a.k.a requires 66% of collateral to cover   67%   (Wrong)
New Way 3x Collateral      
Collateral   150 BTS   
Collateral %   300%   
Actual Call Price   100 BTS   
Actual Min Collateral   150%   (or 66% , 1.5*value = collateral, or .66 * collateral = value , same thing)
150% of orignal price   75 BTS   (Wrong)
%75 of Collarteral   75 BTS   (Wrong)

Collateral drops to 150% of short requirement a.k.a requires 66% of collateral to cover   100 BTS   

As a summary, the collateral amount went from 2x -> 3x and the forced cover happens sooner going from 75% -> 66% of total collateral is now the threshold for a forced cover.

Also, the most recent bitshares client in the help section has an incorrect example about the margin call price.  It's an example that is using the old 2x collateral method.

This example needs to be updated.

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