Author Topic: Calling all BitShares-based businesses.  (Read 15607 times)

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首先感谢你重新削减了会议开支。不出我所料,bts的价格已经从上次我给你回信的4美分跌到接近3美分。 我相信即使按照你新预算16万美元的开支,在当前的市场情况下,也足以将bts价格推向2美分。


2)个人垫付的部分由社区发行UIA资产(marketing fund)相应予以补偿,这些资产可以流通,社区在适当的时候予以回购并赋予该资产持有者相应的荣誉。


Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 04:45:25 am by twitter »

Offline 小宁大大

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48h passed.


Please find a consensus on it as i still see no active communitcation.

Should there be no active progress in next 24h i will remove my vote from refund400k

Offline 小宁大大

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Offline Thul3

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48h passed.


Please find a consensus on it as i still see no active communitcation.

Should there be no active progress in next 24h i will remove my vote from refund400k

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Offline clockwork

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Thanks to lin5464 for the translation.


In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

鉴于最近对工人提案注资的讨论以及投票转移到refund 400k提案,考虑到对去中心化峰会已作出的承诺和已支付的订金,为了确保本提案能持续获得注资以及赞助费不被白白浪费掉,我想对此提案预算作出以下更新和修订。

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.


Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.


Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.


Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.


This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.


I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.


Thank you,




P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.

附注:我要指出的是, (和去年一样)此提案没有管理费,除了参加活动外,我没有获得任何形式的计划/组织回扣。我之所以致力于此只是因为我真心相信这将有益于平台。

Offline clockwork

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It would be nice if members/supporters of the Union could find a consens on this.
Silence is no solution.

Currently the worker is half funded and voted out.
On my knowledge bitshares would lose the collected funds also if it won't continue the conference sponsorship worker anymore.

I'm supporting the chinese move to reduce cost however disagree on the possibility to lose that amount of collected money for nothing.

Please keep negotiating to find a consensus.

I'm sure both sides are willing to negotiate.

Should there be no activity in next 3 days i will myself remove the vote from refund400k worker to not let happen that bitshares loses over 100k euro without benefit but i would prefer both parties would find a consensus making both of them happy.

In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

For tax purposes, payment of the sponsorship costs was handed over to the BBF. This saves us the VAT calculated in the original worker while incurring a 5% escrow cost, bringing the total sponsorship cost to  116.5k instead of 135.5 for a saving of 19k USD.

Additionally at least 4 of the core team members who will be attending will have their travel/accommodation covered by the Core Team worker's existing conference budget for a minimum savings of another 8k USD.

Furthermore I will attempt to ensure that the average per person accommodation and travel cost for the remaining 20 slots does not exceed 1.5k  for a minimum savings of 10k USD.

Finally, I will negotiate the promotional material production (video, leaflets etc.) down to 5k USD for another 2k savings and cut the unexpected expenses buffer to just 500$ for another 1k USD saved.

This brings the total MAXIMUM cost of the worker down to 160k USD which is a 20% decrease from the original plan.

I hope this will be better suited to the community and people will reevaluate their voting slates.

Thank you,


P.S. I should point out that this (like last year's) worker has NO management fee and I get NO reimbursement of any kind for planning/organising it apart from entry to the event. I'm working on it simply because I truly believe it will be beneficial to the platform.


If anyone could translate the statement above, it would be great.

Offline Thul3

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It would be nice if members/supporters of the Union could find a consens on this.
Silence is no solution.

Currently the worker is half funded and voted out.
On my knowledge bitshares would lose the collected funds also if it won't continue the conference sponsorship worker anymore.

I'm supporting the chinese move to reduce cost however disagree on the possibility to lose that amount of collected money for nothing.

Please keep negotiating to find a consensus.

I'm sure both sides are willing to negotiate.

Should there be no activity in next 3 days i will myself remove the vote from refund400k worker to not let happen that bitshares loses 100k euro without benefit but i would prefer both parties would find a consensus making both of them happy.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2019, 10:00:24 pm by Thul3 »

Offline clockwork

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clockwork 先生, 谢谢您的回复,

我相信这个会议很重要,但您要考虑目前社区的经费紧张状况和bts币价已经低于4美分,马上就要到3美分。我不知道您有没有持有1百万以上的bts? 如果你持有大量的bts您就能理解中文社区bts持有者的心情。
这个会议你们会 造成600万bts的抛售。这足以将bts的价格降到2美分,并造成市场的恐慌。 请您仔细考虑这个因素。


我认为取个折中方案,最多只能为10个核心人员提供差旅费,这样可以减少3万美元的抛售压力。当然您也可以不顾中文社区的意见,决定权在你。it would be very grateful if you can nice to the popular will of our community.



The reason for 25 people is because there were 25 free attendance tickets (each costing 450Euro) included in the entire partnership package. Seeing as this is not just "attending" a conference but co-presenting/partnering and with the best (double) booth in the conference, I believe we need as big a team as possible to push the entire BitShares ecosystem and network with other people/businesses attending. Having attended and organised the sponsorship last year as well, I can tell you that the networking factor alone (regardless of speaking slot) is a big deal and there's loads of interesting discussions and contacts taking place.

1.) The worker doesn't HAVE to but then I doubt we would get  the kind of attendance we need. So covering all is a way to make sure we have a large and varied team. Which is why it was mentioned from the beginning.
2.) As mentioned in the original proposal, it will be a mix of worker representatives, "regional" representatives suggested by the community, large proxies, committee members etc. as schedule permits. Finalising the list is the next step after finalising the speaker slots.
3.) See my reasoning above. Might be reduced, depending on interest and feedback but personally would rather not.

I'll once again point out that the worker budget is a MAXIMUM (i.e. UP TO that amount). All unused funds will be returned to the chain. I know for a fact that flights/ and accommodation will end up being less than 2k pp. That was just set as a maximum limit.

clockwork 先生,


1)在目前bts价格如此低迷,社区经费紧张的情况下,您认为一定要为25个参会者全部提供机票和食宿吗? 你能不能说明一下这样做的理由? 大部分国际会议都是都是只给演讲者提供差旅费的。
“The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps.”



谢谢! Thanks in advance


What about a position for the Russian community? For example, the dexgames platform ( looks quite good.

如果给俄罗斯社区一个机会怎么样?比如 dexgames 游戏平台看起来就很不错 (。

For the CN community, I think the best choice is among GDEX, MagicWallet and 100-city-chain. Another project is btspp which has a potential in the future, but I think it's not good enough especially as a "business" right now.

中国社区的话,我觉得最合适的是 GDEX 、鼓鼓钱包、百城百店项目。
btspp 有前景,但目前主要还是基础钱包功能,我觉得不太合适作为 business 来讲。

Russian community reps will definitely be invited. However the speaker slots are 4 with only the 4th one left open at the moment and I'd really like a CN team to fill it. Magic wallet is also my preference but I wanted to get other suggestions.

We also get a 1hr long panel discussion to organise. This could be used to get exposure to other bitshares businesses/communities. I plan to ask for input/feedback on this once i've finalised teh 4 speaker slots.

The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps. One step at a time

For transparency's sake, I hold roughly 400k BTS in total. Not as many as others but more than most. On top, that is my ENTIRE crypto stake. I hold no other coins. What's more, I started with 8k BTS and have been accumulating for >2 years.

Most of my salary (as witness and from UI worker) is kept and used to BUY and accumulate more BTS. I liquidate a small amount as needed to cover living expenses. So yes, I'm also thinking long-term.

That being said, I want to keep costs as low as possible but not at the expense of the conference's success. I am considering rebudgeting the worker to limit costs as long as it's possible. E.g. core team members will probably pay for travel/accommodation from their own worker (which has a conference budget) thus cutting costs there. The same would be true for UI team members but UI worker has been unvoted for so long over the last year it is finally out of funds.

for what it's worth, the cn community's decision to cut costs would make much more sense if it kept voting for key proposals that need funds (e.g. UI) instead of ones (like hackthedex) that are very healthily funded.

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clockwork 先生, 谢谢您的回复,

我相信这个会议很重要,但您要考虑目前社区的经费紧张状况和bts币价已经低于4美分,马上就要到3美分。我不知道您有没有持有1百万以上的bts? 如果你持有大量的bts您就能理解中文社区bts持有者的心情。
这个会议你们会 造成600万bts的抛售。这足以将bts的价格降到2美分,并造成市场的恐慌。 请您仔细考虑这个因素。


我认为取个折中方案,最多只能为10个核心人员提供差旅费,这样可以减少3万美元的抛售压力。当然您也可以不顾中文社区的意见,决定权在你。it would be very grateful if you can nice to the popular will of our community.



The reason for 25 people is because there were 25 free attendance tickets (each costing 450Euro) included in the entire partnership package. Seeing as this is not just "attending" a conference but co-presenting/partnering and with the best (double) booth in the conference, I believe we need as big a team as possible to push the entire BitShares ecosystem and network with other people/businesses attending. Having attended and organised the sponsorship last year as well, I can tell you that the networking factor alone (regardless of speaking slot) is a big deal and there's loads of interesting discussions and contacts taking place.

1.) The worker doesn't HAVE to but then I doubt we would get  the kind of attendance we need. So covering all is a way to make sure we have a large and varied team. Which is why it was mentioned from the beginning.
2.) As mentioned in the original proposal, it will be a mix of worker representatives, "regional" representatives suggested by the community, large proxies, committee members etc. as schedule permits. Finalising the list is the next step after finalising the speaker slots.
3.) See my reasoning above. Might be reduced, depending on interest and feedback but personally would rather not.

I'll once again point out that the worker budget is a MAXIMUM (i.e. UP TO that amount). All unused funds will be returned to the chain. I know for a fact that flights/ and accommodation will end up being less than 2k pp. That was just set as a maximum limit.

clockwork 先生,


1)在目前bts价格如此低迷,社区经费紧张的情况下,您认为一定要为25个参会者全部提供机票和食宿吗? 你能不能说明一下这样做的理由? 大部分国际会议都是都是只给演讲者提供差旅费的。
“The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps.”



谢谢! Thanks in advance


What about a position for the Russian community? For example, the dexgames platform ( looks quite good.

如果给俄罗斯社区一个机会怎么样?比如 dexgames 游戏平台看起来就很不错 (。

For the CN community, I think the best choice is among GDEX, MagicWallet and 100-city-chain. Another project is btspp which has a potential in the future, but I think it's not good enough especially as a "business" right now.

中国社区的话,我觉得最合适的是 GDEX 、鼓鼓钱包、百城百店项目。
btspp 有前景,但目前主要还是基础钱包功能,我觉得不太合适作为 business 来讲。

Russian community reps will definitely be invited. However the speaker slots are 4 with only the 4th one left open at the moment and I'd really like a CN team to fill it. Magic wallet is also my preference but I wanted to get other suggestions.

We also get a 1hr long panel discussion to organise. This could be used to get exposure to other bitshares businesses/communities. I plan to ask for input/feedback on this once i've finalised teh 4 speaker slots.

The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps. One step at a time


Offline clockwork

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clockwork 先生,


1)在目前bts价格如此低迷,社区经费紧张的情况下,您认为一定要为25个参会者全部提供机票和食宿吗? 你能不能说明一下这样做的理由? 大部分国际会议都是都是只给演讲者提供差旅费的。
“The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps.”



谢谢! Thanks in advance


What about a position for the Russian community? For example, the dexgames platform ( looks quite good.

如果给俄罗斯社区一个机会怎么样?比如 dexgames 游戏平台看起来就很不错 (。

For the CN community, I think the best choice is among GDEX, MagicWallet and 100-city-chain. Another project is btspp which has a potential in the future, but I think it's not good enough especially as a "business" right now.

中国社区的话,我觉得最合适的是 GDEX 、鼓鼓钱包、百城百店项目。
btspp 有前景,但目前主要还是基础钱包功能,我觉得不太合适作为 business 来讲。

Russian community reps will definitely be invited. However the speaker slots are 4 with only the 4th one left open at the moment and I'd really like a CN team to fill it. Magic wallet is also my preference but I wanted to get other suggestions.

We also get a 1hr long panel discussion to organise. This could be used to get exposure to other bitshares businesses/communities. I plan to ask for input/feedback on this once i've finalised teh 4 speaker slots.

The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps. One step at a time

The reason for 25 people is because there were 25 free attendance tickets (each costing 450Euro) included in the entire partnership package. Seeing as this is not just "attending" a conference but co-presenting/partnering and with the best (double) booth in the conference, I believe we need as big a team as possible to push the entire BitShares ecosystem and network with other people/businesses attending. Having attended and organised the sponsorship last year as well, I can tell you that the networking factor alone (regardless of speaking slot) is a big deal and there's loads of interesting discussions and contacts taking place.

1.) The worker doesn't HAVE to but then I doubt we would get  the kind of attendance we need. So covering all is a way to make sure we have a large and varied team. Which is why it was mentioned from the beginning.
2.) As mentioned in the original proposal, it will be a mix of worker representatives, "regional" representatives suggested by the community, large proxies, committee members etc. as schedule permits. Finalising the list is the next step after finalising the speaker slots.
3.) See my reasoning above. Might be reduced, depending on interest and feedback but personally would rather not.

I'll once again point out that the worker budget is a MAXIMUM (i.e. UP TO that amount). All unused funds will be returned to the chain. I know for a fact that flights/ and accommodation will end up being less than 2k pp. That was just set as a maximum limit.

Offline 小宁大大

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clockwork 先生,


1)在目前bts价格如此低迷,社区经费紧张的情况下,您认为一定要为25个参会者全部提供机票和食宿吗? 你能不能说明一下这样做的理由? 大部分国际会议都是都是只给演讲者提供差旅费的。
“The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps.”



谢谢! Thanks in advance


What about a position for the Russian community? For example, the dexgames platform ( looks quite good.

如果给俄罗斯社区一个机会怎么样?比如 dexgames 游戏平台看起来就很不错 (。

For the CN community, I think the best choice is among GDEX, MagicWallet and 100-city-chain. Another project is btspp which has a potential in the future, but I think it's not good enough especially as a "business" right now.

中国社区的话,我觉得最合适的是 GDEX 、鼓鼓钱包、百城百店项目。
btspp 有前景,但目前主要还是基础钱包功能,我觉得不太合适作为 business 来讲。

Russian community reps will definitely be invited. However the speaker slots are 4 with only the 4th one left open at the moment and I'd really like a CN team to fill it. Magic wallet is also my preference but I wanted to get other suggestions.

We also get a 1hr long panel discussion to organise. This could be used to get exposure to other bitshares businesses/communities. I plan to ask for input/feedback on this once i've finalised teh 4 speaker slots.

The worker is planned for 25 people to attend. 4 businesses * 2 each + me + ryan is 10. There is another 15 people remaining to be invited which will include panelists + community reps. One step at a time

Offline Thul3

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I would choose Crypviser with real ground breaking blockchain communication and security technology based on bitshares instead of bitspark.
A registered company based in Germany/Switzerland which is trying to comply with all regulations.

Crypviser has also the advantage that they can explain why they switched from Ethereum to Bitshares and have a fully working product.

Can be added if there is no interest from the CN community in the end. TBF, crypviser is running on a bitshares/graphene fork rather than bitshares itself and news has been slow in the last year which is why  it wasn't considered yet. I'd much rather showcase businesses running ON the actual bitshares blockchain.
I agree that it makes less sense if it's a fork.
valid point

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I would choose Crypviser with real ground breaking blockchain communication and security technology based on bitshares instead of bitspark.
A registered company based in Germany/Switzerland which is trying to comply with all regulations.

Crypviser has also the advantage that they can explain why they switched from Ethereum to Bitshares and have a fully working product.

Can be added if there is no interest from the CN community in the end. TBF, crypviser is running on a bitshares/graphene fork rather than bitshares itself and news has been slow in the last year which is why  it wasn't considered yet. I'd much rather showcase businesses running ON the actual bitshares blockchain.
I agree that it makes less sense if it's a fork.
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