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Messages - emski

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: price feed scripts
« on: November 11, 2014, 09:56:40 pm »
You need to periodically call the script.
Cron/at job is an option.
Alternatively you can use "watch -n <timeInSeconds> 'python3 BTC USD EUR CNY GOLD SILVER'".

General Discussion / Re: publish feed price automatic(From BitSuperLab)
« on: November 11, 2014, 08:41:27 pm »
Agreed ...
But i didn not merge your changes to the update rule and some others ... just the exchange importance and some error handling ..

I'll keep mine up to date then. I'd like to be able to use my update rule.

General Discussion / Re: Yet Another Price Feed Mod
« on: November 11, 2014, 08:39:37 pm »
I've updated with changes related to v0.4.24 .
I've merged some bugfixes (thanks to xeroc (python identation is tricky)).

General Discussion / Re: publish feed price automatic(From BitSuperLab)
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:31:22 pm »
@emski .. i added the exchange confidence to my script too

@vato_: please compare you config.json with the example config.json in the directory

If you've merged my changes then we dont need to maintain 2 versions of the script.
The diversity is achieved via the configuration where each delegate can configure its trust into exchanges.

General Discussion / Re: publish feed price automatic(From BitSuperLab)
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:06:58 pm »

OK so far.  ;)
"python3 GOLD
Loading data: yahoo, BTC38Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 410, in <module>
  File "", line 72, in fetch_from_btc38
    if "ticker" in result[coin.lower()] and result[coin.lower()]["ticker"] and float(result[coin.lower()]["ticker"]["last"])>config["minValidAssetPrice"]:
KeyError: 'minValidAssetPrice'
Should be this the expected result?

Looks like you are using my version of the script. It is not yet working on 0.4.24. I'll update it soon.

General Discussion / Re: publish feed price automatic(From BitSuperLab)
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:59:58 pm »
Is this already fixed? I can see delegates with 0.4.24-RC2 and active feeds.

But no matter wich script I tried, from bitsuperlab or xeroc I get
"print "Warnning: rpc call error, retry 5 seconds later"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax"
I'm on 0.4.24-RC2 too.

Edit: with xeroc's script I get "Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/bts_feed/", line 4, in <module>
    import requests
ImportError: No module named 'requests'

You can still use old script connecting to 0.4.23 client in order to produce feeds.
I'll update my version of the script at the first opportunity. I hope this will be before the hardfork.

General Discussion / Re: Warning: Accounts similar to current delegates
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:17:26 pm »
I remember that there is a guy with ID "", but not related to Dacsunlimted at all. Forum administrators should ban such IDs which are similar to well known IDs.
The IDs mentioned in the first post are registered on BTSX blockchain and not on the forum.

Technical Support / Re: Running multiple seed nodes on the same server
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:59:45 pm »
There shouldn't be a benefit of holding multiple client instances except the minimum redundancy due to crashes.
However the same IP with different ports could be a router hiding different machines behind.

Similar past thread:

A note regarding our work on the transition of PTS to a standalone DPOS chain:

PTS is alive and well and so is the social consensus. PTS will be the preferred sharedrop instrument of future 3rd party DACs. We have yet to decide whether to use the Nov. 5th snapshot (since a future snapshot may not be possible if mining stops completely), but rest assured that we have a functional testnet, new website and marketing in the works, and an active group of dedicated developers and marketers.

Stay tuned for more information...

Snapshot is possible at any block. Even if mining completely stops there will still be one last block. And that should be the snapshot.

As you cant be sure the mining will stop then a new snapshot should be announced.
That snapshot should be used instead of Nov 5th to start the new PTS DPOS chain.

General Discussion / Re: Proposal for simplifying account registration
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:29:01 am »
You can just register another account after you use the faucet to get your first account.

DAC PLAY / Re: Tradable Software License As Asset?
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:26:02 am »

XBox is allowing reselling if the publishers enable this:

Trade-in and resell your disc-based games: Today, some gamers choose to sell their old disc-based games back for cash and credit. We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers.  Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.

In our role as a game publisher, Microsoft Studios will enable you to give your games to friends or trade in your Xbox One games at participating retailers. Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers.  Microsoft does not receive any compensation as part of this. In addition, third party publishers can enable you to give games to friends. Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners.

That means you can sell the games back to Microsoft. Not to anyone else. You can "give" the game to a friend under some restrictions: 30 day minimum friendship.
The idea for software licensing on blockchain is wonderful. It will just be a bit difficult to apply it to games (at current situation).

General Discussion / Re: Proposal for simplifying account registration
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:16:48 am »
How will you prevent someone from flooding the network with such floating accounts ?

* We are the only people on earth capable of delivering on BTS. If we left right now BTS would die, while we could make a viable competitor.

Strong words...

EDIT: Just to make clear - I'm neutral towards funds redistribution. And this wasn't intended to be offensive. My comment was just for that statement.

General Discussion / Re: Advice wanted: Pay rate for developer delegate
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:04:28 pm »
I want to say that I totally disagree with this philosophy/attitude.  Why shouldn't we compensate svk for past work?

We are going to ask him to open source his work and then tell him he deserves no compensation for his past work except a pat on the back, and then ask what else can he do for us?  Just because the work is done so maybe he doesn't have much "room to negotiate"?  I think it's a bad attitude that serves to discourage others from freely contributing and shows a lack of appreciation.

Do we want to reward results or just "work"?  I'd rather reward and encourage results.

These systems codify a "fair" or socially agreed distribution of stake.  I think to get "buy in" we should cultivate a sense of fairness.  I think it is ridiculous to expect people will contribute anything of significance if we take this attitude and I think it encourages competition.  I'm not saying we reward things of questionable value but bitsharesblocks was a legit contribution.

I totally agree with this.

General Discussion / Re: Questions about delegates
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:39:44 pm »
Are you saying that if I obtained my BTSX from an exchange the exchange obtained them from one or more of the original investors?


Q5: Interesting, I don't recall ever seeing this mentioned, is it in the wiki somewhere? I looked at the site which lists a total supply of 1,999,902,838 and unclaimed of 662,319,002. The difference is 1,337,583,836. Why is the total supply such an odd number?

Initial distribution was 2B distributed 50%/50% to PTS/AGS holders. Some of the trx fees paid are destroyed which results in lower than 2B total supply.

This uncovers yet another gap in my understanding, that being how BTSX (or any type of blockchain "coin|share|note|thingy..." are created in the first place. Are you saying the genesis block "defines" the total number of outstanding shares and who owns them, and in the case of BTSX the genesis block lists all of the account keys for the PTS and AGS investors that existed when the genesis block started the BTSX blockchain? But the code is what allows for diluting, which just means increasing the maximum niumber of shates|coins|etc, right?

Yes. Dilution is not yet enabled. There are some ongoing discussions about that.

If a "block" is a group of transactions, what transactions make up the genesis block if it is purely a definition of the total pool of BTSX and the account keys of the owners of the BTSX in that pool?

There are no transactions in genesis block. Just a list of keys and balances.

Q8a: what ndo you mean by "unspent outputs"?

Any transaction moves BTSX from one address to another. Unspent output is a BTSX amount that is not included as input to any transaction included in blockchain.
(Transaction has input(s) and output (and change address)).
Basically this is the BTSX anyone has received but hasn't spent. All unspent outputs combined equal total supply (assuming no bugs).

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