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Copyright (c) <year>, <copyright holder>
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
      names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
      derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


What this means is that all features from all blockchains based upon Graphene can be adopted by their brother and sister chains. It means that all public chains benefit from developments on other similarly licensed chains.

This also means that people can create derivative chains that do not license their changes to BitShares. BitShares may have to use worker proposals, revenue shares, etc to motivate developers to offer their forks for use with BitShares under a BSD license.  It is for this reason that the GPL was not adopted. GPL would prevent 3rd parties from charging BitShares for their work and thus undermine incentives for innovation.

This means that anyone can now adopt and improve upon the Graphene UI and make a better exchange platform.

Cryptonomex was holding on to the Graphene code while we were figuring out our business model. Our model no longer depends upon license fees or revenue sharing from the referral program which means the BitShares ecosystem can redirect those fees to other profitable opportunities.

We will be preparing a more formal press release once we have made all of the commits necessary (to change headers, licenses etc). 

Congratulations to people like OpenLedger (CCEDK) and BitCash, your business profits just doubled.  Congratulations to BitShares, we have withdrawn our worker proposal requesting that we be compensated for opening up the license.

Ultimately this means that BitShares / Graphene is no longer held back by CNX. 

We will continue to work with the community to improve and enhance Graphene and BitShares. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

We should try to separate two independent issues:

1.  If an entrepreneur develops a new DAPP and offers it to BitShares with a revenue sharing model, are we going to vote to install it? 

     (The first time we turn down such an offer will probably be the last time we get one.)

2.  What are all the insanely great ideas for funding such upgrades to BitShares?

We should care about any upgrade's safety, use of resources, and impact on BitShares reputation, etc..  We should not care about how the developer raised funds to develop it or speculate on her motivations for doing so.    Most especially, it is none of our business what method they use to raise their development funds.  Encourage them to innovate.

We should go forth and tell the world about all the ways there are for investors and developers to make money using the BitShares platform.  This should build interest in BitShares more than anything I can think of.  What's the  best thing about Ethereum?  Its attractive to developers.  What's most attractive to developers?  A way to profit from their efforts.

Folks who want to confiscate their profits or cap their upside are being penny wise and pound foolish.

In general, the more a developer/investor can earn from starting a new business on our blockchain, the more they are likely to reinvest in that business to make it more profitable.  That means more features, more polish, and more promotion effort from the developer/investor.  As long as BitShares is getting a cut to cover network costs and earn a profit for its own investors, everybody wins.

The more profitable businesses that are motivated to build on our platform, the more customers will use it, and the more attractive it will be for other businesses.

A virtuous cycle.

I'm sure no one really cares how they raise their funds... The biggest contention here is using funds from a worker proposal and then selling that feature to other chains.  If a company (say cnx) were to create a worker proposal for prediction markets, bts should have a right to profits from the selling that feature to any of the other chains (muse, identabit, etc) since bts is an investor.

And this is where IP becomes a thorny issue that is ultimately slowing us down. If we try to compete based upon IP it is like a country trying to compete by placing tariffs on imports/exports. Ultimately the only thing that "protectionism" does is increase costs to the citizens of the country while hurting the competitiveness of the country and subsidizing unprofitable businesses.

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:11:34 pm »
i like the idea

but would suggest some changes

1. make it possible that a UIA is created for the investor
2. the UIA can be in control of the committee members and the investor
3. create a automated buyback mechanism etc.
4. the fees for this UIA should only be paid on top of a normal transaction. so if a normal transaction costs 20 cent and the stealth fees say 30 cents and then split the 30 cent like discribed.

With this we can finance many more project in the pipline

you want a prediction market? done, create UIA get the project funded

with this we can create multiple automated UIA assets on our blockchain who will be traded and give our bitshares exchange some unic assets.
+ 1
I like it. I like it better than my own idea in many ways. Maybe we need both system.
The 'improve the API' worker will not generate any direct fees in the future. and it will not be the only such case.
So we have/need a solution for both kind of jobs.

I do think the "improve the API worker" will generate direct fees.  It will allow 3rd parties to build trading platforms, which will interact with the wallet and generate fee's via trading.

The question is how you gonna collect those 'more fees' to give them to whoever made the great API possible (by paying for it to be build)?
Collect fees from anyone using the api? I do not like this approach.

I see, what you mean... I was thinking the API would be built via worker proposal, not individual investors.  Then the API would be used by third parties and they would get paid by being the referrer of the traders that they get to use the DEX.  The network would then profit via the trading fees as well.

There is no reason the trading API cannot be hosted on a centralized server where traders "pay to access it".  It isn't like the API is intrinsic to the protocol or anything.

Tony, you certaintly have a way with words.  Thank you for this poll, it is missing just one option:  "CmdrTaco hasn't adopted BTS yet".

Getting to 80% is my strength, finishing the last 20% is my weakness and has long been the case even before BitShares. BitShares is the single project I have stuck with the longest in my life and which has actually reached a usable product in the hands of thousands of users.   

Everyone wants us to focus on "ONE THING" and I largely agree with that. It had better be the right "ONE THING" though or we are dead. 

My personality type is INTJ ( and I am constantly challening my beliefs and understanding to make things better. I have a very hard time working toward a sub-optimal solution and what is optimal is constantly changing as knowledge increases.  I am smart enough to recognize the value of focusing on one thing as well as the futility of pursuing something to completion that will be outdated by the time it gets there.

I would say that to put my skills to their best use, I should solve problems, prove the concept, and hand it off to people that are good at taking it all the way. 

Anyway, BitShares is a lifelong project that will evolve in the direction this community takes it. It must become bigger than CNX and bigger than me.

That is why we are moving toward open sourcing everything.  Once we open source it, we can continue to improve / develop it together. I have long term plans for it, but obviously need to blend it with short terms needs.

At the end of the day, complaining about others is the least effective means of change. Either do something to help, shut up, or leave.  CNX will do everything we can to avoid being the bottleneck to progress and give the community room to do what is necessary.

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:53:55 pm »
How does this model affect the issues around open sourcing graphene?

For example are these investor going to say "oh no my code cant be used in muse because i dont have access to the revenues"

Thus they might be completely against GPLing graphnee etc?

I think that our tight fisted licensing stance has been holding back BTS by triggering people's gut reaction to flee from anything that even smells proprietary. I apologize for getting weak and attempting to rely upon IP to build a business. We are looking at new business models that allow us to relax the IP restrictions and I think I can convince any potential feature investor that GPL is the minimum standard we should accept into the blockchain and that it must be BSD/MIT for use with BitShares (GPL for all other uses).

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:49:20 pm »
i like the idea

but would suggest some changes

1. make it possible that a UIA is created for the investor
2. the UIA can be in control of the committee members and the investor
3. create a automated buyback mechanism etc.
4. the fees for this UIA should only be paid on top of a normal transaction. so if a normal transaction costs 20 cent and the stealth fees say 30 cents and then split the 30 cent like discribed.

With this we can finance many more project in the pipline

you want a prediction market? done, create UIA get the project funded

with this we can create multiple automated UIA assets on our blockchain who will be traded and give our bitshares exchange some unic assets.

This is exactly what we discussed over lunch today. It seems like a great way to crowdfund features. After all the value of a feature is the present value of its projected future revenue to the network. With a few small changes it could even be set up such that a minimum amount of funding must be achieved or the BTS are returned. Very much like an automated kickstarter.

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 06:42:44 pm »
To extend on my thought on funding...

an instrument can be created and sold by the devs doing the worker proposal. Instead of being 20mil BTS (using 100$/rate), the worker payment is 35mil BTS and vests after 3 years of completion. The devs get their money immediately (selling the instrument), the real investors get their payment after 3 years as all the money from the worker pay go into this instrument [collateralized bond of sorts]

This was one of our original strategies, but has one flaw:  100% of the risk is transferred to BTS holders and it consumes our limited dilution budget. Under this model the investor would be guaranteed 35M bts in 3 years even if the feature never generated 35M of value.  This means that the community has to socialize the risk and estimation of profit. Having private parties invest in features and have unbounded upside means they will also invest in MARKETING the features.

I also think it is important to introduce a precedent for people to independently fund and build features for BTS that don't depend upon CNX to implement them.  CNX should not be a bottleneck.   If someone can build a business around a feature then we should allow them to profit from their business.  The network should charge a small fee to cover operation costs and profit for BTS holders, and the remaining profits should go to the individuals building a business. The alternative is for them to create their own blockchain.

This is a very good model and everyone wins and the supply does not grow.

I have talked with some other people who are interested in building out different features if they can get a revenue share for operations executed under their business model.

General Discussion / New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:23:52 pm »
I have been approached by a community member who has offered to cover the $45,000 to implement stealth transfers in the GUI *IF* he can get his money back through stealth transfer fees.

Stealth transfers cannot participate in the referral program. The fee for a stealth transfer can be higher (premium service) at about $0.50, with $0.10 going to the network and $0.40 going to the individual who funds this improvement to the GUI.  After the first 20 Million BTS worth of fees have been paid to this individual, the split would reverse, with $0.10 going to him and $0.40 going to the network.

The bottom line is that rather than diluting to pay for this feature, it will be entirely funded from future revenue generated by the feature itself.  As fees are set in terms of BTS, we would allow the individual who paid for this feature to set the fee until the first 20M BTS have been paid, then the committee members would take over setting this particular fee.

Without paying for this work there would be few transfers of this type. So the network doesn't lose much nor take much risk.

I have put this as a $1000 worker proposal because it requires a hard fork to add the fee splitting and it requires stakeholder approval.  $1000 is a token amount to show that the stakeholders standby this decision.

I am still working through the details with the individual who has made the offer, but we cannot do this unilaterally.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:08:19 pm »
Getting back to the proposal: stealth functionality currently works in CLI.

How about instead of this costly feature integration, we first expose the command line in the UI, like in the original Bitshares1 client?

Then provide step-by-step instructions for stealth transfers. Post them on bitcointalk, github, wiki, etc.
See if stealth usage picks up and if there's real demand.

It will be easier to get the shareholders to accept the costs if there's usage data to point to.
There would be reasons that a CLI console hasn't been included in GUI.

The primary reason is that the GUI wallet which has the private keys kept in Javascript would have to transfer the private keys over a websocket connection to a server. Different architecture.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:46:38 pm »
No software company offers a warranty on a FREE product provided WITHOUT WARRANTY.

If you think BitShares should have a software support contract that covers a certain amount of bug fixes then that may be the proper way to structure things.

Software bugs cost people money, if we had to take out liability insurance for any and all losses as a result of software then our rates would be $1000 per hour or more. It would be totally impractical to produce software on an kind of market competitive schedule.

It is not liability insurance, it is fixing the non working coffee makers coming out of your factory. (as in not compensating the people killed by it, just fixing the one that fail at making coffee)


The warranty would be 9 times greater than the product itself???

This is one hell of a shitty product, if it costs 9x more to repair all defects than to produce it in the first place.

In software terms there are always bugs and things that can be considered "non-working". That said, we DID come back and fix things without charge.  The reason we pointed out that we didn't ...HAVE TO... is merely to protect us against unbounded liability for making fixes to bugs / issues that come up.

A 9x markup represents how much longer it would take to audit the code and ensure it is free of bugs. It represents the time it would take to implement all the extra tests required to increase the quality of all of the code to the level of perfection demanded by some.

You better believe that if a coffee pot manufacturer was giving away free products that had some minor defects they wouldn't offer to fix them.  Especially if it came with no warranty as being fit for any purpose.

Like I said above, we overcommitted to what we could deliver in a USER INTERFACE.  We also quickly retracted the bond market commitment a week after announcement. 

This whole "blame game" is not really productive.  Unrealistic expectations lead to disappointment. It is up to each of us to manage our own personal expectations.

Please just answer my question! Will the other chains get the improvements that bts pays for?!?

PS I'm a top 50 largest shareholder... And if I'm bringing up these points what do you think compettitors are saying?

Yes.  If we do it then we are the copyright holders and will have unrestricted use.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:08:44 pm »
It is a great product and it is SO close to being a fully functional, decentralized exchange and trading engine. If I were a developer and it were my baby, I'd want to make it bug-free as well.

If it isn't quite perfect, then we spend the funds to get it done. We'll be thankful we did.

Bond Markets were dismissed and replaced for stealth transfers. There goes the trading engine. Still I would gladly approve a worker proposal for that to be implemented but I guess we will end up spending much more money in something we need. At this time we could already have bond market at the protocol level for free which we don't.

We ditched the bond market we originally proposed after feedback from the community.  The protocol level rules created a system that was combination bond/option and that made them difficult to price an unpredictable.  The new bond market rules are more complex than the one originally proposed because it actually enforces margin calls on users. This extra complexity means we can toss the partial work that we already did on bond markets prior to June 8th and must start over.

I really really want a bond market. I am just trying to estimate the relative complexity of various tasks.

Ultimately each service provider is providing a plugin to the wallet and has their own unique needs / UI requirements.

I think the main page should be organized by service providers including logo's a brief description, and a link to their website.

This particular page has exploded faster than I had expected!  I is a nice problem to have so many service providers competing for business and integrated directly into the wallet. It certainly makes the services more discoverable.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Worker Proposal - Refund Order Creation Fees
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:55:20 pm »
Basically I support this proposal, but IMHO, #446 "Distribute Market Fees on Core Asset to Referral Program" is also very important.

IMHO, the problem dealt by this proposal is partially and temporally resolved by lowering the order creation fee. However, distributing market fees is really new feature and can be implemented only by new worker proposal.

When are you going to start #446?

We will probably do this one next (but we want to slowly tackle things at a rate the community can follow).  Doing multiple proposals at the same time would be difficult to manage.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:44:31 pm »
No software company offers a warranty on a FREE product provided WITHOUT WARRANTY.

If you think BitShares should have a software support contract that covers a certain amount of bug fixes then that may be the proper way to structure things.

Software bugs cost people money, if we had to take out liability insurance for any and all losses as a result of software then our rates would be $1000 per hour or more. It would be totally impractical to produce software on an kind of market competitive schedule.

It is not liability insurance, it is fixing the non working coffee makers coming out of your factory. (as in not compensating the people killed by it, just fixing the one that fail at making coffee)


The warranty would be 9 times greater than the product itself???

This is one hell of a shitty product, if it costs 9x more to repair all defects than to produce it in the first place.

In software terms there are always bugs and things that can be considered "non-working". That said, we DID come back and fix things without charge.  The reason we pointed out that we didn't ...HAVE TO... is merely to protect us against unbounded liability for making fixes to bugs / issues that come up.

A 9x markup represents how much longer it would take to audit the code and ensure it is free of bugs. It represents the time it would take to implement all the extra tests required to increase the quality of all of the code to the level of perfection demanded by some.

You better believe that if a coffee pot manufacturer was giving away free products that had some minor defects they wouldn't offer to fix them.  Especially if it came with no warranty as being fit for any purpose.

Like I said above, we overcommitted to what we could deliver in a USER INTERFACE.  We also quickly retracted the bond market commitment a week after announcement. 

This whole "blame game" is not really productive.  Unrealistic expectations lead to disappointment. It is up to each of us to manage our own personal expectations.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 20, 2015, 10:00:55 pm »
No software company offers a warranty on a FREE product provided WITHOUT WARRANTY.

If you think BitShares should have a software support contract that covers a certain amount of bug fixes then that may be the proper way to structure things.

Software bugs cost people money, if we had to take out liability insurance for any and all losses as a result of software then our rates would be $1000 per hour or more. It would be totally impractical to produce software on an kind of market competitive schedule.

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