Author Topic: Advice wanted: Pay rate for developer delegate  (Read 15847 times)

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Offline emski

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Given the usefulness of I think anyone would agree you deserve high-paying delegate.
Keep up the good work!

Offline xeroc

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also consider adding the "website" attribute to your public data field and point to a lengthy description of goals,finance,payouts,blabla..

+5% I believe a site is being made for "delegate profiles".
Yhea .. cass is working on it ..

we might help him out and define a SYNTAX for the public data field .. or at least define which fields should be considered set .. such as
- webseite
- pgp/gpg fingerprint
- mail
- scripthash for price feed script
- delegate slate
- maintainer TITAN address

- skype
- icq
- twitter
- bitmessage
- donation TITAN address
- forum handle

Offline Method-X

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also consider adding the "website" attribute to your public data field and point to a lengthy description of goals,finance,payouts,blabla..

+5% I believe a site is being made for "delegate profiles".

Offline xeroc

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I'm really happy paid delegates are generating such interest! I would definitely support you.

My advice: Each paid delegate should have a clear value proposition. For example: value-proposition.username (ie. marketing.methodx). You can be broad or you can be really specific (i.e. mobile-wallet.username). This is how I envision paid delegate positions playing out anyway. I'd say come up with a specific project you're going to work on and campaign on that.
That sounds like a good idea ..

also consider adding the "website" attribute to your public data field and point to a lengthy description of goals,finance,payouts,blabla..

Offline Method-X

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I'm really happy paid delegates are generating such interest! I would definitely support you.

My advice: Each paid delegate should have a clear value proposition. For example: value-proposition.username (ie. marketing.methodx). You can be broad or you can be really specific (i.e. mobile-wallet.username). This is how I envision paid delegate positions playing out anyway. I'd say come up with a specific project you're going to work on and campaign on that.

Offline xeroc

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nice of you to ask! +5% .. considering your contributions I would have no issue to vote 100% for you .. for now it's not too much money per month ..

also, you have two options when the market cap rise .. either you reduce your payrate or you burn manually/automated ..
I guess one nice feature of TuringComplete Script would be to predefine a USD amount per month and let the script burn the rest automatically ..

So If I were you I would set up 100% for now and rediscuss your "pay" in one or two months

Offline fuzzy

Maybe take full pay for your main delegate and run altchain delegates for free?  In this way, you are not only helping secure the network and developing tools for its users but also supporting the altchains whose ideas may someday be adopted by the primary chain. 

This will make it far less likely that BTS using altchain innovations will be considered in a negative light as you will be helping secure their development ecosystem free of charge ;)

I am actually of the belief that most people should start out with full delegate pay (if they have been around for a long time and have big dreams for the network).  Over time, when the network reaches a marketcap in the 100's of millions, delegates might be able to scale back pay a little bit in order to maintain the network's growth rate while also decreasing the amount paid out to accomplish it. 
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 02:52:20 pm by fuzzy »
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Offline svk

I'm shamelessly paraphrasing MethodX's topic in order to solicit the community on what level of payrate you consider acceptable for a developer delegate who's not working directly on the core software.

As you might know I'm the developer and maintainer of, and I've been running three delegates up till now. With the upcoming change to delegate payrate I intend to move to a single paid delegate, and maybe an additional "free" 0% payrate delegate to help support the network.

I've been working very hard on BitsharesBlocks and I consider it now mostly feature-complete, but I'm still actively working on it and will of course keep on improving it. I also intend to start one or two new projects, possibly in collaboration with Cass.

The first one and most likely at this point is the "facebook for delegates" site that was mentioned briefly in another thread, and if time permits I'm still thinking of doing something similar to Ripplecharts for Bitshares.

Either way I will be working on projects for the Bitshares eco-system, and I hope the community will allow me to keep devoting my free time to it. I've even arranged with my day-job that for all of 2015 I will drop down to an 80% position in order to spend more time on Bitshares projects. This of course means my salary is dropping by 20%, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make!

So my question to you is, what do you feel is an acceptable payrate for my contributions? Don't be shy, I won't bite even if you say 0% ;)

Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks