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Regarding the last point (, check out bullet point 8 which corresponds to slide 8 of 10. I'll quote it here:

"8. THE FUTURE – PROJECT KEYHOTEE Communication and Payment as One -"

I'm not sure about this one, but I'll go ahead and add it back; technically, there is an entire slide dedicated to Keyhotee, so it could qualify.  The I3 team has final say anyway, right?  (:

Marketplace / Re: 1 PTS per Typo-Fix Pull Request Submitted to
« on: February 27, 2014, 12:51:14 pm »
Just checking in.  I know you've got a billion and one things going on right now, but I wanted to note that has not been paid yet (or perhaps to be more accurate, I did not receive a bounty for that pull request).

Hi Jernau.  Thanks for the clarifications.

Thanks Nutterboy for pointing that out.

I re-reviewed the link in question.  This one's definitely not a repost; sorry about that.  I'm still not sure if it qualifies, though; the article did not seem to be specifically about I3 nor any of its products — one sentence out of a page-long article is tough to qualify as press for I3, I think.

Working through the list now.  About halfway done.

I added two columns to the table:  Pass QA (whether the URL meets minimum requirements) and Notes (specifies reason for rejecting URLs).

Pass QA can have one of three values:

  • Y - URL meets minimum requirements and should be reviewed by I3 team.
  • ? - I was unable to determine whether the URL meets minimum requirements.  Review by I3 team recommended.
  • N - URL does not meet minimum requirements and does not need to be reviewed by I3 team.

Reasons why a URL gets rejected include:

  • Broken link - The URL does not link to a valid resource, or I am unable to get the resource to load in my browser.
  • Duplicate - The URL was submitted in a post that was created after another post that already mentions that URL.
  • LTB - The URL links to an article by Lets Talk Bitcoin, which is not eligible.
  • Not article - The URL links to a forum, aggregation, homepage or other resource that is not an article.
  • Not press - The URL links to a whitepaper or other instructional article that does not qualify as press/news.
  • Off-topic - The URL links to an article that does not cover, or is only tangentially related to, any of the required topics.
  • Repost - The URL links to a repost or summary of another article rather than the article itself.

I went ahead and activated a filter, so only the "Y" and "?" URLs appear.

Awesome!  I'm glad the spreadsheet was useful!

I'll start going through the links and filter out the wheat from the chaff (:

Will this be paid before the snapshot?  :)

That's the plan.  See bytemaster's post:

Brian and I will then sort through this table and make payments by the 28th.   Anything posted after this post will not be paid out prior to the 28th.

I would like to offer someone 10 PTS to go through all submissions, remove duplicates or simple reposts, and create an XLS spreadsheet of links, posters, and PTS addresses that may need paid.   Very simple table, sorted by PTS address to be paid.   

Brian and I will then sort through this table and make payments by the 28th.   Anything posted after this post will not be paid out prior to the 28th.


  • Duplicates are highlighted in gray.
  • I used the last edit date for any edited posts to be fair.  I'm kicking myself for this one, as I edited my post early on to add a note pointing out that a previous post had been edited to include the link I already posted.  But I'll forfeit the 1 PTS so that I can apply the rules consistently to everyone.
  • [re]posts are highlighted in red.



Note that I posted this before the previous post was edited to include it (I'm sure it was an oversight).

Marketplace / Re: 1 PTS per Typo-Fix Pull Request Submitted to
« on: February 19, 2014, 06:13:40 pm »

Some of the changes were 'meta' changes that fix HTML syntax or make the content more robust to sitemap changes, but do not affect how the actual content is displayed.  Changes are itemized in the pull request description so that you can determine which ones qualify for the bounty.

Also note that a commit by Daniel Larimer snuck into my pull request — I didn't see the note on the forum about changing the upstream repo until after I created the pull request.  It appears that maybe Daniel's commit got merged into the super3 repo but not the InvcitusInnovations one?  Anyway, it's tricky to cherry-pick commits when doing a pull request; hopefully this doesn't cause any problems.

When MemoryCoin was launched, all PTS holders could claim a certain amount of pre-mined MMC by importing their PTS private keys into the MMC wallet software.

Assuming I got that part right, this makes me a little curious how I should plan for new DAC launches if I have lots of PTS addresses.

If I've accumulated a certain amount of PTS across multiple addresses, would I need to export each private key into the wallet for each new PTS-honoring DAC that I wanted to claim my stake in?  Or is there a fast way to bulk-import multiple addresses?  Or am I misunderstanding how the process works?

BitShares PTS / Sending PTS from a specific address
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:02:54 am »
I'd like to send PTS from a specific address using the Mac Qt client (version 0.2.0, from ).

Is this possible?  How do I do it?


PTS addy is in the pull request description.

Oops... I really hope I get credit for each typo I fixed and not just 1 PTS per pull request! /:

I've noticed in a few places on the forums, as well as on the I3 website, there are references to "Bitshares", and separate references to "Bitshares X".  It seems like these are two different things.

What is the difference between Bitshares and Bitshares X?

I'm really curious to find out if it is possible / straightforward to launch a DAC on the Etherium network with a certain % of equity reserved for Protoshares owners.

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