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Messages - HackFisher

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中文 (Chinese) / [转载+疑问]我对于BitShares中BitAssets的理解
« on: November 24, 2013, 05:47:29 am »



但是,我想我们很多人一开始就将BTA想得过于复杂,以至于越来越纠结很多概念性的问题。其实,作为BitShares白皮书作者的Daniel和Charles,这两个人是非常喜欢玩概念的人。他们非常善于从很多我们可能已经非常熟悉的东西中高度抽象出一些概念,并拉到一个新的高度,当然,这本身是非常了不起的,其中最有趣的就是DAC的概念(DAC是一个我非常喜欢的概念,目前我正在写另一篇关于DAC的文章)。DAC(Distributed Autonomous Corporation,分布式自治机构),应该是从比特币系统中高度抽象出来的概念,但是如果你不知道比特币,从仅仅从DAC的定义中,其实是很难反推出比特币概念的。








作者  暴走恭亲王

BitShares PTS / Re: About 80% of blocks contain only 1 tx
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:36:02 am »
Do pts transactions has fees? fee is important.
I just did some research... and it is clear y pool is including transactions in many of its blocks, and it also appears that many transactions are being included in the network.

I believe that there is enough competition in the market to have these transaction problems correct themselves.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

Keyhotee / Re: Connecting Keyhotee and Protoshares
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:05:56 am »
When the price/value of Protoshare goes up, PTS blockchain might be less attractive to non-invictus DAC, because they need investment by early buy "IPO coins". If they buys Protoshares at high Price, it is may cost too much and less profitable to the real supporter of the idea of DAC.

This situation also apply to invictus, this could explain why Invictus will choose children and grandson as the proto chain of DAC.

@Stan, al least, Protoshare will be the ancestor of all the DACs release by Invictus, right?

I think thats a reasonable position but I don't think that's been clearly articulated in your material.  I had understood it as Protocoin was the point from which all new chains would be forked, but you're saying that Protoshares -> Bitshares but then instead of Protoshares -> New Chain it will be Bitshares ->  New Chain, which means that once Bitshares are issued to protoshares holders the value of protoshares is mostly gone.

How would a non-invictus DAC benefit from protoshares?  Unless they're mining now, they won't have any substantial number so what advantage is there issuing to holders of protoshares besides giving them their new coin for free instantly?  I don't understand the value to a company not already owning lots of Protoshares

中文 (Chinese) / Re: bitshares的进展
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:46:27 am »
Keyhotee 是一个单独的blockchain,会不会是fock PTS的?

Update: 最近看到的解释是,Keyhotee只是一个application, 所以不会存在和 PTS one-one maping的事情,任何人都可以注册一个ID, 只需要做prove of work的事情。

Keyhotee / Re: Introducing Keyhotee Video
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:21:56 am »
People in China can not access YouTube, can you provide the source of vedio, so that I can upload the Vedio on native webside like, Thanks.

Will look into it.

Cool, looking forward that. I am pleasure to upload to video share websites in China.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: ProtoShares今后的价值
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:11:48 am »

I wanted to be the alpha tester, as a programer, may feedback some insight problems. Thanks.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Harvey老狼-合力投标Keyhotee 计划书
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:06:21 am »
有谁了解Keyhotee的更多细节? 是基于PTS的吗?

Keyhotee / Re: Introducing Keyhotee Video
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:05:03 pm »
People in China can not access YouTube, can you provide the source of vedio, so that I can upload the Vedio on native webside like, Thanks.

Keyhotee / Are there any whitepaper for Keyhotee?
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:01:24 pm »
I cannot found any detail document or paper to describe Keyhotee? What exactly Keyhotee are?

Are there any whitepaper or detail document for Keyhotee?

Besides, people in Chinese can not access youtube, so that they cannot watch the video, could some one provide video in other websites, so that may be I can share the idea of Keyhotee with people there :)

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