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Messages - Aikuro

Pages: [1]
BitShares PTS / Re: So - anyone tried a Xeon Phi yet?
« on: December 05, 2013, 01:00:06 pm »
Pretty surely it would, but first you'd have to find one for those cards (or build a custom one). :p

BitShares PTS / Re: help pts wallte can't dumpprivkey
« on: December 05, 2013, 12:56:01 am »
Is your wallet encrypted?

BitShares PTS / Re: So - anyone tried a Xeon Phi yet?
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:43:43 pm »
An actively cooled version of the Phi is also available.. it's still not cooled well enough for usage in usual desktop PCs.
It was indeed designed for the (conditioned) airflow in server racks. Yet it could work out well if you add enough fans to your PC case, but I doubt the c/m gain would be worth the effort and costs.

Weil Leute wohl der Meinung waren, sich Fake-Accounts anlegen zu müssen, sperrte JiffyBox nun die Accounts, die Verhaltensmuster von Minern aufwiesen.

- And that's why we can't have nice things.

Trotzalledem danke an den TE.

Ich werd mir das mal ein bisschen anschauen und hinterlass dir dann demnächst mal was xP

Wieviele c/m schafft denn eine JiffyBox?

Managed to compile it under FreeBSD 9.2 x64.
Just had to change '#include <endian.h>' to '#include <machine/endian.h>' and comment out this low-priority stuff.
Mining @167c/m using an i7 2600k, 7 threads, 2048MB/thread. Pretty acceptable I guess.

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