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Topics - yankey

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Missing bts balance on migration
« on: January 28, 2016, 11:32:21 am »

So, my balance is recognized in the first :

however, it doesnt appear ! :

And before you ask.. Yes. The json was exported with the upto date old chain. What is going on here?!

Just watching this VERY interesting discussion. Here is a bit hinting at bitshares "assets" and backing / enforcement / legal implications etc... (1:25) :

<edit> Quote the Eris guy: "assets are things in action - they don't have existence until a court orders their enforcement"... wait... Isn't the whole idea of blockchains that they have rules AND their enforcement baked in?

"Tomorrow, XUSD markets will be replaced with Tether USD (USDT) markets. XUSD open orders will be closed, and XUSD will move to a regular BTC pairing. HYP and MMXIV will be removed from the USDT markets, but will remain in their BTC pairings."

General Discussion / Peter Schiff : 14 Jan 2015
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:05:15 am »
Peter Schiff is still bashing BTC 'cos it goes up and down "too much". Oh and he is not that bright as well. However maybe he is unaware of our gold market?

I wonder if he will ever get that BitGold removes all the heavyweight problems of physical gold?

From 22:30 -

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