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Messages - yankey

Pages: 1 [2]
Random Discussion / Re: Why aren't there many women in crypto?
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:17:13 pm »
Good question.

A large number of women are not interested in low level "how stuff works". i.e. The Hard Stuff. They are more touchy feely, "How does this make me feel better" and all that stuff..

I reckon this is where we get all the endless misguided attempts so "save" something-or-other (insert Whales, Forests, etc), and to "help" the underprivileged out of poverty though socialist force - they simply can not see how this won't work. Why? Because they can't see the low level mechanics of these ideas.

A perfect current example is Saving  the Elephants: Their depth of comprehension ends here :- "We just need to cuddle them more and have more laws Duh! - It's a no brainier really!" - Totally not getting the point that we are now up against the "economics of extinction", where just talking about it hypes the market and elephants are now being killed just to reduce the supply.

There is even the theory that women are the prime drivers of The State (see molyneaux youtube and elsewhere). Because they are so hard wired to fall for the tall dark handsome powerful bad ass talking heads who "speak to their inner wants" and all that crap. Plus - they are primed to want "free stuff" - the impossible "something for nothing" - which is why they mostly support the non productive business plan of The State:- i.e. Rob Peter -> Pay Paul. Cost of doing that:- Huge systemic debt.

My two cents.

General Discussion / Re: #7 is now live
« on: January 30, 2015, 07:08:42 am »
Excellent work.

hey you have a "bulldog" youtube channel?  or something to that effect?

Nope, i just think bitcoin is for retards dude!

General Discussion / Re: BTS price falling ... I would buy more if .....
« on: January 28, 2015, 01:53:14 pm »
I would buy more if we had a wallet that doesn't require a high end computer to run! We need web/mobile wallets asap!

I have an old laptop that was destined for a dumpster. Put an ssd and some more ram in it, it boots in 10 seconds and I have never had any problems with bitshares wallet performance. I highly recommend an ssd.

ssd is very necessary.

General Discussion / Re: #7 is now live
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:48:59 pm »
Excellent work.

Yes it is a HDD on a laptop - seriously disk intensive. - plus i was doing other things at the same time.

it was sort of working untill yesterday. Now whatever I do i get "Not Connected". Any insight?

What version are you running?  Have you tried 0.5.1 located at

Thank you. I have missed that update - new version says "replaying blockchain..." and going slowly. I will come back later.

That took about 10 hours - seems to be getting the chain now.

General Discussion / Peter Schiff : 14 Jan 2015
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:05:15 am »
Peter Schiff is still bashing BTC 'cos it goes up and down "too much". Oh and he is not that bright as well. However maybe he is unaware of our gold market?

I wonder if he will ever get that BitGold removes all the heavyweight problems of physical gold?

From 22:30 -

it was sort of working untill yesterday. Now whatever I do i get "Not Connected". Any insight?

What version are you running?  Have you tried 0.5.1 located at

Thank you. I have missed that update - new version says "replaying blockchain..." and going slowly. I will come back later.

it was sort of working untill yesterday. Now whatever I do i get "Not Connected". Any insight?

The technical problems are getting out of hand :-/

My wallet has been unusable for the past month. I am just waiting until we get the new release.

This is getting ridiculous.

General Discussion / Re: Open Bazaar
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:23:07 am »
There is something twisted about seeing some infantile mastercard ad lead in to a crypto videos.

boring boring blah blah... then Booom "OpenBazzar is a decentralized ecomerce platform.." LOL

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.5.0 Feedback
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:04:39 am »
Workable GUI is needed urgently.

I also have to use bitshares_client.exe and keep typing "blockchain_get_blockcount" like a moron (or up+enter)... inching forward from 1502318 and it is painful and embarrassing.

well spotted.

Technical Support / Re: Insights and Questions
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:15:52 am »
Hello. I have been watching BTS for ages with great fascination. Jumping in at last to add my voice -

Mass adoption? What about the appearance of a BITKES in a SIMPLE ANDROID MOBILE APP for Kenya Shillings only? The app must have ABSOLUTELY NONE of the fancy other BTS tech at all because it will only confuse everyone.

This will be a WAY superior form of Kenya shilling that comes complete with a higher interest (>10% in Kenya) (and of course all the blockchain wow for remittance). This will totally obliterate the broken and clunky old proprietary form filling gov plundering Mpesa system.

Africa is way behind the curve and they are just hearing about BTC now - but with BTS there is no need for even the concept of "a new currency" (all users will see is Kenya Shilling numbers moving around) :

RE: MPesa:

Look to the Third world guys!

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