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Messages - Chuckone

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Français (French) / Re: [request] translation for
« on: September 26, 2014, 02:30:34 pm »
Et si jamais tu veux une traduction du français québécois au français métropolitain, je suis là ^^

Je vais tenter d'utiliser un français international et ne pas trop utiliser de particularités langagières de la région.

Je vais bien sûr soumettre ma traduction aux critiques sur ce forum, il est tout à fait possible que plusieurs améliorations soient à faire!

Je compte sur tous les francophones sur ce forum pour m'aider ;)

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShares Music non-technical paper. Updated.
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:59:10 pm »
Solid job Cob,

I really see the potential growth there.

The artistcoin buy back from song selling revenues is very nice, there's going to be a great appeal to create artistcoins for niche artists as well as established money making machines (the likes of U2, Rolling Stones, etc.).

How do you plan on making sure there won't be any "scammers" that will create an artistcoin without being the real artist and try to sell them to others that believe they buy the coins from the real band? I mean it might take a while before some artists get to hear about Bitshares music, and  nothing (that I know of) is preventing early scammers to upload existing music for which they don't have the rights and sell artistcoins as well.

Français (French) / Re: [request] translation for
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:31:57 pm »
yeah go for it -- sry but can't speak french ... :-\

No issues there cass, in Quebec we're a few millions speaking french surrounded by more than 300 millions speaking english (the rest of Canada and the US), so it's kind of normal for most of us to know both languages ;)

Français (French) / Re: [request] translation for
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:21:11 pm »
Hey friends,

please excuse my English speaking, but my French is extremely rusty.
I'd like to ask the French speaking community for help translating the webpage

it's pretty easy:
1) download the en.php file from
2) make the french translation
3) send it to me or cass or post it here on the forum.

Much thanks and kind regards
 -- Fabian

Hey Xeroc,

I'm on it! I'm french canadian and my writing is quite good so I think I'm able to do a decent job. I'll work on it this week-end and post the translation in here for comments by the end of the week-end.


BTSX is not a currency, BitAssets within BTSX are the currency.
BTSX is the "bank" that is the source of credit behind the BitUSD issued.

Well BTSX is being traded as a currency on Bter, and can be sent to people like a currency from the wallet software.  I understand that BTSX is the value put up for collateral which underlies the market pegging of BitUSD.  But it is thus functioning as a currency is it not?  People can and will use it to buy/sell things.  Why do you say it's not a currency?

Maybe you are imagining that once BitUSD is stable people would just buy and sell things by transfering BitUSD instead of BTSX?  But they may also choose to use BTSX, no?  Especially if one of the parties believes that USD is being devalued by overprinting.  BTSX may be viewed as a more reliable currency...

The best analogy to describe BTSX using traditional financial world terms would be "equity". Not currency. You own a part of a DAC, which is an entity that generates revenues, which are redistributed to the "equity" owners through the burning rate.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: About Shares
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:37:36 pm »
Just FYI:

"Artists will promote their music on social media to attract Songcoin Investors. If a Songcoin investor likes a song, they can invest as much or as little as they wish. Seventy percent of the invested revenue will go straight to the artist, and the remaining, divided between the preceding investors and the Songcoin technology partners."

I like the way part of the new investments are used to finance the artists, but do not like at all the way the rest of the 30 percent is distributed... You're paid dividends with the money of the people investing in after you...

Directly taken from Wikipedia, under Ponzi scheme definition:

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator."

Edit: I don't want to say Songcoin is fraudulent, not my obtjective at all, and maybe I'm wrong, but there are stricking similarities between the business model of Songcoin and the definition of a Ponzi scheme

General Discussion / Re: My "explain it like I'm five" attempt
« on: September 19, 2014, 07:04:34 pm »
At some point the superiority of DPOS compared to PoW and the fact that DACs are actually profitable (Bitcoin can't claim that much) will come clear to even the most close-minded Bitcoin believer out there.

In Bitshares I believe!   :)

General Discussion / Re: My "explain it like I'm five" attempt
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:47:54 pm »
Like it!

The only thing I see that might spook a lot of people believing in Bitcoin is what you mention as the kind of inevitable death of Bitcoin in the future if it doesn't reinvent itself and the way you say that Bitshares has already done harm to Bitcoin. I think you're right, but I also believe a firm Bitcoin believer could argue.

I can already imagine the reactions if that was posted on Reddit...

General Discussion / Re: Interest on BitUSD - A Proposal for Review
« on: September 19, 2014, 04:32:17 pm »
I do like how you are focusing on where the actual growth is coming from. So where is the growth coming from in the case of BitShares X that allows for such high (expected) interest rates? The answer is that it comes from the expected increase in value of BTSX. As more people adopt the system, meaning transfer their wealth outside the blockchain into BitAssets, this should drive the market cap of BTSX up. Shorts and BTSX holders get to benefit from that price increase.
I think that what you described is some kind of ponzi design. Bitshares plans to promise high fixed interest rates, but only under condition that there will be ever expanding flow of new money to system. If that fails to materialize entire thing will collapse, because there will be no way to pay promised interest.

"Ponzi scheme" is thrown around way too much these days.

It has nothing to do with that in my understanding. Basically the more transactions there are, the more there will be transaction fees collected, the more there will be to redistribute to BTSX holders through the burn rate. In the case of bitAssets, more there are shorts, more there is bitAssets created, the higher the market cap of BTSX will need to be to have enough collateral for all those bitAssets. The fees collected from those shorts will then be redistributed to bitAssets holders (anyone, correct me if I'm wrong).

Tell me where the definition of "Ponzi scheme" fit in?

ID: chuckone

Thank you again!

General Discussion / Re: BTSX Price Getting Spanked by CNY
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:22:02 pm »

So allocate a stake (that you can afford to lose), expect to hold for at least two years, stay informed (due diligence) and watch the price go up/down/up with detached bemusement.

Wise piece of advice!

I Sit back and relax, hold and certainly don't panic. In time the market will see BTSX real value, all the rest is short term noise. Perfect time to buy for anyone who has unused liquidity (not-an-investment-advice)

Français (French) / Re: Qu'est ce que Bitshares?
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:34:17 pm »
Ok! Merci pour cette réponse
Je comprends mieux la différence, est ce que le wallet du PTS et le même que celui de BTSX?
Je vais me prendre du PTS comme ça je serai sur d'avoir des parts du prochain DAC qui sortira

Le wallet pour PTS n'est pas le même que celui pour les BTSX. Pour les PTS ça ressemble au wallet standard Bitcoin sur ton ordinateur. Pour les BTSX tu vas avoir besoin du programme Bitshares-X ( Ce n'est pas un wallet standard (qui joue tout de même le rôle de wallet), mais un "exchange" à proprement parlé où tu pourras négocier tes BTSX pour différents Bitassets (bitUSD, bitGld, bitCNY etc.). C'est le produit offert par Bitshares-X. Tu peux en lire beaucoup plus partout sur le forum.

General Discussion / Re: Incentivize taking BTSX off the exchanges
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:05:20 pm »
Now if localbitcoins could be convinced to add bitUSD or whatever the regional currency is a huge pipeline would open up practically overnight.

A direct pipeline from any currency to its equivalent in bitasset... The day it happens I'll be a happy man! Right now you have to buy Bitcoin with fiat on some exchange or OTC system (and pay a transaction fee), use those BTC to buy BTSX or buy any bitasset currently available on the exchanges (pay a transaction fee), transfer those BTSX/bitassets to your account (pay a transaction fee)... And all these transactions fees are paid out of the Bitshares ecosystem.

Not exactly the definition of efficiency...

KeyID / Re: should we comment on that bitshares incident at /r/namecoin?
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:14:28 pm »
I personally wouldn't comment on any of this, as it seems there's a lot of hatred toward Bitshares DNS in that comment and anything said by any person representing Bitshares would only feed that hatred. IF (I would be very surprised, but we never know) anyone from the Bitshares community has done any of those things, it is condemnable. If accusations/bashing toward the Bitshares team still continue to come from Namecoin's people, then I think it needs to be addressed, but replying angrily won't lead to anything good IMHO.

As the Bitshares DACs gain more and more traction, it's clear that those kind of accusations/bashing will be much more frequent from several more angles as it will definitely bother people that only want to "protect" their interests, whichever they are. It's only human nature after all.

Français (French) / Re: Qu'est ce que Bitshares?
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:43:50 pm »
Hello les amis

Je viens vous embêter pour avoir plus d'infos sur Bitshares et compagnie
C'est en constatant la montée en puissance de BitsharesX que je me suis intéressé
Tôt ou tard il y aura une solution alternative a Bitcoin, un 2.0 qui prendra peu être la relève, l'avenir est flou et incertain mais ce dont je suis sur c'est que Litecoin ne devrait plus pouvoir tenir sa position dans un avenir proche.
Alors le mieux c'est de diversifier et s'interessé un peu à tout, jusqu'a présent mon candidat favori est NxT mais Bitshares m'impressionne
En fait c'est surtout le fait de voir un tel soutien de la communauté chinoise, bien présente
Donc voila je voulais savoir qu'est ce qui attire tant

Aujourd'hui vaut t'il mieux investir sur PTS ou BTSX? L'un est dépendant de l'autre ou je peux très bien investir dans seulement le BTSX?

En fait les PTS sont seulement un conduit à travers lequel tu réussis à obtenir des parts de toutes les futures DACs. Quand tu en possèdes le jour d'un snapshot (événement annoncé environ 2-3 semaines à l'avance), tous les détenteurs de PTS/AGS seront inscrit dans le "genesis block" de la future DAC annoncée. Lorsque la DAC sera mise en ligne, tu pourras réclamer tes parts en avec ton adresse PTS. Le nombre de parts est fonction de la distribution (% alloué aux PTS) et du nombre de PTS que tu possèdais par rapport au nombre en circulation.

Le prix des PTS va varier en fonction des dates annoncées de "snapshot". Peu avant un snapshot, beaucoup de gens vont vouloir acheter des PTS, le prix va augmenter, et la journée suivant le snapshot, certains vont chercher à se débarasser de leur PTS et le prix risque de diminuer. Beaucoup de gens sont des détenteurs de longue dates, qui cherchent à conserver les PTS pour avoir une part de toutes les futures DACs qui seront créées.

La différence avec BTSX, c'est que tu investis dans la DAC principale de Bitshares, soit l'exchange/vault/bank. Plus de gens utiliseront Bitshares-X, plus il y aura de demandes pour les BTSX, plus le prix augmentera. Contrairement à Bitcoin, l'idée des DACs (distributed autonomous companies) est d'être des compagnies rentables qui génèrent des revenus qui seront remis aux détenteurs de parts sous forme d'augmentation de la valeur de leurs parts. Dans le cas de Bistshares-X, les revenus sont générés par les frais de transactions sur l'échange (burn rate).

Bref, en possédant des BTSX c'est que tu crois que le concept de cette DAC (Bitshares-X) est économiquement viable et que tu estimes qu'il y aura une demande accrue dans le temps pour les services qu'ils offrent, augmentant la valeur de chaque BTSX par la demande et le "burn rate".

En possèdant des PTS, c'est que tu estimes qu'il devrait y avoir plusieurs DACs dans le futur qui auront beaucoup de potentiel, et que tu veux avoir une part de chacune de ces DACs. Les développeurs sont tous autonomes, seulement ils se servent du Bitshares toolkit et respectent le concensus social de donner mininmum 10% des parts de leur DAC au PTS et 10% aux AGS.

Alors voilà, je crois avoir fait un résumé assez condensé de la différence entre BTSX et PTS selon mes connaissances, si tu as d'autres questions n'hésite pas!

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