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Messages - maqifrnswa

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it's a refund worker...
it doesn't really change anything, just explicitly sets the floor for returning unused budget to the pool, which was never being taken out so far

400k from the reserve fund which was not being spent is now being withdrawn and returned to it each day. This is the "floor" that will pick up the scraps from whatever projects users want to fund.

If you don't like it, reject it. But there is no point to reject it, literally does nothing to the value of BTS, and no one is getting paid from it -- it just makes it easier for when the community does approve workers for there to be this "floor"

Technical Support / Re: [API] How to get best bid/ask?
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:32:28 pm »
gets the best of both sides.

Documentation is found in the source for now.

Ok, great, its ordered, so:

get_limit_orders BTS USD 1 will get me the best bid ask?

Or is it:

get_limit_orders USD BTS 1


both will get you the same data, just the order the data is received is reversed. Best is to try both and see what the data looks like. The concept of bid/ask is a little ambiguous as the only operation is to "sell" on asset for another.

Technical Support / Re: usd-collateral-holder
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:17:14 pm »
This should fix the issue in the repo as of Oct 14th...

It is running at openledger.  However, the last release v2.15.286 happened on Oct 13th.

Can anyone confirm the fix at open ledger?

there are more recent releases (including 4 hours ago)

the ppa:showard314/bitshares on ubuntu has it and windows/mac binaries are available here:

Technical Support / Re: [API] How to get best bid/ask?
« on: October 20, 2015, 08:03:47 pm »
I'm looking at cli_wallet, all I can find is get_limit_orders, but there is no documentation.

Is that just one side of the book? Are the results ordered? Is there a better way to get the orderbook?

gets the best of both sides.

Documentation is found in the source for now.

Technical Support / Re: curl bitshares 2 api help
« on: October 20, 2015, 06:53:55 pm »
I have a hard time understanding how the bitshares 2 api works.
For example i want to get the transaction history of an account.
in bts 1:
{"method": "wallet_account_transaction_history", "params": ["myaccount"], "id": "0"}

how does it work in bts 2.0 with get_account_history?

you need the cli_wallet api. so the wallet connects to the witness node, and the curl request will go to the wallet port

Technical Support / Re: Request: Standalone Webwallet
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:03:32 pm »
In fact, no need to maintain windows/linux light wallet builds if you have a universal browser version in my opinion!

I through about this: replacing the "electron" client with a simple shell script "x-www-browser webclientdir/index.html" in the linux ppa -- but I'm afraid users may get confused thinking they are on a remote internet site if a browser window opens up (even though it's not) or get confused with the difference between the openledger site and their window.

Technical Support / Re: Request: Standalone Webwallet
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:00:27 pm »
Discussed this with @svk already, but I don't want this to get lost in translation.

Please bundle the webwallet for local use! In fact, no need to maintain windows/linux light wallet builds if you have a universal browser version in my opinion!

so we add only our local API connection?

...which is?

You can just open it (e.g., "firefox webwalletdir/index.html") and it will be default use the openledger API connection. You can then change the settings to point to your local witness node if you'd like.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone Developing Bitshares Trading Bots?
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:00:51 pm »
Yes, but there is no market history api call, cancel order cli_wallet api call or easy way to get your open orders without having to scan your transaction history manually to find your transaction objects

I know there is an api request for market history, don't know about the others

General Discussion / Re: Witness Communication Platform (Brownie Quest)
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:20:42 pm »
Latest update:

Telegram (primary channel)
There is now a backup alert bot.

Most of the active witnesses (and a few other non-active ones) are registered in both Telegram and Slack, except:

1) pc not in Telegram - I just sent him an invite a moment ago. Waiting for his response
pc has joined both Telegram and Slack
2) Thom not in Slack - He is not accepting it for now
3) Holytransaction not in Slack - I sent him invite earlier. Waiting for his response
3) maqifrnswa not in both - I sent him invite earlier. Waiting for his response
4) delegated-proof-of-steak not in both - (dev)
5) delegate.btsnow not in both (dev)
6) lafona not in Slack (he was missed out)- he has confirmed to join Slack when he is back

i've been in telegram for a week and am using sparkato's bot
my name is "Scott (maqifrnswa)" i'll just change it to maqifrnswa

If you make it closer to the SWAN than the FEED then you lose the benefit of outside information provided by the price feed.  Namely, someone with high collateral already has a very low CALL price (derived from SWAN) .  It would also have the effect of disabling any possibility of doing a margin call between SWAN and SQP.

I'm not saying it should be closer to SWAN than FEED, just that SQP should be in units of SWAN, not FEED. That is because the amount of SQP you want is a function of market collateralization, not FEED. This way if collateralization changes, but feed price stays the same, SQP should also change.

General Discussion / Re: What to do with Revenue?
« on: October 17, 2015, 09:08:11 pm »
I agree that the network will have to invest in itself. I don't know if worker proposals are implemented in any wallet yet. The blockchain supports it, so you can manually write your own proposal transactions. However, I don't know how much support wallets have for voting for workers. Feature parity was targeted first, now the new features (like workers) will probably be exposed in a controlled manner.

Software Center gives me this:

Lintian check results for /home/sewnvac/Downloads/bitshares-light_2.15.288_amd64.deb:
E: BitShares-light: bad-package-name
E: BitShares-light: package-not-lowercase
E: BitShares-light: maintainer-name-missing
Use of uninitialized value $name in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/Lintian/ line 203.

I will continue to use 0.9.3 for now.

Code: [Select]
sudo dpkg -i /home/sewnvac/Downloads/bitshares-light_2.15.288_amd64.deb
instead of software centre
or try:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:showard314/bitshares
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bitshares2-ui

Technical Support / Re: [Python] Price Feed Script for BitShares 2.0
« on: October 16, 2015, 04:41:20 pm »
the question is , how much we can set  short_squeeze_ratio to?
which is better? which is bad?
if witness set it to 1000%, all short position will force margin call, and sell at 10% price. I think it's bad.
if 500% is bad? if 200% is bad? if 150% is bad? what's the rule? do we need to set a hard code limit? what's the value?
will you short bitUSD if there is no limit?
in my opnion, 110% should be the hard code limit, if we don't protect short position, nobody dare to short, bitUSD die.

I don't think there is one economically "correct" answer since it depends on collateralization. Well collateralized markets  can have it set much higher than lower collateralized markets. At this point, you have to go by "feel" and adjust accordingly. Or we can use the price feed script to publish a squeeze ratio that is a function of SWAN or average collateralization for each market.

Maybe 1.25xSWAN is a good number? That means:

Technical Support / Re: [Python] Price Feed Script for BitShares 2.0
« on: October 16, 2015, 03:40:36 pm »
I skrewed up my git repository while "cleanin up" ..
I agree with the protection and SQR to be defined by the witnesses even though I am not sure they are supposed to be the same for all markets.

Anyway. what I don't like to see is workers publishing price feeds .. even though that would make running a witness legally uncritical in most countries, it would complicated running a worker (since you now need to actually RUN somthing) + you'd have the legal problems too ..

I also agree that workers shouldn't be publishing price feeds. I think people are thinking committee members should propose a short squeeze ratio that is approved, like any other network parameter change, by the users. No different legal issues than changing fees and witnesses still publish feeds.

Technical Support / Re: [Python] Price Feed Script for BitShares 2.0
« on: October 16, 2015, 03:39:12 pm »
yes, you are right.
all witness please think about it,  set short_squeeze_ratio between 1001 to 1100.

my opinion is that higher could be acceptable (and actually preferred), but we are making the ratio to the wrong value (FEED instead of SWAN).,19102.msg245969.html#msg245969

Since allowing a black swan is worse than allowing margin calls in an artificial short squeeze, I'd suggest a larger short_squeeze_ratio (1100). However, that number is kind of arbitrary since it isn't a function of collateralization.

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