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Messages - joereform

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General Discussion / Re: NeuCoin Inspired Ideas
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:13:29 pm »
The merge-related dilution and the  current inflationary aspect of BTS are two things I never signed up for, and it would be best if we returned to making BTS a purely deflationary crypto from this point forward.

General Discussion / Re: Moonstone Fundraiser Help Thread
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:03:29 pm »
I sent the MOONFUND I purchased with bitcoin from the newly-generated wallet to my main BitShares address. No problem with that, right?

I appreciate that bytemaster is acknowledging the problem of customer attraction and trying to find a solution to it. As a true believer in BitShares and the solutions it aims to provide, I share the frustration of others who see the twofold problem: a lack of a stable client and the dearth of effective marketing.

First, the client needs to be fixed. Yes, it is a pre-1.0 product, but so is Bitcoin-Qt, and we do not hear nearly the same level of complaint regarding that product. I cannot be the only one who has frequent trouble getting a connection to the BitShares network on the GUI client even to transact business on the exchange. I am not a programmer; I would not know the first thing about how to get into the code and work out all of the bugs. I just know it needs to be done if we are going to expect people to trust the network.

Secondly, making price feed publishing a built-in aspect of the delegate client would be ideal. Yes, BTS holders can vote against those who do not publish feeds; but I will admit that, as a novice about what goes on under the hood, I have no idea even how to determine who is publishing and who isn't. How would a complete novice be able to rely on the market pegs holding on their BitAssets?

Lastly, as someone mentioned in this thread, what I see overall is a lack of promotion and a lack of focus. I read and listen to a lot of the crypto news sources out there. I cannot even remember the last time I heard something from the BitShares team that wasn't internal (e.g. the Mumble chats). Preaching to the choir isn't going to build this DAC. And, while incentivizing word-of-mouth is not a bad thing in itself, there are a host of ways to get the message of BitShares out there, not only to the current crypto community, but to the larger population on the fringes of Bitcoin, etc.

Why aren't BitUSD and BitEUR and BitCNY being promoted as stable crypto alternatives to a volatile bitcoin? Merchants who refuse to accept bitcoin because of the perceived threat of loss of value could accept fiat-pegged BitAssets without having to resort to Coinbase or Bitpay to "lock in" the value of their revenue. I have not heard a single person connected with BitShares promote BitAssets in this manner, and I am actively looking for such promotion.

Why isn't TITAN being promoted as a solution to the privacy issues connected to the Bitcoin blockchain? Not only does it assure greater anonymity of transactions, but also it completely gets rid of the need for long, arcane addresses and QR codes. This should be a slam-dunk for those new to crypto, but they are not getting the message.

Using the BitShares blockchain as a real, interest-bearing savings account is another draw for those who may have no interest in the exchange per se. With fiat gateways in place, or even through projects like Shapeshift or Moonstone, people can convert their savings into BitUSD and earn a stable rate of interest while still keeping them quite liquid.

In short, there are several use cases for those who may never be interested in purchasing a single BTS ever, and why should they? Let those of us who are interested in being market makers and shareholders in the DAC do that, and promote the DAC also to those who will drive up demand for the BitAssets but who have no interest in actively trading.

I firmly believe that the BitShares DAC is an idea with qualities far superior to many of the other projects out there, and qualities that make it easier for BitShares to gain followers who have no interest in blockchains or SHA-256 or confirmation times or QR codes. But having a superior idea without proper dissemination of it may make BitShares the Betamax of the crypto world. The value of BTS is plummeting; the available amount of BitUSD is approximately 80% of what it was just last week. We all have to think both inside and outside of the current cryptocurrency box (like Peertracks seems to be doing, to their credit) if this project is to be here for the long run.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Needed: Report on the Texas Bitcoin Conference
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:04:40 am »
I was there. The crowd wasn't really that large at all, and I am referring to the conference as a whole, not just the Peertracks presentation. There may have been 150 people in the audience at the time, but that would be a generous estimation.

There was a good presentation and brief demo of the Moonstone wallet/app. One of the issues I had with the conference is that many of the presentations, including this one, were limited to about 20 minutes, including any Q&A, for which there was not time after their talk. This wasn't a very good venue at all to talk about their product at length; and although I got a chance to talk to Eddie and the gang afterward, I don't know how much traction Peertracks got at all.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Claiming Notes questions
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:52:15 am »
Are the pre-sale NOTES liquid yet? I have the AGS NOTES in my wallet now, but I just imported the private key of an address I used to buy more during the pre-sale.

If I am missing a console command to pull the NOTES connected to that account into my wallet, please let me know what it is.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.8.0 Feedback
« on: March 24, 2015, 05:13:35 pm »
Hasn't connected to the network in over a day on my OS X.

Still getting a call price error, but I do not know if that is a result of the blocks not being synced.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares article on coindesk
« on: March 01, 2015, 01:51:58 pm »
no mention of shapeshift ...
Or TITAN, which should be another big selling point in an article aimed at the crypto community.

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD atomic cross chain trading
« on: February 22, 2015, 01:45:33 am »
It's true, people do not care about 'decentralized'. They care about security.

I, along with many, many others, care about both. The former contributes to the latter.

I am not a fan of keeping either fiat or crypto on exchanges, but there is a bitUSD:USD market on as well. No need to involve BTC at all.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.6.1 Feedback
« on: February 14, 2015, 03:40:50 pm »
This version is very very slooooooowww....

It has been synching for at least 6 hours.... I hope that this takes all this time just once. Other than that as a version it looks nicer...

Yeah, this.

General Discussion / Using TITAN to mix BTC
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:04:13 am »
With the ShapeShift gateway, one can almost instantly convert BTC to BTS and have it deposited to your registered account.

My question is whether the way TITAN is set up is an effective way to mix BTC.

In other words...

1. I have ShapeShift convert a certain amount of BTC by sending it from my HD wallet and having it send BTS to my registered Bitshares address.
2. I immediately send the same amount of BTS back to ShapeShift (either in one or in multiple transactions), and it sends me BTC to brand-new Bitcoin address(es).

If I understand how TITAN works, the amount of BTC I still have would be, for all practical purposes, untraceable. Am I correct, or am I missing something here?

BitShares PTS / Re: PTS to Register Account?
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:43:06 am »
The OP never returned my PTS, incidentally.

General Discussion / BitBTC:BitUSD market question
« on: February 01, 2015, 08:46:10 pm »
I'd like to take some advantage of the volatility of BTC by trading the bitBTC and bitUSD pair on the DAC. I see the market exists, but there are no open orders either on the buying side or the selling side.

Can one short one for the other without a price feed? I know that market depth would be necessary to make this venture worthwhile. I am pretty surprised that the speculators on the centralized exchanges haven't migrated this direction at least a little. The ShapeShift on/off ramp would make it a lot easier for those who desire to keep their funds on an exchange without frequently withdrawing in fiat.

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: January 22, 2015, 03:48:27 am »
Now that 0.5.0 is out, how do I import my wallets from the Bitshares DNS and Bitshares Vote apps to claim my sharedrop amounts?

I know the command to get the sharedrop once the keys are in the Bitshares progam. I am just having trouble figuring out how to get my Mac OS client to connect with those other wallets in the first place. I exported both wallets as .json files. Is that the first step? Thanks.

I had the same situation as well. I went to and found the block with my transaction in it based on the time that I broadcasted it (one of the benefits of 30-second blocks). I then included the block number and the tx ID in my support ticket. It took them a few hours but eventually credited it to my account.

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