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Messages - joereform

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Muse/SoundDAC / MUSE blockchain still alive?
« on: June 23, 2017, 09:37:42 am »
I opened up my MUSE wallet after months of not using it. After 3 days, the blockchain is still out of sync. At the bottom right of the UI version of the wallet, it reads, "Head block #16294147" and hasn't changed at all since I reopened it.

Are there any witnesses still maintaining the blockchain at this point?

Muse/SoundDAC / Moonstone lives?
« on: July 03, 2016, 01:22:47 pm »
There has been activity on Moonstone's Twitter feed (@moonstone). It states they have a product in alpha. What do you make of this?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: PeerTracks made FORBES
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:06:15 am »
Awesome! I am sharing it on my social media accounts right now.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: OPENMUSE question
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:39:57 am »
I did, yes.

It just showed up. I thought it would be more automatic than that.

Muse/SoundDAC / OPENMUSE question
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:20:08 am »
I withdrew some OPENMUSE using the BTS light client to my MUSE wallet. The withdrawal on the BTS end happened right away, but over 30 minutes later, there's no MUSE.

How long does it normally take for the MUSE to show up in my MUSE wallet?

(Block #1329206, if anyone feels like taking a look.)

Technical Support / Claiming my "Vested cashback balance"
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:16:21 am »
I am a lifetime member running the GUI version of the light wallet. How do I claim the vesting cashback balance on my account?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE Witnesses
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:31:47 pm »
I will happily be a witness. Count me in.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Snapshot and MUSE launch date!
« on: October 16, 2015, 11:06:30 am »
When will the witness client be available?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Micro update
« on: July 24, 2015, 06:41:06 am »
Thanks for the update. You guys rock!  +5%

That is some good PR work there.  +5%

(Seymour Stein did a lot more for the music industry than just sign Madonna, by the way.)

Follow My Vote / Please refresh my memory re: merger
« on: June 13, 2015, 03:06:44 am »
I am aware that Bitshares VOTE got sidelined and was somehow part of the merger. I was an AGS donator, so please help me out with a little history lesson:

Was a software client for Bitshares VOTE ever released? I do not have one on my computer, and I am pretty certain I never imported any .json VOTE keys into the Bitshares wallet. (I do, however, have the BTC and PTS addresses I used to donate in the BitShares wallet).

I am just trying to make sure that I did everything I needed to be getting the full sharedrop amount I am entitled to, so if I missed something in making the transition, what else is necessary?


Just to be clear, let's say a user has already issued assets without the new KYC/AML requirements. Does that user have to retroactively go back and get all of that info?

And what about assets like NOTE, that are just placeholders for a future blockchain?

This is not good news to me. Pseudonymity and TITAN were two of the biggest selling points for Bitshares for me.

I think pushing the tech out to merchants is what'll eventually drive big liquidity.

Yes, there is absolutely no reason why merchants could not accept BitAssets. Furthermore, I wouldn't mind receiving BitUSD or BitCNY as compensation for jobs I perform for others.

Peertracks is not ready for the masses. When the time is right than we shall contact all our favorite artists.

Yep, this is my take on it as well.

I am a NOTE holder/buyer and a PeerTracks believer, but I am not going to promote it to my friends and acquaintances in the industry until I can specifically explain to them how they will be getting paid under this model, and until the web site and links are cleaned up.

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